Title: | Expanded Replacement and Extension of the 'optim' Function |
Description: | Provides a replacement and extension of the optim() function to call to several function minimization codes in R in a single statement. These methods handle smooth, possibly box constrained functions of several or many parameters. Note that function 'optimr()' was prepared to simplify the incorporation of minimization codes going forward. Also implements some utility codes and some extra solvers, including safeguarded Newton methods. Many methods previously separate are now included here. This is the version for CRAN. |
Authors: | John C Nash [aut, cre], Ravi Varadhan [aut], Hans W Borchers [ctb], Gabor Grothendieck [ctb] |
Maintainer: | John C Nash <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 2024-12.31 |
Built: | 2025-03-07 04:34:38 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/nashjc/optimx |
provides a replacement and extension of the link{optim()}
function to
unify and streamline optimization capabilities in R for smooth, possibly box
constrained functions of several or many parameters
The three functions ufn, ugr and uhess wrap corresponding user functions fn, gr, and
hess so that these functions can be executed safely (via try()) and also so parameter or
function scaling can be applied. The wrapper
functions also allow for maximization of functions (via minimization of the negative of
the function) using the logical parameter maximize
There are three test functions, fnchk, grchk, and hesschk, to allow the user
function to be tested for validity and correctness. However, no set of tests is
exhaustive, and extensions and improvements are welcome. The package
is used for generation of numerical approximations to
axsearch Perform an axial search optimality check bmchk Check bounds and masks for parameter constraints bmstep Compute the maximum step along a search direction. checksolver Checks if method is available in allmeth ctrldefault Sets the default values of elements of the control() list dispdefault To display default control settings fnchk Test validity of user function gHgen Compute gradient and Hessian as a given set of parameters gHgenb Compute gradient and Hessian as a given set of parameters appying bounds and masks grback Backward numerical gradient approximation grcentral Central numerical gradient approximation grchk Check that gradient function evaluation matches numerical gradient grfwd Forward numerical gradient approximation grnd Gradient approximation using \code{numDeriv} grpracma Gradient approximation using \code{pracma} hesschk Check that Hessian function evaluation matches numerical approximation hjn A didactic example code of the Hooke and Jeeves algorithm kktchk Check the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions multistart Try a single method with multiple starting parameter sets ncg Revised CG solver nvm Revised Variable Metric solver opm Wrapper that allows multiple minimizers to be applied to a given objective function optchk Check supplied objective function optimr Wrapper that allows different (single) minimizers to be applied to a given objective function using a common syntax like that of optim() optimx Wrapper that allows multiple minimizers to be applied to a given objective function. Complexity of the code maked this function difficult to maintain, and opm() is the suggested replacement, but optimx() is retained for backward compatibility. optimx.check a component of optimx() optimx-package a component of optimx() optimx.run a component of optimx() optimx.setup a component of optimx() optsp An environment to hold some globally useful items used by optimization programs. Created on loading package with zzz.R polyopt Allows sequential application of methods to a given problem. proptimr compact output of optimr() result object Rcgmin Conjugate gradients minimization Rcgminb Bounds constrained conjugate gradients minimization Rcgminu Unconstrained conjugate gradients minimization Rtnmin-package Internal functions for the S.G.Nash truncated newton method Rvmmin Variable metric minimization method Rvmminb Bounds constrained variable metric minimization method Rvmminu Unconstrained variable metric minimization method scalechk Check scale of initial parameters and bounds snewtm Demonstration Newton-Marquardt minimization method snewton Demonstration safeguarded Newton minimization method snewtonmb Bounds constrained safeguarded Newton method tnbc Bounds constrained truncated Newton method tn Unconstrained truncated Newton method
John C Nash <[email protected]> and Ravi Varadhan <[email protected]>
Maintainer: John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, John C. and Varadhan, Ravi (2011) Unifying Optimization Algorithms to Aid Software System Users: optimx for R, Journal of Statistical Software, publication pending.
Nonlinear optimization problems often terminate at points in the
parameter space that are not satisfactory optima. This routine conducts an axial
search, stepping forward and backward along each parameter and computing the objective
function. This allows us to compute the tilt
and radius of curvature
along that parameter axis.
assumes that one is MINIMIZING the function fn
. If you are
working with a maximization, it is suggested that you write your own function that
is to be minimized, that is, (-1)*(function to be maximized). All discussion here is in
terms of minimization.
Axial search may find parameters with a function value lower than that at the
supposed minimum, i.e., lower than fmin
In this case axsearch
exits immediately with the new function value and
parameters. This can be used to restart an optimizer, as in the optimx wrapper.
axsearch(par, fn=NULL, fmin=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, control=list(), ...)
axsearch(par, fn=NULL, fmin=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, control=list(), ...)
par |
A numeric vector of values of the optimization function parameters that are at a supposed minimum. |
fn |
The user objective function |
fmin |
The presumed value of the objective function at the parameters |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. Partly for historical reasons, we use the same array during the progress of optimization as an indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (bdmsk element set to -3) or upper bound (-1). |
control |
Algorithm controls as per |
... |
Extra arguments for the user function. |
The axial search MAY give a lower function value, in which case, one can restart an optimization. However, it is left to the user to do this. Its primary use is in presenting some features of the function surface in the tilt and radius of curvature measures returned. However, better measures should be possible, and this function should be regarded as largely experimental.
Note: As of December 2021, the calling syntax has changed from
axsearch(par, fn=NULL, fmin=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0, ...)
In case any user has code employing the older function, it is to be found in
The new syntax has trace
replaced with control=list{}
, where the defaults
are found from the function ctrldefault()
. This routine uses three particular
is 0 if no intermediate output is desired, non-zero otherwise.
is a large number used to provide a value for the objective function
when the parameters are inadmissible.
is used to test for equality of small numbers by comparing their
sums with reltest
is a small quantity, but it is used when multiplied by reltest
to give epst
, the axial step control. Each parameter is stepped by an amount
. Note that the author has never found it
necessary to adjust these values from the defaults generated by ctrldefault()
A list with components:
bestfn |
The lowest (best) function value found during the axial search, else the original fmin value. (This is actively set in that case.) |
par |
The vector of parameters at the best function value. |
details |
A data frame reporting the original parameters, the forward step and backward step function values, the size of the step taken for a particular parameter, the tilt and the roc (radius of curvature). Some elements will be NA if we find a lower function value during the axial search. |
##################### # require(optimx) # Simple bounds test for n=4 bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-4 lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) # bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) cat("lower bounds:") print(lower) cat("start: ") print(xx) cat("upper bounds:") print(upper) abtrvm <- list() # ensure we have the structure cat("Rvmmin \n\n") # Note: trace set to 0 below. Change as needed to view progress. # Following can be executed if package optimx available # abtrvm <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", # control=list(trace=0)) # Note: use lower=lower etc. because there is a missing hess= argument # print(abtrvm) abtrvm$par <- c(0.00, 0.75, 1.50, 2.25) abtrvm$value <- 7.875 cat("Axial search") axabtrvm <- axsearch(abtrvm$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL) print(axabtrvm) abtrvm1 <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", control=list(maxit=1, trace=0)) proptimr(abtrvm1) abtrvm1$value <- 8.884958 abtrvm1$par <- c(0.625, 1.625, 2.625, 3.625) cat("Axial search") axabtrvm1 <- axsearch(abtrvm1$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm1$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL) print(axabtrvm1) cat("Do NOT try axsearch() with maximize\n")
##################### # require(optimx) # Simple bounds test for n=4 bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-4 lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) # bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) cat("lower bounds:") print(lower) cat("start: ") print(xx) cat("upper bounds:") print(upper) abtrvm <- list() # ensure we have the structure cat("Rvmmin \n\n") # Note: trace set to 0 below. Change as needed to view progress. # Following can be executed if package optimx available # abtrvm <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", # control=list(trace=0)) # Note: use lower=lower etc. because there is a missing hess= argument # print(abtrvm) abtrvm$par <- c(0.00, 0.75, 1.50, 2.25) abtrvm$value <- 7.875 cat("Axial search") axabtrvm <- axsearch(abtrvm$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL) print(axabtrvm) abtrvm1 <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", control=list(maxit=1, trace=0)) proptimr(abtrvm1) abtrvm1$value <- 8.884958 abtrvm1$par <- c(0.625, 1.625, 2.625, 3.625) cat("Axial search") axabtrvm1 <- axsearch(abtrvm1$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm1$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL) print(axabtrvm1) cat("Do NOT try axsearch() with maximize\n")
Nonlinear optimization problems often have explicit or implicit upper and lower bounds on the parameters of the function to be miminized or maximized. These are called bounds or box constraints. Some of the parameters may be fixed for a given problem or for a temporary trial. These fixed, or masked, paramters are held at one value during a specific 'run' of the optimization.
It is possible that the bounds are inadmissible, that is, that at least one lower bound
exceeds an upper bound. In this case we set the flag admissible
Parameters that are outside the bounds are moved to the nearest bound and the flag
is set TRUE. However, we DO NOT change masked parameters, and they
may be outside the bounds. This is an implementation choice, since it may be useful
to test objective functions at point outside the bounds.
The package bmchk is essentially a test of the R function bmchk(), which is likely to be incorporated within optimization codes.
bmchk(par, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0, offset=100, shift2bound=TRUE)
bmchk(par, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0, offset=100, shift2bound=TRUE)
par |
A numeric vector of starting values of the optimization function parameters. |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. Partly for historical reasons, we use the same array during the progress of optimization as an indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (bdmsk element set to -3) or upper bound (-1). |
trace |
An integer that controls whether diagnostic information is displayed. A positive value displays information, 0 (default) does not. |
offset |
If provided, is used to detect equality of numbers. That is, two
values |
shift2bound |
If TRUE, non-masked paramters outside bounds are adjusted to the nearest bound. We then set parchanged = TRUE which implies the original parameters were infeasible. |
The bmchk function will check that the bounds exist and are admissible, that is, that there are no lower bounds that exceed upper bounds.
There is a check if lower and upper bounds are very close together, in which case a mask is imposed and maskadded is set TRUE. NOTE: it is generally a VERY BAD IDEA to have bounds close together in optimization, but here we use a tolerance based on the double precision machine epsilon. Thus it is not a good idea to rely on bmchk() to test if bounds constraints are well-posed.
A list with components:
bvec |
The vector of parameters, possibly adjusted to bounds. Parameters
outside bounds are adjusted to the nearest bound. We let |
bdmsk |
adjusted input masks |
bchar |
a set of indicators that give information about the parameters, that is, if they are out-of-bounds-low ("-"), at a lower bound ("L"), free ("F"), at an upper bound ("U"), out-of-bounds-high ("+"), masked (fixed) ("M"), of unknown characteristics ("?""), or inadmissible ("!""). |
lower |
(adjusted) lower bounds. If there are no lower bounds, a vector
of values equal to -Inf is substituted. Similarly, a single value is
expanded to a complete vector.
If any upper and lower bounds are equal (as mediated by |
upper |
(adjusted) upper bounds |
nolower |
TRUE if no lower bounds, FALSE otherwise |
noupper |
TRUE if no upper bounds, FALSE otherwise |
bounds |
TRUE if there are any bounds, FALSE otherwise |
admissible |
TRUE if bounds are admissible, FALSE otherwise This means no lower bound exceeds an upper bound. That is the bounds themselves are sensible. This condition has nothing to do with the starting parameters. |
maskadded |
TRUE when a mask has been added because bounds are very close or equal, FALSE otherwise. See the code for the implementation. |
parchanged |
TRUE if parameters are changed by bounds, FALSE otherswise. Note that parchanged = TRUE implies the input parameter values were infeasible, that is, violated the bounds constraints. |
feasible |
TRUE if parameters are within or on bounds, FALSE otherswise. |
onbound |
TRUE if any parameter is on a bound, FALSE otherswise.
Note that parchanged = TRUE implies onbound = TRUE, but this is not used inside
the function. This output value may be important, for example, in using the
optimization function |
##################### ## cat("25-dimensional box constrained function\n") ## flb <- function(x) ## { p <- length(x); sum(c(1, rep(4, p-1)) * (x - c(1, x[-p])^2)^2) } start<-rep(2, 25) cat("\n start:") print(start) lo<-rep(2,25) cat("\n lo:") print(lo) hi<-rep(4,25) cat("\n hi:") print(hi) bt<-bmchk(start, lower=lo, upper=hi, trace=1) print(bt)
##################### ## cat("25-dimensional box constrained function\n") ## flb <- function(x) ## { p <- length(x); sum(c(1, rep(4, p-1)) * (x - c(1, x[-p])^2)^2) } start<-rep(2, 25) cat("\n start:") print(start) lo<-rep(2,25) cat("\n lo:") print(lo) hi<-rep(4,25) cat("\n hi:") print(hi) bt<-bmchk(start, lower=lo, upper=hi, trace=1) print(bt)
Nonlinear optimization problems often have explicit or implicit upper and lower bounds on the parameters of the function to be miminized or maximized. These are called bounds or box constraints. Some of the parameters may be fixed for a given problem or for a temporary trial. These fixed, or masked, paramters are held at one value during a specific 'run' of the optimization.
The bmstep() function computes the maximum step possible (which could be infinite) along a particular search direction from current parameters to bounds.
bmstep(par, srchdirn, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0)
bmstep(par, srchdirn, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0)
par |
A numeric vector of starting values of the optimization function parameters. |
srchdirn |
A numeric vector giving the search direction. |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. Partly for historical reasons, we use the same array during the progress of optimization as an indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (bdmsk element set to -3) or upper bound (-1). |
trace |
An integer that controls whether diagnostic information is displayed. A positive value displays information, 0 (default) does not. |
The bmstep function will compute and return (as a double or Inf) the maximum step to the bounds.
A double precision value or Inf giving the maximum step to the bounds.
##################### xx <- c(1, 1) lo <- c(0, 0) up <- c(100, 40) sdir <- c(4,1) bm <- c(1,1) # both free ans <- bmstep(xx, sdir, lo, up, bm, trace=1) # stepsize print(ans) # distance print(ans*sdir) # New parameters print(xx+ans*sdir)
##################### xx <- c(1, 1) lo <- c(0, 0) up <- c(100, 40) sdir <- c(4,1) bm <- c(1,1) # both free ans <- bmstep(xx, sdir, lo, up, bm, trace=1) # stepsize print(ans) # distance print(ans*sdir) # New parameters print(xx+ans*sdir)
Test if requested solver is present.
checksolver(method, allmeth, allpkg) checkallsolvers()
checksolver(method, allmeth, allpkg) checkallsolvers()
method |
Character string giving the name of the solver requested. |
allmeth |
Character vector giving the names of the methods optimr can use. |
allpkg |
Character vector giving the names of the packages where solvers are found. |
If the solver defined by character string in method
available, then checksolver
returns this string, else NULL.
returns a vector of strings that are the
names of missing solvers, else NULL if all solvers specified in allmeth
are present where allmeth
is returned from a call to ctrldefault(n)
where n
is some integer.
allmeth <- c("Rvmmin", "nlminb","ipopttest") allpkg <- c("Rvmmin", "stats","ipoptr") print(checksolver("nlminb", allmeth, allpkg)) # If Rvmmin NOT available, get msg that PACKAGE not available. print(checksolver("Rvmmin", allmeth, allpkg)) # Get message that SOLVER not found print(checksolver("notasolver", allmeth, allpkg))
allmeth <- c("Rvmmin", "nlminb","ipopttest") allpkg <- c("Rvmmin", "stats","ipoptr") print(checksolver("nlminb", allmeth, allpkg)) # If Rvmmin NOT available, get msg that PACKAGE not available. print(checksolver("Rvmmin", allmeth, allpkg)) # Get message that SOLVER not found print(checksolver("notasolver", allmeth, allpkg))
Summarize an "opm"
## S3 method for class 'opm' coef(object, ...) ## S3 replacement method for class 'opm' coef(x) <- value
## S3 method for class 'opm' coef(object, ...) ## S3 replacement method for class 'opm' coef(x) <- value
object |
Object returned by |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to the function. Currently not used. |
x |
An |
value |
Set parameters equal to this value. |
returns the best parameters found by each method that
returned such parameters. The returned coefficients are in the form of a
matrix with the rows named by the relevant methods and the columns named
according to parameter names provided by the user in the vector of starting
values, or else by "p1", "p2", ..., if names are not provided.
ans <- opm(fn = function(x) sum(x*x), par = 1:2, method="ALL", control=list(trace=0)) print(coef(ans)) ansx <- optimx(fn = function(x) sum(x*x), par = 1:2, control=list(all.methods=TRUE, trace=0)) print(coef(ansx)) ## Not run: proj <- function(x) x/sum(x) f <- function(x) -prod(proj(x)) ans <- opm(1:2, f) print(ans) coef(ans) <- apply(coef(ans), 1, proj) print(ans) ## End(Not run)
ans <- opm(fn = function(x) sum(x*x), par = 1:2, method="ALL", control=list(trace=0)) print(coef(ans)) ansx <- optimx(fn = function(x) sum(x*x), par = 1:2, control=list(all.methods=TRUE, trace=0)) print(coef(ansx)) ## Not run: proj <- function(x) x/sum(x) f <- function(x) -prod(proj(x)) ans <- opm(1:2, f) print(ans) coef(ans) <- apply(coef(ans), 1, proj) print(ans) ## End(Not run)
Set control defaults.
ctrldefault(npar) dispdefault(ctrl)
ctrldefault(npar) dispdefault(ctrl)
npar |
Number of parameters to optimize. |
ctrl |
A list (likely generated by 'ctrldefault') of default settings to 'optimx'. |
returns the default control settings for optimization tools.
provides a compact display of the contents of a control settings list.
checks a user-provided R function, ffn
fnchk(xpar, ffn, trace=0, ... )
fnchk(xpar, ffn, trace=0, ... )
xpar |
the (double) vector of parameters to the objective funcion |
ffn |
a user-provided function to compute the objective function |
trace |
set >0 to provide output from fnchk to the console, 0 otherwise |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
attempts to discover various errors in function setup in user-supplied
functions primarily intended for use in optimization calculations. There are always
more conditions that could be tested!
The output is a list consisting of list(fval=fval, infeasible=infeasible, excode=excode, msg=msg)
fval |
The calculated value of the function at parameters |
infeasible |
FALSE if the function can be evaluated, TRUE if not. |
excode |
An exit code, which has a relationship to |
msg |
A text string giving information about the result of the function check: Messages and
the corresponding values of
John C. Nash <[email protected]>
# Want to illustrate each case. # Ben Bolker idea for a function that is NOT scalar # rm(list=ls()) # library(optimx) sessionInfo() benbad<-function(x, y){ # y may be provided with different structures f<-(x-y)^2 } # very simple, but ... y<-1:10 x<-c(1) cat("fc01: test benbad() with y=1:10, x=c(1)\n") fc01<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=4, y) print(fc01) y<-as.vector(y) cat("fc02: test benbad() with y=as.vector(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc02<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc02) y<-as.matrix(y) cat("fc03: test benbad() with y=as.matrix(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc03<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc03) y<-as.array(y) cat("fc04: test benbad() with y=as.array(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc04<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc04) y<-"This is a string" cat("test benbad() with y a string, x=c(1)\n") fc05<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc05) cat("fnchk with Rosenbrock\n") fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } xtrad<-c(-1.2,1) ros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(ros1) npar<-2 opros<-list2env(list(fn=fr, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, MAXIMIZE=FALSE, PARSCALE=rep(1,npar), FNSCALE=1, KFN=0, KGR=0, KHESS=0, dots=NULL)) uros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(uros1)
# Want to illustrate each case. # Ben Bolker idea for a function that is NOT scalar # rm(list=ls()) # library(optimx) sessionInfo() benbad<-function(x, y){ # y may be provided with different structures f<-(x-y)^2 } # very simple, but ... y<-1:10 x<-c(1) cat("fc01: test benbad() with y=1:10, x=c(1)\n") fc01<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=4, y) print(fc01) y<-as.vector(y) cat("fc02: test benbad() with y=as.vector(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc02<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc02) y<-as.matrix(y) cat("fc03: test benbad() with y=as.matrix(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc03<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc03) y<-as.array(y) cat("fc04: test benbad() with y=as.array(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc04<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc04) y<-"This is a string" cat("test benbad() with y a string, x=c(1)\n") fc05<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc05) cat("fnchk with Rosenbrock\n") fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } xtrad<-c(-1.2,1) ros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(ros1) npar<-2 opros<-list2env(list(fn=fr, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, MAXIMIZE=FALSE, PARSCALE=rep(1,npar), FNSCALE=1, KFN=0, KGR=0, KHESS=0, dots=NULL)) uros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(uros1)
is used to generate the gradient and Hessian of an objective
function used for optimization. If a user-provided gradient function
is available it is used to compute the gradient, otherwise
package numDeriv
is used. If a user-provided Hessian function
is available, it is used to compute a Hessian. Otherwise, if
is available, we use the function jacobian()
package numDeriv
to compute the Hessian. In both these cases we
check for symmetry of the Hessian. Computational Hessians are commonly
NOT symmetric. If only the objective function fn
is provided, then
the Hessian is approximated with the function hessian
package numDeriv
which guarantees a symmetric matrix.
gHgen(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
gHgen(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
par |
Set of parameters, assumed to be at a minimum of the function |
fn |
Name of the objective function. |
gr |
(Optional) function to compute the gradient of the objective function. If present, we use the Jacobian of the gradient as the Hessian and avoid one layer of numerical approximation to the Hessian. |
hess |
(Optional) function to compute the Hessian of the objective function. This is rarely available, but is included for completeness. |
control |
A list of controls to the function. Currently asymptol (default of 1.0e-7 which tests for asymmetry of Hessian approximation (see code for details of the test); ktrace, a logical flag which, if TRUE, monitors the progress of gHgen (default FALSE), and stoponerror, defaulting to FALSE to NOT stop when there is an error or asymmetry of Hessian. Set TRUE to stop. |
... |
Extra data needed to compute the function, gradient and Hessian. |
a list of four items,
The approximation to the gradient vector.
The approximation to the Hessian matrix.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably. FALSE otherwise.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably and passes the symmetry test. FALSE otherwise.
Always 0. The number of active bounds and masks.
Present to make function consistent with gHgenb
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fgh) ans100fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fg) ans100f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100f) ans10fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fgh) ans10fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fg) ans10f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10f)
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fgh) ans100fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fg) ans100f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100f) ans10fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fgh) ans10fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fg) ans10f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10f)
is used to generate the gradient and Hessian of an objective
function used for optimization. If a user-provided gradient function
is available it is used to compute the gradient, otherwise
package numDeriv
is used. If a user-provided Hessian function
is available, it is used to compute a Hessian. Otherwise, if
is available, we use the function jacobian()
package numDeriv
to compute the Hessian. In both these cases we
check for symmetry of the Hessian. Computational Hessians are commonly
NOT symmetric. If only the objective function fn
is provided, then
the Hessian is approximated with the function hessian
package numDeriv
which guarantees a symmetric matrix.
gHgenb(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
gHgenb(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
par |
Set of parameters, assumed to be at a minimum of the function |
fn |
Name of the objective function. |
gr |
(Optional) function to compute the gradient of the objective function. If present, we use the Jacobian of the gradient as the Hessian and avoid one layer of numerical approximation to the Hessian. |
hess |
(Optional) function to compute the Hessian of the objective function. This is rarely available, but is included for completeness. |
bdmsk |
An integer vector of the same length as |
lower |
Lower bounds for parameters in |
upper |
Upper bounds for parameters in |
control |
A list of controls to the function. Currently asymptol (default of 1.0e-7 which tests for asymmetry of Hessian approximation (see code for details of the test); ktrace, a logical flag which, if TRUE, monitors the progress of gHgenb (default FALSE), and stoponerror, defaulting to FALSE to NOT stop when there is an error or asymmetry of Hessian. Set TRUE to stop. |
... |
Extra data needed to compute the function, gradient and Hessian. |
a list of four items,
The approximation to the gradient vector.
The approximation to the Hessian matrix.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably. FALSE otherwise.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably and passes the symmetry test. FALSE otherwise.
The number of active bounds and masks.
require(numDeriv) # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } maxfn<-function(x, top=10) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-top-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } parx<-rep(1,4) lower<-rep(-10,4) upper<-rep(10,4) bdmsk<-c(1,1,0,1) # masked parameter 3 fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("*****************************************\n") parx<-rep(0.9,4) fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,control=list(ktrace=TRUE), gs=9.4) cat("results of gHgenb with gs=",9.4," for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=TRUE)) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) gst<-5 cat("\n\nTest with full calling sequence and gs=",gst,"\n") gengall<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g,genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=TRUE),gs=gst) print(gengall) top<-25 x0<-rep(2,4) cat("\n\nTest for maximization and top=",top,"\n") cat("Gradient and Hessian will have sign inverted") maxt<-gHgen(x0, maxfn, control=list(ktrace=TRUE), top=top) print(maxt) cat("test against negmaxfn\n") gneg <- grad(negmaxfn, x0) Hneg<-hessian(negmaxfn, x0) # gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) # Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) # explicitly change sign gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-(-1)*maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-(-1)*maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) cat("gdiff = ",gdiff," Hdiff=",Hdiff,"\n")
require(numDeriv) # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } maxfn<-function(x, top=10) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-top-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } parx<-rep(1,4) lower<-rep(-10,4) upper<-rep(10,4) bdmsk<-c(1,1,0,1) # masked parameter 3 fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("*****************************************\n") parx<-rep(0.9,4) fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,control=list(ktrace=TRUE), gs=9.4) cat("results of gHgenb with gs=",9.4," for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=TRUE)) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) gst<-5 cat("\n\nTest with full calling sequence and gs=",gst,"\n") gengall<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g,genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=TRUE),gs=gst) print(gengall) top<-25 x0<-rep(2,4) cat("\n\nTest for maximization and top=",top,"\n") cat("Gradient and Hessian will have sign inverted") maxt<-gHgen(x0, maxfn, control=list(ktrace=TRUE), top=top) print(maxt) cat("test against negmaxfn\n") gneg <- grad(negmaxfn, x0) Hneg<-hessian(negmaxfn, x0) # gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) # Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) # explicitly change sign gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-(-1)*maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-(-1)*maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) cat("gdiff = ",gdiff," Hdiff=",Hdiff,"\n")
computes the backward difference approximation to the gradient of
user function userfn
grback(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
grback(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
par |
parameters to the user objective function userfn |
userfn |
User-supplied objective function |
fbase |
The value of the function at the parameters, else NULL. This is to save recomputing the function at this point. |
env |
Environment for scratchpad items (like |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grback |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
returns a single vector object df
which approximates the
gradient of userfn at the parameters par. The approximation is controlled by a
global value optderiveps
that is set when the package is attached.
John C. Nash
cat("Example of use of grback\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to analytic gradient:\n") print(ga) cat("change the step parameter to 1e-4\n") optsp$deps <- 1e-4 gn2<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn2)
cat("Example of use of grback\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to analytic gradient:\n") print(ga) cat("change the step parameter to 1e-4\n") optsp$deps <- 1e-4 gn2<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn2)
computes the central difference approximation to the gradient of
user function userfn
grcentral(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
grcentral(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
par |
parameters to the user objective function userfn |
userfn |
User-supplied objective function |
fbase |
The value of the function at the parameters, else NULL. This is to save recomputing the function at this point. |
env |
Environment for scratchpad items (like |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grcentral |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
returns a single vector object df
which approximates the
gradient of userfn at the parameters par. The approximation is controlled by a
global value optderiveps
that is set when the package is attached.
John C. Nash
cat("Example of use of grcentral\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grcentral(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
cat("Example of use of grcentral\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grcentral(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
checks a user-provided R function, ffn
grchk(xpar, ffn, ggr, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
grchk(xpar, ffn, ggr, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
xpar |
parameters to the user objective and gradient functions ffn and ggr |
ffn |
User-supplied objective function |
ggr |
User-supplied gradient function |
trace |
set >0 to provide output from grchk to the console, 0 otherwise |
testtol |
tolerance for equality tests |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grchk |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
is used to numerically approximate the gradient of function ffn
and compare this to the result of function ggr
returns a single object gradOK
which is TRUE if the differences
between analytic and approximated gradient are small as measured by the tolerance
This has attributes "ga" and "gn" for the analytic and numerically approximated gradients, and "maxdiff" for the maximum absolute difference between these vectors.
At the time of preparation, there are no checks for validity of the gradient code in
as in the function fnchk
John C. Nash
# Would like examples of success and failure. What about "near misses"? cat("Show how grchk works\n") require(numDeriv) # require(optimx) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } jonesg2 <- function(xx) { gx <- 1 gy <- 2 gg <- - c(gx, gy) } xx <- c(1, 2) gcans <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans gcans2 <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg2, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans2
# Would like examples of success and failure. What about "near misses"? cat("Show how grchk works\n") require(numDeriv) # require(optimx) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } jonesg2 <- function(xx) { gx <- 1 gy <- 2 gg <- - c(gx, gy) } xx <- c(1, 2) gcans <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans gcans2 <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg2, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans2
computes the forward difference approximation to the gradient of
user function userfn
grfwd(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
grfwd(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
par |
parameters to the user objective function userfn |
userfn |
User-supplied objective function |
fbase |
The value of the function at the parameters, else NULL. This is to save recomputing the function at this point. |
env |
Environment for scratchpad items (like |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grfwd |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
returns a single vector object df
which approximates the
gradient of userfn at the parameters par. The approximation is controlled by a
global value optderiveps
that is set when the package is attached.
John C. Nash
cat("Example of use of grfwd\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grfwd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
cat("Example of use of grfwd\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grfwd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
Provides a wrapper for the numDeriv approximation to the
gradient of a user supplied objective function userfn
grnd(par, userfn, ...)
grnd(par, userfn, ...)
par |
A vector of parameters to the user-supplied function |
userfn |
A user-supplied function |
... |
Other data needed to evaluate the user function. |
The Richardson method is used in this routine.
returns an approximation to the gradient of the function userfn
cat("Example of use of grnd\n") require(numDeriv) myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grnd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
cat("Example of use of grnd\n") require(numDeriv) myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grnd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
Provides a wrapper for the pracma package approximation to the
gradient of a user supplied objective function userfn
grpracma(par, userfn, ...)
grpracma(par, userfn, ...)
par |
A vector of parameters to the user-supplied function |
userfn |
A user-supplied function |
... |
Other data needed to evaluate the user function. |
A central difference approximation is used in this routine.
returns an approximation to the gradient of the function userfn
cat("Example of use of grpracma\n") require(numDeriv) myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grpracma(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
cat("Example of use of grpracma\n") require(numDeriv) myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grpracma(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
checks a user-provided R function, ffn
hesschk(xpar, ffn, ggr, hhess, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
hesschk(xpar, ffn, ggr, hhess, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
xpar |
parameters to the user objective and gradient functions ffn and ggr |
ffn |
User-supplied objective function |
ggr |
User-supplied gradient function |
hhess |
User-supplied Hessian function |
trace |
set >0 to provide output from hesschk to the console, 0 otherwise |
testtol |
tolerance for equality tests |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | hesschk |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
is used to compute a numerical approximation to the Hessian
matrix. If there is no analytic gradient, then the hessian()
from numDeriv
is applied to the user function ffn
. Otherwise,
the jacobian()
function of numDeriv
is applied to the ggr
function so that only one level of differencing is used.
The function returns a single object hessOK
which is TRUE if the
analytic Hessian code returns a Hessian matrix that is "close" to the
numerical approximation obtained via numDeriv
; FALSE otherwise.
is returned with the following attributes:
Set TRUE if the user does not supply a function to compute the Hessian.
Set TRUE if the Hessian does not satisfy symmetry conditions to
within a tolerance. See the hesschk
for details.
The analytic Hessian computed at paramters xpar
using hhess
The numerical approximation to the Hessian computed at paramters xpar
A text comment on the outcome of the tests.
John C. Nash
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1) print(ans100) ans10<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1, gs=10) print(ans10)
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1) print(ans100) ans10<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1, gs=10) print(ans10)
The purpose of hjn
is to minimize an unconstrained or bounds
(box) and mask constrained function
of several parameters by a Hooke and Jeeves pattern search. This
didactic code is
entirely in R to allow users to explore and understand the method. It also
allows bounds (or box) constraints and masks (equality constraints) to be
imposed on parameters.
hjn(par, fn, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, bdmsk=NULL, control = list(trace=0), ...)
hjn(par, fn, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, bdmsk=NULL, control = list(trace=0), ...)
par |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fn |
A function that returns the value of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. |
control |
An optional list of control settings. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to |
Functions fn
must return a numeric value.
The control
argument is a list.
A limit on the number of function evaluations used in the search.
Set 0 (default) for no output, >0 for trace output (larger values imply more output).
Tolerance used to calculate numerical gradients. Default is 1.0E-7. See
source code for hjn
for details of application.
= TRUE if we want warnings generated by optimx. Default is TRUE.
Tolerance used in testing the size of the pattern search step.
Note that the control maximize
should NOT be used.
A list with components:
par |
The best set of parameters found. |
value |
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found. |
counts |
A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to 'fn' and 'gr' respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to 'fn' to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient. |
convergence |
An integer code. '0' indicates successful convergence. '1' indicates that the function evaluation count 'maxfeval' was reached. |
message |
A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or 'NULL'. |
Nash JC (1979). Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation. Adam Hilger, Bristol. Second Edition, 1990, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publications.
##################### ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } ansrosenbrock0 <- hjn(fn=fr, par=c(1,2), control=list(maxfeval=2000, trace=0)) print(ansrosenbrock0) # use print to allow copy to separate file that # can be called using source() ##################### genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } xx<-rep(pi,10) lower<-NULL upper<-NULL bdmsk<-NULL cat("timings B vs U\n") lo<-rep(-100,10) up<-rep(100,10) bdmsk<-rep(1,10) tb<-system.time(ab<-hjn(xx,genrose.f, lower=lo, upper=up, bdmsk=bdmsk, control=list(trace=0, maxfeval=2000)))[1] tu<-system.time(au<-hjn(xx,genrose.f, control=list(maxfeval=2000, trace=0)))[1] cat("times U=",tu," B=",tb,"\n") cat("solution hjnu\n") print(au) cat("solution hjnb\n") print(ab) cat("diff fu-fb=",au$value-ab$value,"\n") cat("max abs parameter diff = ", max(abs(au$par-ab$par)),"\n") ######### One dimension test sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-hjn(startx,sqtst,control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar)
##################### ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } ansrosenbrock0 <- hjn(fn=fr, par=c(1,2), control=list(maxfeval=2000, trace=0)) print(ansrosenbrock0) # use print to allow copy to separate file that # can be called using source() ##################### genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } xx<-rep(pi,10) lower<-NULL upper<-NULL bdmsk<-NULL cat("timings B vs U\n") lo<-rep(-100,10) up<-rep(100,10) bdmsk<-rep(1,10) tb<-system.time(ab<-hjn(xx,genrose.f, lower=lo, upper=up, bdmsk=bdmsk, control=list(trace=0, maxfeval=2000)))[1] tu<-system.time(au<-hjn(xx,genrose.f, control=list(maxfeval=2000, trace=0)))[1] cat("times U=",tu," B=",tb,"\n") cat("solution hjnu\n") print(au) cat("solution hjnb\n") print(ab) cat("diff fu-fb=",au$value-ab$value,"\n") cat("max abs parameter diff = ", max(abs(au$par-ab$par)),"\n") ######### One dimension test sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-hjn(startx,sqtst,control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar)
Provide a check on Kuhn-Karush-Tucker conditions based on quantities already computed. Some of these used only for reporting.
kktchk(par, fn, gr, hess=NULL, upper=NULL, lower=NULL, maximize=FALSE, control=list(dowarn=TRUE), ...)
kktchk(par, fn, gr, hess=NULL, upper=NULL, lower=NULL, maximize=FALSE, control=list(dowarn=TRUE), ...)
par |
A vector of values for the parameters which are supposedly optimal. |
fn |
The objective function |
gr |
The gradient function |
hess |
The Hessian function |
upper |
Upper bounds on the parameters |
lower |
Lower bounds on the parameters |
maximize |
Logical TRUE if function is being maximized. Default FALSE. |
control |
A list of controls for the function |
... |
The dot arguments needed for evaluating the function and gradient and hessian |
kktchk computes the gradient and Hessian measures for BOTH unconstrained and bounds (and masks) constrained parameters, but the kkt measures are evaluated only for the constrained case.
Note that evaluated Hessians are often not symmetric, and many, possibly most,
examples will fail the is.Symmetric()
function. In such cases, the
check on the Hessian uses the mean of the Hessian and its transpose.
The output is a list consisting of
gmax |
The absolute value of the largest gradient component in magnitude. |
evratio |
The ratio of the smallest to largest Hessian eigenvalue. Note that this may be negative. |
kkt1 |
A logical value that is TRUE if we consider the first (i.e., gradient) KKT condition to be satisfied. WARNING: The decision is dependent on tolerances and scaling that may be inappropriate for some problems. |
kkt2 |
A logical value that is TRUE if we consider the second (i.e., positive definite Hessian) KKT condition to be satisfied. WARNING: The decision is dependent on tolerances and scaling that may be inappropriate for some problems. |
hev |
The calculated hessian eigenvalues, sorted largest to smallest.
Sorting is a property of the |
ngatend |
The computed (unconstrained) gradient at the solution parameters. |
nnatend |
The computed (unconstrained) hessian at the solution parameters. |
cat("Show how kktc works\n") # require(optimx) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } ans <- list() # to ensure structure available # If optimx package available, the following can be run. # xx<-0.5*c(pi,pi) # ans <- optimr(xx, jones, jonesg, method="Rvmmin") # ans ans$par <- c(3.154083, -3.689620) # 2023-8-23 need dowarn specified or get error # Note: may want to set control=list(dowarn=TRUE) kkans <- kktchk(ans$par, jones, jonesg) kkans
cat("Show how kktc works\n") # require(optimx) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } ans <- list() # to ensure structure available # If optimx package available, the following can be run. # xx<-0.5*c(pi,pi) # ans <- optimr(xx, jones, jonesg, method="Rvmmin") # ans ans$par <- c(3.154083, -3.689620) # 2023-8-23 need dowarn specified or get error # Note: may want to set control=list(dowarn=TRUE) kkans <- kktchk(ans$par, jones, jonesg) kkans
Multiple initial parameter wrapper function that calls other R tools for optimization, including the existing optimr() function.
multistart(parmat, fn, gr=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, method=NULL, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
multistart(parmat, fn, gr=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, method=NULL, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
parmat |
a matrix of which each row is a set of initial values for the parameters for which optimal values are to be found. Names on the elements of this vector are preserved and used in the results data frame. |
fn |
A function to be minimized (or maximized), with first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result. |
gr |
A function to return (as a vector) the gradient for those methods that can use this information. If 'gr' is |
lower , upper
Bounds on the variables for methods such as |
method |
A character string giving the name of the optimization method to be
applied. See the list |
hessian |
A logical control that if TRUE forces the computation of an approximation
to the Hessian at the final set of parameters. If FALSE (default), the hessian is
calculated if needed to provide the KKT optimality tests (see |
control |
A list of control parameters. See ‘Details’. |
... |
For |
Note that arguments after ...
must be matched exactly.
See optimr()
for other details.
An array with one row per set of starting parameters. Each row contains:
par |
The best set of parameters found. |
value |
The value of ‘fn’ corresponding to ‘par’. |
counts |
A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to ‘fn’ and ‘gr’ respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to ‘fn’ to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient. |
convergence |
An integer code. ‘0’ indicates successful completion |
message |
A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or ‘NULL’. |
hessian |
Always NULL for this routine. |
See the manual pages for optim()
and the packages the DESCRIPTION suggests
fnR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) x1 <- x[2:n] x2 <- x[1:(n - 1)] sum(gs * (x1 - x2^2)^2 + (1 - x2)^2) } grR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) g <- rep(NA, n) g[1] <- 2 * (x[1] - 1) + 4*gs * x[1] * (x[1]^2 - x[2]) if (n > 2) { ii <- 2:(n - 1) g[ii] <- 2 * (x[ii] - 1) + 4 * gs * x[ii] * (x[ii]^2 - x[ii + 1]) + 2 * gs * (x[ii] - x[ii - 1]^2) } g[n] <- 2 * gs * (x[n] - x[n - 1]^2) g } pm <- rbind(rep(1,4), rep(pi, 4), rep(-2,4), rep(0,4), rep(20,4)) pm <- as.matrix(pm) cat("multistart matrix:\n") print(pm) ans <- multistart(pm, fnR, grR, method="Rvmmin", control=list(trace=0)) ans
fnR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) x1 <- x[2:n] x2 <- x[1:(n - 1)] sum(gs * (x1 - x2^2)^2 + (1 - x2)^2) } grR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) g <- rep(NA, n) g[1] <- 2 * (x[1] - 1) + 4*gs * x[1] * (x[1]^2 - x[2]) if (n > 2) { ii <- 2:(n - 1) g[ii] <- 2 * (x[ii] - 1) + 4 * gs * x[ii] * (x[ii]^2 - x[ii + 1]) + 2 * gs * (x[ii] - x[ii - 1]^2) } g[n] <- 2 * gs * (x[n] - x[n - 1]^2) g } pm <- rbind(rep(1,4), rep(pi, 4), rep(-2,4), rep(0,4), rep(20,4)) pm <- as.matrix(pm) cat("multistart matrix:\n") print(pm) ans <- multistart(pm, fnR, grR, method="Rvmmin", control=list(trace=0)) ans
Attempts to minimize an unconstrained or bounds (box) and mask constrained function
of many parameters by a nonlinear conjugate gradients method using the Dai / Yuan
update and restart. Based on Nash (1979) Algorithm 22 for its main structure,
which is method "CG" of the optim()
function that has never performed well.
Bounds (or box) constraints and masks (equality constraints) can be imposed on
This code is entirely in R to allow users to explore and understand
the method. However, ncg()
is intended to be called via optimx::optimr()
and NOT
called directly, as it has limited sanity checks on the problem provided, since
such checks are in the optimr()
The earlier Rcgmin()
does have such checks, and was originally part of a separate package of the same
name. Rcgmin()
can also be called via optimr()
. It may give slightly
different results due to minor internal coding changes, and is kept available for
backward compatibility with other packages.
ncg(par, fn, gr, bds, control = list())
ncg(par, fn, gr, bds, control = list())
par |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fn |
A function that returns the value of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
gr |
A function that returns the gradient of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
bds |
A list of information resulting from function |
control |
An optional list of control settings. |
Function fn
must return a numeric value.
Note that ncg
is to be called from optimr
and does
NOT allow dot arguments. It is intended to use the internal functions
and egr
generated inside optimr()
along with
bounds information from bmchk()
available there.
The control
argument is a list. See the documentation of ctrldefault()
The source codes Rcgmin
and ncg
for R are still a work
in progress, so users should watch the console output. The author welcomes feedback.
A list with components:
par |
The best set of parameters found. |
value |
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found. |
counts |
A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to 'fn' and 'gr' respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to 'fn' to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient. |
convergence |
An integer code. '0' indicates successful convergence. '1' indicates that the function evaluation count 'maxfeval' was reached. '2' indicates initial point is infeasible. |
message |
A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or 'NULL'. |
bdmsk |
Returned index describing the status of bounds and masks at the proposed solution. Parameters for which bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or "free", those with bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed. For historical reasons, we indicate a parameter is at a lower bound using -3 or upper bound using -1. |
Dai, Y. H. and Y. Yuan (2001). An efficient hybrid conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization. Annals of Operations Research 103 (1-4), 33–47.
Nash JC (1979). Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation. Adam Hilger, Bristol. Second Edition, 1990, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publications.
Nash, J. C. and M. Walker-Smith (1987). Nonlinear Parameter Estimation: An Integrated System in BASIC. New York: Marcel Dekker. See https://www.nashinfo.com/nlpe.htm for a downloadable version of this plus some extras.
##################### ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } # Call is from optimr() ansrosenbrock0 <- optimr(fn=fr,gr=grr, par=c(1,2), method="ncg") print(ansrosenbrock0) # # Test if 1-parameter problem is possible # cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-optimr(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", method="ncg", control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar)
##################### ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } # Call is from optimr() ansrosenbrock0 <- optimr(fn=fr,gr=grr, par=c(1,2), method="ncg") print(ansrosenbrock0) # # Test if 1-parameter problem is possible # cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-optimr(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", method="ncg", control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar)
A driver to call an
R implementation of a variable metric method for minimization
of nonlinear functions, possibly subject to bounds (box) constraints and masks
(fixed parameters). The algorithm is based on Nash (1979) Algorithm 21 for main structure,
which is itself drawn from Fletcher's (1970) variable metric code. This is also the basis
of optim()
method 'BFGS' which, however, does not deal with bounds or masks, or
. In this method, an approximation to the inverse Hessian (B) is used to generate a
search direction t = - B %*% g, a simple backtracking line search is used until an
acceptable point is found, and the matrix B is updated using a BFGS formula. If no
acceptable point can be found, we reset B to the identity i.e., the search direction
becomes the negative gradient. If the search along the negative gradient is unsuccessful,
the method terminates.
The code is entirely in R to allow users to explore and understand the method.
However, nvm()
is intended to be called via optimx::optimr()
and NOT
called directly, as it has limited sanity checks on the problem provided, since
such checks are in the optimr()
The earlier Rvmmin()
does have such checks, and was originally part of a separate package of the same
name. Rvmmin()
can also be called via optimr()
. It may give slightly
different results due to minor internal coding changes, and is kept available for
backward compatibility with other packages.
nvm(par, fn, gr, bds, control = list())
nvm(par, fn, gr, bds, control = list())
par |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fn |
A function that returns the value of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
gr |
A function that returns the gradient of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
bds |
A list of information resulting from function |
control |
An optional list of control settings. |
Function fn
must return a numeric value.
Note that nvm
is to be called from optimr
and does
NOT allow dot arguments. It is intended to use the internal functions
and egr
generated inside optimr()
along with
bounds information from bmchk()
available there.
The control
argument is a list. See the documentation of ctrldefault()
The source codes Rvmmin
and nvm
for R are still a work
in progress, so users should watch the console output. The routine
attempts to use minimal checking and works only with a
bounds constrained version of the algorithm, which may work as fast
as a specific routine for unconstrained problems. This is an open
question, and the author welcomes feedback.
A list with components:
par |
The best set of parameters found. |
value |
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found. |
counts |
A vector of two integers giving the number of function and gradient evaluations. |
convergence |
An integer indicating the situation on termination of the function.
message |
A description of the situation on termination of the function. |
bdmsk |
Returned index describing the status of bounds and masks at the proposed solution. Parameters for which bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or "free", those with bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed. For historical reasons, we indicate a parameter is at a lower bound using -3 or upper bound using -1. |
Fletcher, R (1970) A New Approach to Variable Metric Algorithms, Computer Journal, 13(3), pp. 317-322.
Nash, J C (1979, 1990) Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation, Bristol: Adam Hilger. Second Edition, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publications.
# library(optimx) ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } # Call is from optimr(). In this case, small final gradient ansrosenbrock0 <- optimr(fn=fr,gr=grr, par=c(1,2), method="nvm") print(ansrosenbrock0) # # Test if 1-parameter problem is possible # cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-optimr(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", method="nvm", control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar)
# library(optimx) ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } # Call is from optimr(). In this case, small final gradient ansrosenbrock0 <- optimr(fn=fr,gr=grr, par=c(1,2), method="nvm") print(ansrosenbrock0) # # Test if 1-parameter problem is possible # cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-optimr(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", method="nvm", control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar)
General-purpose optimization wrapper function that calls multiple other R tools for optimization, including the existing optim() function tools.
Because SANN does not return a meaningful convergence code
(conv), opm()
does not call the SANN method, but it can be invoked
in optimr()
There is a pseudo-method "ALL" that runs all available methods. Note that
this is upper-case. This function is a replacement for optimx() from the
optimx package. opm()
calls the optimr()
function for each
solver in the method
opm(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, method=c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS"), hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
opm(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, method=c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS"), hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
par |
a vector of initial values for the parameters for which optimal values are to be found. Names on the elements of this vector are preserved and used in the results data frame. |
fn |
A function to be minimized (or maximized), with a first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result. |
gr |
A function to return (as a vector) the gradient for those methods that can use this information. If 'gr' is If 'gr' is a character string, this character string will be taken to be the name
of an available gradient approximation function. Examples are "grfwd", "grback",
"grcentral" and "grnd", with the last name referring to the default method of
package |
hess |
A function to return (as a symmetric matrix) the Hessian of the objective function for those methods that can use this information. |
lower , upper
Bounds on the variables for methods such as |
method |
A vector of the methods to be used, each as a character string.
Note that this is an important change from optim() that allows
just one method to be specified. See ‘Details’. If |
hessian |
A logical control that if TRUE forces the computation of an approximation
to the Hessian at the final set of parameters. If FALSE (default), the hessian is
calculated if needed to provide the KKT optimality tests (see |
control |
A list of control parameters. See ‘Details’. There is
a spreadsheet |
... |
For |
Note that arguments after ...
must be matched exactly.
CAUTION: Avoid the use of with()
in objective, gradient and hessian
functions, which require a vector of parameters, while with()
NOT work with vectors. See details of optimr()
For details of how opm()
calls the methods, see the documentation
and code for optimr()
. The documentation and code for individual
methods may also be useful. Note that some simplification of the calls
may have been necessary, for example, to provide reasonable default values
for method controls that are consistent across several methods, though this
is not always possible to guarantee. The documentation for optimr
and the source
code of the quite simple routine ctrldefault.R
may be useful.
Some of the commonly useful elements of the control
list are:
Non-negative integer. If positive,
tracing information on the
progress of the optimization is produced. Higher values may
produce more tracing information: for method "L-BFGS-B"
there are six levels of tracing. trace = 0 gives no output
(To understand exactly what these do see the source code: higher
levels give more detail.)
For methods that can use this control, a limit
on the number of function evaluations. This control is simply passed
through. It is not checked by opm
For methods that can use this control, a limit on the number of gradient evaluations or major iterations.
An overall scaling to be applied to the value
of fn
and gr
during optimization. If negative,
turns the problem into a maximization problem. Optimization is
performed on fn(par)/fnscale
. For methods from the set in
. Note potential conflicts with the control maximize
A vector of scaling values for the parameters.
Optimization is performed on par/parscale
and these should be
comparable in the sense that a unit change in any element produces
about a unit change in the scaled value.For optim
= TRUE (default) if we wish to keep "answers" from runs where the method does not return convergence==0. FALSE otherwise.
= TRUE if we want to maximize rather than minimize
a function. (Default FALSE). Methods nlm, nlminb, ucminf cannot maximize a
function, so the user must explicitly minimize and carry out the adjustment
externally. However, there is a check to avoid
usage of these codes when maximize is TRUE. See fnscale
below for
the method used in optim
that we deprecate.
= TRUE if we want to use all available (and suitable)
methods. This is equivalent to setting method="ALL"
=FALSE if we do NOT want to test the Kuhn, Karush, Tucker
optimality conditions. The default is generally TRUE. However, because the Hessian
computation may be very slow, we set kkt
to be FALSE if there are
more than than 50 parameters when the gradient function gr
is not
provided, and more than 500
parameters when such a function is specified. We return logical values KKT1
and KKT2
TRUE if first and second order conditions are satisfied approximately.
Note, however, that the tests are sensitive to scaling, and users may need
to perform additional verification. If hessian
is TRUE, this overrides
control kkt
= TRUE if we want to use all available (and suitable) methods.
= value to use to check for small gradient and negative Hessian eigenvalues. Default = .Machine$double.eps^(1/3)
= Tolerance for eigenvalue ratio in KKT test of positive definite Hessian. Default same as for kkttol
= FALSE if we want to suppress warnings generated by opm()
. Default is TRUE.
= The value to set for the function value when try(fn()) fails. The value is then a signal of failure when execution continues with other methods. It may also, in non-standard usage, be helpful in heuristic search methods like "Nelder-Mead" to avoid parameter regions that are unwanted or inadmissible. It is inappropriate for gradient methods. Default is (0.5)*.Machine$double.xmax
There may be control
elements that apply only to some of the methods. Using these
may or may not "work" with opm()
, and errors may occur with methods for which
the controls have no meaning.
However, it should be possible to call the underlying optimr()
function with
these method-specific controls.
Any names given to par
will be copied to the vectors passed to
and gr
. Note that no other attributes of par
are copied over. (We have not verified this as at 2009-07-29.)
If there are npar
parameters, then the result is a dataframe having one row
for each method for which results are reported, using the method as the row name,
with columns
par_1, .., par_npar, value, fevals, gevals, niter, convergence, kkt1, kkt2, xtimes
The best set of parameters found.
The value of fn
corresponding to par
The number of calls to fn
. NOT reported for method lbfgs
The number of calls to gr
. This excludes those calls needed
to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to fn
compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient. NOT reported for method lbfgs
An integer code. 0
indicates successful
convergence. Various methods may or may not return sufficient information
to allow all the codes to be specified. An incomplete list of codes includes
indicates that the iteration limit maxit
had been reached.
indicates that the initial set of parameters is inadmissible, that is, that the function cannot be computed or returns an infinite, NULL, or NA value.
indicates that an intermediate set of parameters is inadmissible.
indicates degeneracy of the Nelder–Mead simplex.
indicates a warning from the "L-BFGS-B"
method; see component message
for further details.
indicates an error from the "L-BFGS-B"
method; see component message
for further details.
indicates that the method has been called with a NULL 'gr' function, and the method requires that such a function be supplied.
indicates the method has failed.
A logical value returned TRUE if the solution reported has a “small” gradient.
A logical value returned TRUE if the solution reported appears to have a positive-definite Hessian.
The reported execution time of the calculations for the particular method.
The attribute "details" to the returned answer object contains information,
if computed, on the gradient (ngatend
) and Hessian matrix (nhatend
at the supposed optimum, along with the eigenvalues of the Hessian (hev
as well as the message
, if any, returned by the computation for each method
which is included for each row of the details
If the returned object from optimx() is ans
, this is accessed
via the construct
attr(ans, "details")
This object is a matrix based on a list so that if ans is the output of optimx then attr(ans, "details")[1, ] gives the first row and attr(ans,"details")["Nelder-Mead", ] gives the Nelder-Mead row. There is one row for each method that has been successful or that has been forcibly saved by save.failures=TRUE.
There are also attributes
to indicate we have been maximizing the objective
to provide the number of parameters, thereby facilitating easy extraction of the parameters from the results data frame
to indicate that the results have been computed sequentially,
using the order provided by the user, with the best parameters from one
method used to start the next. There is an example (ans9
) in
the script ox.R
in the demo directory of the package.
Most methods in optimx
will work with one-dimensional par
s, but such
use is NOT recommended. Use optimize
or other one-dimensional methods instead.
There are a series of demos available. Once the package is loaded (via require(optimx)
, you may see available demos via
The demo 'brown_test' may be run with the command demo(brown_test, package="optimx")
The package source contains several functions that are not exported in the NAMESPACE. These are
which establishes the controls for a given run;
which performs bounds and gradient checks on the supplied parameters and functions;
which actually performs the optimization and post-solution computations;
which actually carries out a check on the relative scaling of the input parameters.
Knowledgeable users may take advantage of these functions if they are carrying out production calculations where the setup and checks could be run once.
See the manual pages for optim()
and the packages the DESCRIPTION suggests
See the manual pages for optim()
and the packages the DESCRIPTION suggests
Nash JC, and Varadhan R (2011). Unifying Optimization Algorithms to Aid Software System Users: optimx for R., Journal of Statistical Software, 43(9), 1-14., URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v43/i09/.
Nash JC (2014). On Best Practice Optimization Methods in R., Journal of Statistical Software, 60(2), 1-14., URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v60/i02/.
, nlm
, nlminb
for one-dimensional minimization;
or spg
for linearly constrained optimization.
require(graphics) cat("Note possible demo(ox) for extended examples\n") ## Show multiple outputs of optimx using all.methods # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } startx<-4*seq(1:10)/3. ans8<-opm(startx,fn=genrose.f,gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, method="ALL", control=list(save.failures=TRUE, trace=0), gs=10) # Set trace=1 for output of individual solvers ans8 ans8[, "gevals"] ans8["spg", ] summary(ans8, par.select = 1:3) summary(ans8, order = value)[1, ] # show best value head(summary(ans8, order = value)) # best few ## head(summary(ans8, order = "value")) # best few -- alternative syntax ## order by value. Within those values the same to 3 decimals order by fevals. ## summary(ans8, order = list(round(value, 3), fevals), par.select = FALSE) summary(ans8, order = "list(round(value, 3), fevals)", par.select = FALSE) ## summary(ans8, order = rownames, par.select = FALSE) # order by method name summary(ans8, order = "rownames", par.select = FALSE) # same summary(ans8, order = NULL, par.select = FALSE) # use input order ## summary(ans8, par.select = FALSE) # same
require(graphics) cat("Note possible demo(ox) for extended examples\n") ## Show multiple outputs of optimx using all.methods # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } startx<-4*seq(1:10)/3. ans8<-opm(startx,fn=genrose.f,gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, method="ALL", control=list(save.failures=TRUE, trace=0), gs=10) # Set trace=1 for output of individual solvers ans8 ans8[, "gevals"] ans8["spg", ] summary(ans8, par.select = 1:3) summary(ans8, order = value)[1, ] # show best value head(summary(ans8, order = value)) # best few ## head(summary(ans8, order = "value")) # best few -- alternative syntax ## order by value. Within those values the same to 3 decimals order by fevals. ## summary(ans8, order = list(round(value, 3), fevals), par.select = FALSE) summary(ans8, order = "list(round(value, 3), fevals)", par.select = FALSE) ## summary(ans8, order = rownames, par.select = FALSE) # order by method name summary(ans8, order = "rownames", par.select = FALSE) # same summary(ans8, order = NULL, par.select = FALSE) # use input order ## summary(ans8, par.select = FALSE) # same
A function that attempts to extract a solution found for one of the multiple solvers used to obtain results of minimization or maximinzation using the opm() multi-solver wrapper.
opm2optimr(opmobj, rid)
opm2optimr(opmobj, rid)
opmobj |
the object returned by opm() from trying to solve an optimization problem with multiple solvers (NOT the summary object) |
rid |
The identifier of the solver for which the solution should be extracted. This may be a "row ID" in the form of an integer or else a character string for the corresponding solver. |
We do not extract the true "message" for a method.
A list of the following items:
The best set of parameters found.
The value of fn corresponding to par.
A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to fn and gr respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian even though the opm() result will have these counts
An integer code. 0 indicates successful completion
A character string which for optim() or optimr() may give additional information returned by the optimizer, or NULL. Here will be "Result of conversion from opm() result"
fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } mset <- c("ncg", "nvm", "anms", "tnewt") mychk <- opm(par=c(-1.2,1), fr, grr, method=mset) cat("Summary output from opm\n") print(summary(mychk)) cat("extract result for method 3\n") print(opm2optimr(mychk, 3)) cat("Alternatively for method nvm\n") print(opm2optimr(mychk, "nvm")) cat("Bad inputs check for character method \n") print(try(opm2optimr(mychk, "nvv"))) cat("Bad inputs check for out of range integer") print(try(opm2optimr(mychk, 6)))
fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } mset <- c("ncg", "nvm", "anms", "tnewt") mychk <- opm(par=c(-1.2,1), fr, grr, method=mset) cat("Summary output from opm\n") print(summary(mychk)) cat("extract result for method 3\n") print(opm2optimr(mychk, 3)) cat("Alternatively for method nvm\n") print(opm2optimr(mychk, "nvm")) cat("Bad inputs check for character method \n") print(try(opm2optimr(mychk, "nvv"))) cat("Bad inputs check for out of range integer") print(try(opm2optimr(mychk, 6)))
A wrapper function that attempts to check the objective function, and optionally the gradient and hessian functions, supplied by the user for optimization. It also tries to check the scale of the parameters and bounds to see if they are reasonable.
optchk(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(), ...)
optchk(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(), ...)
par |
a vector of initial values for the parameters for which optimal values are to be found. Names on the elements of this vector are preserved and used in the results data frame. |
fn |
A function to be minimized (or maximized), with first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result. |
gr |
A function to return (as a vector) the gradient for those methods that can use this information. |
hess |
A function to return (as a symmetric matrix) the Hessian of the objective function for those methods that can use this information. |
lower , upper
Bounds on the variables for methods such as |
control |
A list of control parameters. See ‘Details’. |
... |
For |
Note that arguments after ...
must be matched exactly.
While it can be envisaged that a user would have an analytic hessian but not an analytic gradient, we do NOT permit the user to test the hessian in this situation.
Any names given to par
will be copied to the vectors passed to
and gr
. Note that no other attributes of par
are copied over. (We have not verified this as at 2009-07-29.)
A list of the following items:
TRUE if the analytic gradient and a numerical approximation via numDeriv
agree within the control$grtesttol
as per the R
code in function
if no analytic gradient function is provided.
TRUE if the analytic hessian and a numerical approximation via numDeriv::jacobian
agree within the control$hesstesttol
as per the R
code in function
. NULL if no analytic hessian or no analytic gradient is provided. Note
that since an analytic gradient must be available for this test, we use the Jacobian of the
gradient to compute the Hessian to avoid one level of differencing, though the hesschk
function can work without the gradient.
TRUE if the larger of the scaleratios
exceeds control$scaletol
A vector of the parameter and bounds scale ratios. See the function code
of scalechk
for the computation of these values.
See the manual pages for optim()
and the packages the DESCRIPTION suggests
Nash JC, and Varadhan R (2011). Unifying Optimization Algorithms to Aid Software System Users: optimx for R., Journal of Statistical Software, 43(9), 1-14., URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v43/i09/.
Nash JC (2014). On Best Practice Optimization Methods in R., Journal of Statistical Software, 60(2), 1-14., URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v60/i02/.
fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } myctrl<- ctrldefault(2) myctrl$trace <- 3 mychk <- optchk(par=c(-1.2,1), fr, grr, lower=rep(-10,2), upper=rep(10,2), control=myctrl) cat("result of optchk\n") print(mychk)
fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } myctrl<- ctrldefault(2) myctrl$trace <- 3 mychk <- optchk(par=c(-1.2,1), fr, grr, lower=rep(-10,2), upper=rep(10,2), control=myctrl) cat("result of optchk\n") print(mychk)
General-purpose optimization wrapper function that calls other
R tools for optimization, including the existing optim() function.
also tries to unify the calling sequence to allow
a number of tools to use the same front-end, in fact using the
calling sequence of the R function optim()
optimr(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, method=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
optimr(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, method=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
par |
a vector of initial values for the parameters for which optimal values are to be found. Names on the elements of this vector are preserved and used in the results data frame. Names are also (re-)attached to the parameter vector on output. |
fn |
A function to be minimized (or maximized), with first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result. |
gr |
A function to return (as a vector) the gradient for those methods that
can use this information. The first argument of this function is the supplied
set of parameters If If The use of numerical gradients is generally discouraged, and particularly
for Note that all but the |
hess |
A function to return (as a matrix) the hessian for those methods that
can use this information. At time of writing, quoted arguments (as for If |
lower , upper
Bounds on the variables for methods such as |
method |
A character string giving the name of the optimization method to be
applied. See the list |
hessian |
A logical control that if TRUE forces the computation of an approximation
to the Hessian at the final set of parameters. Note that this will NOT necessarily
use the same approximation as may be provided by the method called. Instead,
the function |
control |
A list of control parameters. See ‘Details’. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to |
Note that arguments after ...
should be matched exactly.
CAUTION: It has been noted that users may be tempted to use with()
to extract named variables from a named list. The objective fn
corresponding gradient and hessian use a vector of parameters, and some
solvers will strip the names. with()
does NOT work with vectors.
Thus, if your third parameter is used in your function as PKb
, you
need to explicitly include a line in the function PKb <- par[3]
and similarly for other quantities. The situation is made more confusing
in that some solvers will accept with()
As of December 2024, optimr() will issue a warning if par
is not
a vector of doubles and will coerce par
to such an object.
By default optimr
performs minimization, but it will maximize
if control$maximize
is TRUE. The original optim() function allows
to be set negative to accomplish this, and this
control can be used with optimr
but is deprecated. Moreover,
if control$maximize
is set, it will
take precedence over control$fnscale
. Generally it is a BAD IDEA
to use both mechanisms simultaneously.
Possible method choices are specified by the list allmeth
in the file
which is part of this package.
If no method is specified, the method specified by defmethod
in file
(which is part of this package) will be attempted.
Function fn
must return a finite scalar value at the initial set
of parameters. Some methods can handle a returned value NA
or Inf
if the function cannot be evaluated at the supplied value. However, other
methods, of which "L-BFGS-B"
is known to be a case, require that
the values returned should always be finite. It is recommended that user functions
ALWAYS return a usable value. Note that the control badval
give a possible number that could be returned.
For details of methods, please consult the documentation of the individual methods.
(The NAMESPACE file lists the packages from which functions are imported.)
Note that method "hjn"
is a conservative implementation of a Hooke and
Jeeves (1961) and is part of this package. It is provided as a simple example of
a very crude optimization method; it is NOT intended as a production method, but
may be useful for didactic purposes.
The control
argument is a list that can supply any of the
components in the file ctrldefault.R
which is part of this
package. It may supply controls that are
useful or required for particular methods, but users are warned to be careful to
ensure that extraneous or incorrect components and values are not passed.
Some control
elements apply only to some methods.
See individual packages for details. optimr
does not support all the
possible controls for all methods.
A particular case is the method "bobyqa", where the control rhobeg=0
gives a set of controls that depend on the bounds supplied. This choice is
only in the current package. Unspecified or negative control rhobeg=0
gives the minqa defaults. Positive value of this control (and optionally
control rhoend
) supply those values.
See inst/doc/examples/specctrlhobbs.R.
Any names given to par
will be copied to the vectors passed to
and gr
. Apparently no other attributes of par
are copied over, but this may need to be verified, especially if parameters
are passed to non-R routines.
CAUTION: because there is a seldom-used parameter hess
, you should NOT
make a call like
ans <- optimr(start, myf, myg, lower, upper)
or you will likely get wrong results. Instead use
ans <- optimr(start, myf, myg, lower=lower, upper=upper)
A list with components:
The best set of parameters found.
The value of ‘fn’ corresponding to ‘par’.
A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to
‘fn’ and ‘gr’ respectively. This excludes those calls needed
to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to ‘fn’
to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient.
NOT available to be reported for some methods, e.g., lbfgs
An integer code. ‘0’ indicates successful completion. The
documentation for function opm()
gives some other possible values and
their meaning.
A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or ‘NULL’.
If requested, an approximation to the hessian of ‘fn’ at the final parameters.
See the manual pages for optim()
Hooke R. and Jeeves, TA (1961). Direct search solution of numerical and statistical problems. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 8 (2): 212–229.
Nash JC, and Varadhan R (2011). Unifying Optimization Algorithms to Aid Software System Users: optimx for R., Journal of Statistical Software, 43(9), 1-14., URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v43/i09/.
Nocedal J, and Wright SJ (1999). Numerical optimization. New York: Springer. 2nd Edition 2006.
# Simple Test Function 1: simfun.f = function(x) { fun <- sum(x^2 ) ## if (trace) ... to be fixed print(c(x = x, fun = fun)) fun } simfun.g = function(x) { grad<-2.0*x grad } simfun.h = function(x) { n<-length(x) t<-rep(2.0,n) hess<-diag(t) } # library(optimx) ## May be needed for independent running. strt <- c(1,2,3) ansfgh <- optimr(strt, simfun.f, simfun.g, simfun.h, method="nlm", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=2)) proptimr(ansfgh) # compact output of result cat("nlm does not return good counts\n") cat("ansfgh$counts:") print(ansfgh$counts)
# Simple Test Function 1: simfun.f = function(x) { fun <- sum(x^2 ) ## if (trace) ... to be fixed print(c(x = x, fun = fun)) fun } simfun.g = function(x) { grad<-2.0*x grad } simfun.h = function(x) { n<-length(x) t<-rep(2.0,n) hess<-diag(t) } # library(optimx) ## May be needed for independent running. strt <- c(1,2,3) ansfgh <- optimr(strt, simfun.f, simfun.g, simfun.h, method="nlm", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=2)) proptimr(ansfgh) # compact output of result cat("nlm does not return good counts\n") cat("ansfgh$counts:") print(ansfgh$counts)
A function that attempts to add a row to an opm() result matrix. opm() is a multi-method optimization wrapper.
optimr2opm(ans, opmmat)
optimr2opm(ans, opmmat)
ans |
A result object from the optimr() function for a particular
opmmat |
the object returned by opm() from trying to solve an optimization problem with multiple solvers |
An object in the form of an opm() multiple solver result with either one
row if opmobj
does not exist, or one new row at the bottom if it
fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } mset <- c("ncg", "nvm", "anms") x0<-c(-1.2,1) mychk <- opm(par=x0, fr, grr, method=mset) cat("Summary output from opm\n") print(summary(mychk)) myans<-optimr(x0, fr, grr, method="tnewt") cat("Add the solution from method 'tnewt'\n") mychk2<-optimr2opm(myans, mychk) print(summary(mychk2))
fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } mset <- c("ncg", "nvm", "anms") x0<-c(-1.2,1) mychk <- opm(par=x0, fr, grr, method=mset) cat("Summary output from opm\n") print(summary(mychk)) myans<-optimr(x0, fr, grr, method="tnewt") cat("Add the solution from method 'tnewt'\n") mychk2<-optimr2opm(myans, mychk) print(summary(mychk2))
General-purpose optimization wrapper function that calls other
R tools for optimization, including the existing optim() function.
also tries to unify the calling sequence to allow
a number of tools to use the same front-end. These include
from the BB package, ucminf
, nlm
, and
. Note that
optim() itself allows Nelder–Mead, quasi-Newton and
conjugate-gradient algorithms as well as box-constrained optimization
via L-BFGS-B. Because SANN does not return a meaningful convergence code
(conv), optimx() does not call the SANN method.
Note that package optimr
allows solvers to be called individually
by the optim()
syntax, with the parscale
control to scale parameters applicable to all methods. However,
running multiple methods, or using the follow.on
has been moved to separate routines in the optimr
1) Using some control list options with different or multiple methods may give unexpected results.
2) Testing the KKT conditions can take much longer than solving the
optimization problem, especially when the number of parameters is large
and/or analytic gradients are not available. Note that the default for
the control kkt
is TRUE.
optimx(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, method=c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS"), itnmax=NULL, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
optimx(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, method=c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS"), itnmax=NULL, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
par |
a vector of initial values for the parameters for which optimal values are to be found. Names on the elements of this vector are preserved and used in the results data frame. |
fn |
A function to be minimized (or maximized), with first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result. |
gr |
A function to return (as a vector) the gradient for those methods that can use this information. If 'gr' is |
hess |
A function to return (as a symmetric matrix) the Hessian of the objective function for those methods that can use this information. |
lower , upper
Bounds on the variables for methods such as |
method |
A list of the methods to be used. Note that this is an important change from optim() that allows just one method to be specified. See ‘Details’. |
itnmax |
If provided as a vector of the same length as the list of methods |
hessian |
A logical control that if TRUE forces the computation of an approximation
to the Hessian at the final set of parameters. If FALSE (default), the hessian is
calculated if needed to provide the KKT optimality tests (see |
control |
A list of control parameters. See ‘Details’. |
... |
For |
Note that arguments after ...
must be matched exactly.
By default this function performs minimization, but it will maximize
if control$maximize
is TRUE. The original optim() function allows
to be set negative to accomplish this. DO NOT
use both methods.
Possible method codes at the time of writing are 'Nelder-Mead', 'BFGS', 'CG', 'L-BFGS-B', 'nlm', 'nlminb', 'spg', 'ucminf', 'newuoa', 'bobyqa', 'nmkb', 'hjkb', 'Rcgmin', or 'Rvmmin'.
The default methods for unconstrained problems (no lower
specified) are an implementation of the Nelder and Mead
(1965) and a Variable Metric method based on the ideas of Fletcher
(1970) as modified by him in conversation with Nash (1979). Nelder-Mead
uses only function values and is robust but relatively slow. It will
work reasonably well for non-differentiable functions. The Variable
Metric method, "BFGS"
updates an approximation to the inverse
Hessian using the BFGS update formulas, along with an acceptable point
line search strategy. This method appears to work best with analytic
gradients. ("Rvmmmin"
provides a box-constrained version of this
If no method
is given, and there are bounds constraints provided,
the method is set to "L-BFGS-B"
Method "CG"
is a conjugate gradients method based on that by
Fletcher and Reeves (1964) (but with the option of Polak–Ribiere or
Beale–Sorenson updates). The particular implementation is now dated,
and improved yet simpler codes are being implemented (as at June 2009),
and furthermore a version with box constraints is being tested.
Conjugate gradient methods will generally be more fragile than the
BFGS method, but as they do not store a matrix they may be successful
in much larger optimization problems.
Method "L-BFGS-B"
is that of Byrd et. al. (1995) which
allows box constraints, that is each variable can be given a lower
and/or upper bound. The initial value must satisfy the constraints.
This uses a limited-memory modification of the BFGS quasi-Newton
method. If non-trivial bounds are supplied, this method will be
selected, with a warning.
Nocedal and Wright (1999) is a comprehensive reference for the previous three methods.
Function fn
can return NA
or Inf
if the function
cannot be evaluated at the supplied value, but the initial value must
have a computable finite value of fn
. However, some methods, of
which "L-BFGS-B"
is known to be a case, require that the values
returned should always be finite.
While optim
can be used recursively, and for a single parameter
as well as many, this may not be true for optimx
. optim
also accepts a zero-length par
, and just evaluates the function
with that argument.
Method "nlm"
is from the package of the same name that implements
ideas of Dennis and Schnabel (1983) and Schnabel et al. (1985). See nlm()
for more details.
Method "nlminb"
is the package of the same name that uses the
minimization tools of the PORT library. The PORT documentation is at
<URL: http://netlib.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/153.pdf>. See nlminb()
for details. (Though there is very little information about the methods.)
Method "spg"
is from package BB implementing a spectral projected
gradient method for large-scale optimization with simple constraints due
R adaptation, with significant modifications, by Ravi Varadhan,
Johns Hopkins University (Varadhan and Gilbert, 2009), from the original
FORTRAN code of Birgin, Martinez, and Raydan (2001).
Method "Rcgmin"
is from the package of that name. It implements a
conjugate gradient algorithm with the Dai and Yuan (2001) update and also
allows bounds constraints on the parameters. (Rcgmin also allows mask
constraints – fixing individual parameters.)
Methods "bobyqa"
, "uobyqa"
and "newuoa"
are from the
package "minqa"
which implement optimization by quadratic approximation
routines of the similar names due to M J D Powell (2009). See package minqa
for details. Note that "uobyqa"
and "newuoa"
are for
unconstrained minimization, while "bobyqa"
is for box constrained
problems. While "uobyqa"
may be specified, it is NOT part of the
all.methods = TRUE
The control
argument is a list that can supply any of the
following components:
Non-negative integer. If positive,
tracing information on the
progress of the optimization is produced. Higher values may
produce more tracing information: for method "L-BFGS-B"
there are six levels of tracing. trace = 0 gives no output
(To understand exactly what these do see the source code: higher
levels give more detail.)
= TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, and there are multiple methods, then the last set of parameters from one method is used as the starting set for the next.
= TRUE if we wish to keep "answers" from runs where the method does not return convcode==0. FALSE otherwise (default).
= TRUE if we want to maximize rather than minimize
a function. (Default FALSE). Methods nlm, nlminb, ucminf cannot maximize a
function, so the user must explicitly minimize and carry out the adjustment
externally. However, there is a check to avoid
usage of these codes when maximize is TRUE. See fnscale
below for
the method used in optim
that we deprecate.
= TRUE if we want to use all available (and suitable) methods.
=FALSE if we do NOT want to test the Kuhn, Karush, Tucker
optimality conditions. The default is TRUE. However, because the Hessian
computation may be very slow, we set kkt
to be FALSE if there are
more than than 50 parameters when the gradient function gr
is not
provided, and more than 500
parameters when such a function is specified. We return logical values KKT1
and KKT2
TRUE if first and second order conditions are satisfied approximately.
Note, however, that the tests are sensitive to scaling, and users may need
to perform additional verification. If kkt
is FALSE but hessian
is TRUE, then KKT1
is generated, but KKT2
is not.
= TRUE if we want to use all available (and suitable) methods.
= value to use to check for small gradient and negative Hessian eigenvalues. Default = .Machine$double.eps^(1/3)
= Tolerance for eigenvalue ratio in KKT test of positive definite Hessian. Default same as for kkttol
= TRUE if we want to run tests of the function and parameters: feasibility relative to bounds, analytic vs numerical gradient, scaling tests, before we try optimization methods. Default is TRUE.
= TRUE if we want warnings generated by optimx. Default is TRUE.
= The value to set for the function value when try(fn()) fails. Default is (0.5)*.Machine$double.xmax
= TRUE if the numDeriv
function grad()
to be used to compute gradients when the argument gr
is NULL or not supplied.
The following control
elements apply only to some of the methods. The list
may be incomplete. See individual packages for details.
An overall scaling to be applied to the value
of fn
and gr
during optimization. If negative,
turns the problem into a maximization problem. Optimization is
performed on fn(par)/fnscale
. For methods from the set in
. Note potential conflicts with the control maximize
A vector of scaling values for the parameters.
Optimization is performed on par/parscale
and these should be
comparable in the sense that a unit change in any element produces
about a unit change in the scaled value.For optim
A vector of step sizes for the finite-difference
approximation to the gradient, on par/parscale
scale. Defaults to 1e-3
. For optim
The maximum number of iterations. Defaults to
for the derivative-based methods, and
for "Nelder-Mead"
The absolute convergence tolerance. Only useful for non-negative functions, as a tolerance for reaching zero.
Relative convergence tolerance. The algorithm
stops if it is unable to reduce the value by a factor of
reltol * (abs(val) + reltol)
at a step. Defaults to
, typically about 1e-8
. For optim
, beta
, gamma
Scaling parameters
for the "Nelder-Mead"
method. alpha
is the reflection
factor (default 1.0), beta
the contraction factor (0.5) and
the expansion factor (2.0).
The frequency of reports for the "BFGS"
methods if control$trace
is positive. Defaults to every 10 iterations for "BFGS"
for the conjugate-gradients method. Takes value
for the Fletcher–Reeves update, 2
Polak–Ribiere and 3
for Beale–Sorenson.
is an integer giving the number of BFGS updates
retained in the "L-BFGS-B"
method, It defaults to 5
controls the convergence of the "L-BFGS-B"
method. Convergence occurs when the reduction in the objective is
within this factor of the machine tolerance. Default is 1e7
that is a tolerance of about 1e-8
helps control the convergence of the "L-BFGS-B"
method. It is a tolerance on the projected gradient in the current
search direction. This defaults to zero, when the check is
Any names given to par
will be copied to the vectors passed to
and gr
. Note that no other attributes of par
are copied over. (We have not verified this as at 2009-07-29.)
There are [.optimx
, as.data.frame.optimx
, coef.optimx
and summary.optimx
methods available.
Note: Package optimr
is a derivative of this package. It was developed
initially to overcome maintenance difficulties with the current package
related to avoiding confusion if some multiple options were specified together,
and to allow the optim()
function syntax to be used consistently,
including the parscale
control. However, this package does perform
well, and is called by a number of popular other packages.
If there are npar
parameters, then the result is a dataframe having one row
for each method for which results are reported, using the method as the row name,
with columns
par_1, .., par_npar, value, fevals, gevals, niter, convcode, kkt1, kkt2, xtimes
The best set of parameters found.
The value of fn
corresponding to par
The number of calls to fn
The number of calls to gr
. This excludes those calls needed
to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to fn
compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient.
For those methods where it is reported, the number of “iterations”. See the documentation or code for particular methods for the meaning of such counts.
An integer code. 0
indicates successful
convergence. Various methods may or may not return sufficient information
to allow all the codes to be specified. An incomplete list of codes includes
indicates that the iteration limit maxit
had been reached.
indicates that the initial set of parameters is inadmissible, that is, that the function cannot be computed or returns an infinite, NULL, or NA value.
indicates that an intermediate set of parameters is inadmissible.
indicates degeneracy of the Nelder–Mead simplex.
indicates a warning from the "L-BFGS-B"
method; see component message
for further details.
indicates an error from the "L-BFGS-B"
method; see component message
for further details.
A logical value returned TRUE if the solution reported has a “small” gradient.
A logical value returned TRUE if the solution reported appears to have a positive-definite Hessian.
The reported execution time of the calculations for the particular method.
The attribute "details" to the returned answer object contains information,
if computed, on the gradient (ngatend
) and Hessian matrix (nhatend
at the supposed optimum, along with the eigenvalues of the Hessian (hev
as well as the message
, if any, returned by the computation for each method
which is included for each row of the details
If the returned object from optimx() is ans
, this is accessed
via the construct
attr(ans, "details")
This object is a matrix based on a list so that if ans is the output of optimx then attr(ans, "details")[1, ] gives the first row and attr(ans,"details")["Nelder-Mead", ] gives the Nelder-Mead row. There is one row for each method that has been successful or that has been forcibly saved by save.failures=TRUE.
There are also attributes
to indicate we have been maximizing the objective
to provide the number of parameters, thereby facilitating easy extraction of the parameters from the results data frame
to indicate that the results have been computed sequentially,
using the order provided by the user, with the best parameters from one
method used to start the next. There is an example (ans9
) in
the script ox.R
in the demo directory of the package.
Most methods in optimx
will work with one-dimensional par
s, but such
use is NOT recommended. Use optimize
or other one-dimensional methods instead.
There are a series of demos available. Once the package is loaded (via require(optimx)
, you may see available demos via
The demo 'brown_test' may be run with the command demo(brown_test, package="optimx")
The package source contains several functions that are not exported in the NAMESPACE. These are
which establishes the controls for a given run;
which performs bounds and gradient checks on the supplied parameters and functions;
which actually performs the optimization and post-solution computations;
which actually carries out a check on the relative scaling of the input parameters.
Knowledgeable users may take advantage of these functions if they are carrying out production calculations where the setup and checks could be run once.
See the manual pages for optim()
and the packages the DESCRIPTION suggests
See also the manual pages for optim()
and the packages the DESCRIPTION suggests
Byrd RH, Lu P, Nocedal J (1995) A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 16 (5), 1190–1208.
Y. H. Dai and Y. Yuan, (2001) An Efficient Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Method for Unconstrained Optimization, Annals of Operations Research, 103, pp 33–47, URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1012930416777.
Dennis JE and Schnabel RB (1983) Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations, Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Fletcher R (1970) A New Approach to Variable Metric Algorithms, Computer Journal, 13 (3), 317-322.
Nash JC, and Varadhan R (2011). Unifying Optimization Algorithms to Aid Software System Users: optimx for R., Journal of Statistical Software, 43(9), 1-14., URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v43/i09/.
Nash JC (2014). On Best Practice Optimization Methods in R., Journal of Statistical Software, 60(2), 1-14., URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v60/i02/.
Nelder JA and Mead R (1965) A Simplex Method for Function Minimization, Computer Journal, 7 (4), 308–313.
Powell MJD (2009) The BOBYQA algorithm for bound constrained optimization without derivatives, http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/na/NA_papers/NA2009_06.pdf
, nlm
, nlminb
for one-dimensional minimization;
or spg
for linearly constrained optimization.
require(graphics) cat("Note demo(ox) for extended examples\n") ## Show multiple outputs of optimx using all.methods # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } startx<-4*seq(1:10)/3. ans8<-optimx(startx,fn=genrose.f,gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(all.methods=TRUE, save.failures=TRUE, trace=0), gs=10) ans8 ans8[, "gevals"] ans8["spg", ] summary(ans8, par.select = 1:3) summary(ans8, order = value)[1, ] # show best value head(summary(ans8, order = value)) # best few ## head(summary(ans8, order = "value")) # best few -- alternative syntax ## order by value. Within those values the same to 3 decimals order by fevals. ## summary(ans8, order = list(round(value, 3), fevals), par.select = FALSE) summary(ans8, order = "list(round(value, 3), fevals)", par.select = FALSE) ## summary(ans8, order = rownames, par.select = FALSE) # order by method name summary(ans8, order = "rownames", par.select = FALSE) # same summary(ans8, order = NULL, par.select = FALSE) # use input order ## summary(ans8, par.select = FALSE) # same
require(graphics) cat("Note demo(ox) for extended examples\n") ## Show multiple outputs of optimx using all.methods # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } startx<-4*seq(1:10)/3. ans8<-optimx(startx,fn=genrose.f,gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(all.methods=TRUE, save.failures=TRUE, trace=0), gs=10) ans8 ans8[, "gevals"] ans8["spg", ] summary(ans8, par.select = 1:3) summary(ans8, order = value)[1, ] # show best value head(summary(ans8, order = value)) # best few ## head(summary(ans8, order = "value")) # best few -- alternative syntax ## order by value. Within those values the same to 3 decimals order by fevals. ## summary(ans8, order = list(round(value, 3), fevals), par.select = FALSE) summary(ans8, order = "list(round(value, 3), fevals)", par.select = FALSE) ## summary(ans8, order = rownames, par.select = FALSE) # order by method name summary(ans8, order = "rownames", par.select = FALSE) # same summary(ans8, order = NULL, par.select = FALSE) # use input order ## summary(ans8, par.select = FALSE) # same
We desire that Hessian matrices of objective functions for optimization are symmetric and positive definite. Symmetry is easy to check, but we caution that evaluation or approximation of a Hessian often gives a slightly asymmetric, and we commonly average the elements that are supposed to be equal, thereby symmetrizing the proposed Hessian.
The Cholesky decomposition will fail for a symmetric matrix which is NOT positive definite.
pd_check(A, pivot=TRUE, tol=1.e-07)
pd_check(A, pivot=TRUE, tol=1.e-07)
A |
A symmetric matrix |
pivot |
Use pivoting in the Cholesky decomposition attempt |
tol |
A tolerance for zero |
The function returns a logical TRUE if the decomposition can be carried out, FALSE otherwise.
n <- 10 A <- pracma::moler(n) system.time(print(pd_check(A))) # returns FALSE system.time(print(eigen(A)$value)) n <- 100 A <- pracma::moler(n) system.time(print(pd_check(A))) # returns FALSE system.time(print(eigen(A)$value))
n <- 10 A <- pracma::moler(n) system.time(print(pd_check(A))) # returns FALSE system.time(print(eigen(A)$value)) n <- 100 A <- pracma::moler(n) system.time(print(pd_check(A))) # returns FALSE system.time(print(eigen(A)$value))
Multiple minimization methods are applied in sequence to a single problem, with the output parameters of one method being used to start the next.
polyopt(par, fn, gr=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, methcontrol=NULL, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
polyopt(par, fn, gr=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, methcontrol=NULL, hessian=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
par |
a vector of initial values for the parameters for which optimal values are to be found. Names on the elements of this vector are preserved and used in the results data frame. |
fn |
A function to be minimized (or maximized), with first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result. |
gr |
A function to return (as a vector) the gradient for those methods that can use this information. If 'gr' is |
lower , upper
Bounds on the variables for methods such as |
methcontrol |
An data frame of which each row gives an optimization method, a maximum number of iterations and a maximum number of function evaluations allowed for that method. Each method will be executed in turn until either the maximum iterations or function evaluations are completed, whichever is first. The next method is then executed starting with the best parameters found so far, else the function exits. |
hessian |
A logical control that if TRUE forces the computation of an approximation
to the Hessian at the final set of parameters. If FALSE (default), the hessian is
calculated if needed to provide the KKT optimality tests (see |
control |
A list of control parameters. See ‘Details’. |
... |
For |
Note that arguments after ...
must be matched exactly.
See optimr()
for other details.
Note that this function does not (yet?) make use of a hess function to compute the hessian.
An array with one row per method. Each row contains:
par |
The best set of parameters found for the method in question. |
value |
The value of ‘fn’ corresponding to ‘par’. |
counts |
A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to ‘fn’ and ‘gr’ respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to ‘fn’ to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient. |
convergence |
An integer code. ‘0’ indicates successful completion |
message |
A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or ‘NULL’. |
hessian |
Always NULL for this routine. |
See the manual pages for optim()
and the packages the DESCRIPTION suggests
fnR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) x1 <- x[2:n] x2 <- x[1:(n - 1)] sum(gs * (x1 - x2^2)^2 + (1 - x2)^2) } grR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) g <- rep(NA, n) g[1] <- 2 * (x[1] - 1) + 4*gs * x[1] * (x[1]^2 - x[2]) if (n > 2) { ii <- 2:(n - 1) g[ii] <- 2 * (x[ii] - 1) + 4 * gs * x[ii] * (x[ii]^2 - x[ii + 1]) + 2 * gs * (x[ii] - x[ii - 1]^2) } g[n] <- 2 * gs * (x[n] - x[n - 1]^2) g } x0 <- rep(pi, 4) mc <- data.frame(method=c("Nelder-Mead","Rvmmin"), maxit=c(1000, 100), maxfeval= c(1000, 1000)) ans <- polyopt(x0, fnR, grR, methcontrol=mc, control=list(trace=0)) ans mc <- data.frame(method=c("Nelder-Mead","Rvmmin"), maxit=c(100, 100), maxfeval= c(100, 1000)) ans <- polyopt(x0, fnR, grR, methcontrol=mc, control=list(trace=0)) ans mc <- data.frame(method=c("Nelder-Mead","Rvmmin"), maxit=c(10, 100), maxfeval= c(10, 1000)) ans <- polyopt(x0, fnR, grR, methcontrol=mc, control=list(trace=0)) ans
fnR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) x1 <- x[2:n] x2 <- x[1:(n - 1)] sum(gs * (x1 - x2^2)^2 + (1 - x2)^2) } grR <- function (x, gs=100.0) { n <- length(x) g <- rep(NA, n) g[1] <- 2 * (x[1] - 1) + 4*gs * x[1] * (x[1]^2 - x[2]) if (n > 2) { ii <- 2:(n - 1) g[ii] <- 2 * (x[ii] - 1) + 4 * gs * x[ii] * (x[ii]^2 - x[ii + 1]) + 2 * gs * (x[ii] - x[ii - 1]^2) } g[n] <- 2 * gs * (x[n] - x[n - 1]^2) g } x0 <- rep(pi, 4) mc <- data.frame(method=c("Nelder-Mead","Rvmmin"), maxit=c(1000, 100), maxfeval= c(1000, 1000)) ans <- polyopt(x0, fnR, grR, methcontrol=mc, control=list(trace=0)) ans mc <- data.frame(method=c("Nelder-Mead","Rvmmin"), maxit=c(100, 100), maxfeval= c(100, 1000)) ans <- polyopt(x0, fnR, grR, methcontrol=mc, control=list(trace=0)) ans mc <- data.frame(method=c("Nelder-Mead","Rvmmin"), maxit=c(10, 100), maxfeval= c(10, 1000)) ans <- polyopt(x0, fnR, grR, methcontrol=mc, control=list(trace=0)) ans
result objectproptimr
displays the contents of a result computed by optimr()
proptimr(opres, nlim=5)
proptimr(opres, nlim=5)
opres |
the object returned by function |
nlim |
Only the first nlim elements of the solution are displayed. |
This function is intended for output only.
John C. Nash
Attempts to minimize an unconstrained or bounds (box) and mask constrained function
of many parameters by a nonlinear conjugate gradients method using the Dai / Yuan
update and restart. Based on Nash (1979) Algorithm 22 for its main structure,
which is method "CG" of the optim()
function that has rarely performed well.
Bounds (or box) constraints and masks (equality constraints) can be imposed on
parameters. This code is entirely in R to allow users to explore and understand
the method.
is a wrapper that calls Rcgminu
for unconstrained
problems, else Rcgminb
. The direct call of the subsidiary routines
is discouraged.
Rcgmin(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...) Rcgminu(par, fn, gr, control = list(), ...) Rcgminb(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...)
Rcgmin(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...) Rcgminu(par, fn, gr, control = list(), ...) Rcgminb(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...)
par |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fn |
A function that returns the value of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
gr |
A function that returns the gradient of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. |
control |
An optional list of control settings. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to |
Function fn
must return a numeric value.
must be provided, either as a user-supplied function, or as the quoted name
of one of the gradient approximation routines provided in this package. Choices are
routines grfwd
, grback
, grcentral
or grnd
. The last
of these calls the grad()
function from package numDeriv
. These
are called by putting the name of the (numerical) gradient function in
quotation marks, e.g.,
to use the central difference numerical approximation. (This is the recommended choice in the absence of other considerations.)
Note that all but the grnd
routine use a stepsize parameter that
can be redefined in a special environment optsp
in variable deps
The default is optsp$deps = 1e-06
However, redefining this is discouraged unless you understand what
you are doing.
The control
argument is a list.
A limit on the number of iterations (default 500). Note that this is
used to compute a quantity maxfeval
<-round(sqrt(n+1)*maxit) where n is the
number of parameters to be minimized.
Set 0 (default) for no output, >0 for trace output (larger values imply more output).
Tolerance used to calculate numerical gradients. Default is 1.0E-7. See
source code for Rcgmin
for details of application.
= TRUE if we want warnings generated by optimx. Default is TRUE.
Tolerance used in testing the size of the square of the gradient.
Default is 0 on input, which uses a value of tolgr = npar*npar*.Machine$double.eps
in testing if crossprod(g) <= tolgr * (abs(fmin) + reltest). If the user supplies
a value for tol
that is non-zero, then that value is used for tolgr.
reltest=100 is only alterable by changing the code. fmin is the current best value found for the function minimum value.
Note that the scale of the gradient means that tests for a small gradient can easily be mismatched to a given problem. The defaults in Rcgmin are a "best guess".
= TRUE if we want gradient function checked against numerical approximations. Default is FALSE.
= TRUE if we want bounds verified. Default is TRUE.
As of 2011-11-21 the following controls have been REMOVED
There is now a choice of numerical gradient routines. See argument
To maximize user_function, supply a function that computes (-1)*user_function.
An alternative is to call Rcgmin via the package optimx, where the MAXIMIZE field
of the OPCON structure in package optfntools
is used.
A list with components:
par |
The best set of parameters found. |
value |
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found. |
counts |
A two-element integer vector giving the number of calls to 'fn' and 'gr' respectively. This excludes those calls needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any calls to 'fn' to compute a finite-difference approximation to the gradient. |
convergence |
An integer code. '0' indicates successful convergence. '1' indicates that the function evaluation count 'maxfeval' was reached. '2' indicates initial point is infeasible. |
message |
A character string giving any additional information returned by the optimizer, or 'NULL'. |
bdmsk |
Returned index describing the status of bounds and masks at the proposed solution. Parameters for which bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or "free", those with bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed. For historical reasons, we indicate a parameter is at a lower bound using -3 or upper bound using -1. |
Dai, Y. H. and Y. Yuan (2001). An efficient hybrid conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization. Annals of Operations Research 103 (1-4), 33–47.
Nash JC (1979). Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation. Adam Hilger, Bristol. Second Edition, 1990, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publications.
Nash, J. C. and M. Walker-Smith (1987). Nonlinear Parameter Estimation: An Integrated System in BASIC. New York: Marcel Dekker. See https://www.nashinfo.com/nlpe.htm for a downloadable version of this plus some extras.
##################### require(numDeriv) ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } grn<-function(x){ gg<-grad(fr, x) } ansrosenbrock0 <- Rcgmin(fn=fr,gr=grn, par=c(1,2)) print(ansrosenbrock0) # use print to allow copy to separate file that # can be called using source() ##################### # Simple bounds and masks test bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-10 xx<-rep(0,n) lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) ansbt<-Rcgmin(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower, upper, bdmsk, control=list(trace=1)) print(ansbt) ##################### genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 gg } # analytic gradient test xx<-rep(pi,10) lower<-NULL upper<-NULL bdmsk<-NULL genrosea<-Rcgmin(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, gs=10) genrosen<-optimr(xx, genrose.f, "grfwd", method="Rcgmin", gs=10) genrosenn<-try(Rcgmin(xx,genrose.f, gs=10)) # use local numerical gradient cat("genrosea uses analytic gradient\n") print(genrosea) cat("genrosen uses default gradient approximation\n") print(genrosen) cat("timings B vs U\n") lo<-rep(-100,10) up<-rep(100,10) bdmsk<-rep(1,10) tb<-system.time(ab<-Rcgminb(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo, upper=up, bdmsk=bdmsk))[1] tu<-system.time(au<-Rcgminu(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g))[1] cat("times U=",tu," B=",tb,"\n") cat("solution Rcgminu\n") print(au) cat("solution Rcgminb\n") print(ab) cat("diff fu-fb=",au$value-ab$value,"\n") cat("max abs parameter diff = ", max(abs(au$par-ab$par)),"\n") maxfn<-function(x) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-10-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } gmaxfn<-function(x) { gg<-grad(maxfn, x) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } cat("test that maximize=TRUE works correctly\n") n<-6 xx<-rep(1,n) ansmax<-Rcgmin(xx,maxfn, gmaxfn, control=list(maximize=TRUE,trace=1)) print(ansmax) cat("using the negmax function should give same parameters\n") ansnegmaxn<-optimr(xx,negmaxfn, "grfwd", method="Rcgmin", control=list(trace=1)) print(ansnegmaxn) ##################### From Rvmmin.Rd cat("test bounds and masks\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds1<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,lower=lo,upper=up) print(grbds1) cat("test lower bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) grbds2<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,lower=lo) print(grbds2) cat("test lower bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-2 up<-rep(10,nn) grbds3<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,lower=lo) print(grbds3) cat("test upper bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds4<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,upper=up) print(grbds4) cat("test upper bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds5<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,upper=10) print(grbds5) cat("test masks only\n") nn<-6 bd<-c(1,1,0,0,1,1) startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds6<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,bdmsk=bd) print(grbds6) cat("test upper bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) upper<-c(10,8, Inf, Inf) grbds7<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,upper=upper) print(grbds7) cat("test lower bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(0,nn) lower<-c(0,1.1, -Inf, -Inf) grbds8<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f,genrose.g,lower=lower, control=list(maxit=2000)) print(grbds8) cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } gsqtst<-function(xx) { gg<-2*(xx-2) } ######### One dimension test nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-Rcgmin(startx,sqtst, gr=gsqtst,control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar) cat("Suppress warnings\n") oneparnw<-Rcgmin(startx,sqtst, gr=gsqtst,control=list(dowarn=FALSE,trace=1)) print(oneparnw)
##################### require(numDeriv) ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } grr <- function(x) { ## Gradient of 'fr' x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 - x1 * x1)) } grn<-function(x){ gg<-grad(fr, x) } ansrosenbrock0 <- Rcgmin(fn=fr,gr=grn, par=c(1,2)) print(ansrosenbrock0) # use print to allow copy to separate file that # can be called using source() ##################### # Simple bounds and masks test bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-10 xx<-rep(0,n) lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) ansbt<-Rcgmin(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower, upper, bdmsk, control=list(trace=1)) print(ansbt) ##################### genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 gg } # analytic gradient test xx<-rep(pi,10) lower<-NULL upper<-NULL bdmsk<-NULL genrosea<-Rcgmin(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, gs=10) genrosen<-optimr(xx, genrose.f, "grfwd", method="Rcgmin", gs=10) genrosenn<-try(Rcgmin(xx,genrose.f, gs=10)) # use local numerical gradient cat("genrosea uses analytic gradient\n") print(genrosea) cat("genrosen uses default gradient approximation\n") print(genrosen) cat("timings B vs U\n") lo<-rep(-100,10) up<-rep(100,10) bdmsk<-rep(1,10) tb<-system.time(ab<-Rcgminb(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo, upper=up, bdmsk=bdmsk))[1] tu<-system.time(au<-Rcgminu(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g))[1] cat("times U=",tu," B=",tb,"\n") cat("solution Rcgminu\n") print(au) cat("solution Rcgminb\n") print(ab) cat("diff fu-fb=",au$value-ab$value,"\n") cat("max abs parameter diff = ", max(abs(au$par-ab$par)),"\n") maxfn<-function(x) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-10-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } gmaxfn<-function(x) { gg<-grad(maxfn, x) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } cat("test that maximize=TRUE works correctly\n") n<-6 xx<-rep(1,n) ansmax<-Rcgmin(xx,maxfn, gmaxfn, control=list(maximize=TRUE,trace=1)) print(ansmax) cat("using the negmax function should give same parameters\n") ansnegmaxn<-optimr(xx,negmaxfn, "grfwd", method="Rcgmin", control=list(trace=1)) print(ansnegmaxn) ##################### From Rvmmin.Rd cat("test bounds and masks\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds1<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,lower=lo,upper=up) print(grbds1) cat("test lower bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) grbds2<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,lower=lo) print(grbds2) cat("test lower bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-2 up<-rep(10,nn) grbds3<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,lower=lo) print(grbds3) cat("test upper bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds4<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,upper=up) print(grbds4) cat("test upper bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds5<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,upper=10) print(grbds5) cat("test masks only\n") nn<-6 bd<-c(1,1,0,0,1,1) startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds6<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,bdmsk=bd) print(grbds6) cat("test upper bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) upper<-c(10,8, Inf, Inf) grbds7<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f, gr=genrose.g,upper=upper) print(grbds7) cat("test lower bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(0,nn) lower<-c(0,1.1, -Inf, -Inf) grbds8<-Rcgmin(startx,genrose.f,genrose.g,lower=lower, control=list(maxit=2000)) print(grbds8) cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } gsqtst<-function(xx) { gg<-2*(xx-2) } ######### One dimension test nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-Rcgmin(startx,sqtst, gr=gsqtst,control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar) cat("Suppress warnings\n") oneparnw<-Rcgmin(startx,sqtst, gr=gsqtst,control=list(dowarn=FALSE,trace=1)) print(oneparnw)
An R implementation of the truncated Newton method for minimization of nonlinear functions optionally subject to bounds (box) constraints. The algorithm is based on Nash (1979)
tn(x, fgfun, trace=0, control=list(), ...) tnbc(x, fgfun, lower, upper, trace=0, control=list(), ...)
tn(x, fgfun, trace=0, control=list(), ...) tnbc(x, fgfun, lower, upper, trace=0, control=list(), ...)
x |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fgfun |
A function that returns the value of the objective at
the supplied set of parameters |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
trace |
Set > 0 to cause intermediate output to allow progress to be followed. |
control |
A list of control parameters. See the R code for |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to |
Function fgfun
must return a numeric value in list item f
and a numeric vector in list item g
These routines can be most easily called using the optimr
function with method "Rtnmin".
Note that as at 2024-10-23, the evaluation limits maxit and maxfun which appear in the code do NOT appear to be active.
A list with components:
xstar |
The best set of parameters found. |
f |
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found. |
g |
The gradient of the objective at the best set of parameters found. |
ierror |
An integer indicating the situation on termination. |
nfngr |
A number giving a measure of how many conjugate gradient solutions were used during the minimization process. |
Stephen G. Nash (1984) "Newton-type minimization via the Lanczos method", SIAM J Numerical Analysis, vol. 21, no. 4, pages 770-788.
For Matlab code, see http://www.netlib.org/opt/tn
## See tn.Rd
## See tn.Rd
A driver to call the unconstrained and bounds constrained versions of an R implementation of a variable metric method for minimization of nonlinear functions, possibly subject to bounds (box) constraints and masks (fixed parameters). The algorithm is based on Nash (1979) Algorithm 21 for main structure, which is itself drawn from Fletcher's (1970) variable metric code. This is also the basis of optim() method 'BFGS' which, however, does not deal with bounds or masks. In the present method, an approximation to the inverse Hessian (B) is used to generate a search direction t = - B %*% g, a simple backtracking line search is used until an acceptable point is found, and the matrix B is updated using a BFGS formula. If no acceptable point can be found, we reset B to the identity i.e., the search direction becomes the negative gradient. If the search along the negative gradient is unsuccessful, the method terminates.
This set of codes is entirely in R to allow users to explore and understand the method. It also allows bounds (or box) constraints and masks (equality constraints) to be imposed on parameters.
Rvmmin(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...) Rvmminb(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...) Rvmminu(par, fn, gr, control = list(), ...)
Rvmmin(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...) Rvmminb(par, fn, gr, lower, upper, bdmsk, control = list(), ...) Rvmminu(par, fn, gr, control = list(), ...)
par |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fn |
A function that returns the value of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
gr |
A function that returns the gradient of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters Note that a gradient function must generally be provided. However,
to ensure compatibility with other optimizers, if The use of numerical gradients for Rvmmin is discouraged. First, the termination test uses a size measure on the gradient, and numerical gradient approximations can sometimes give results that are too large. Second, if there are bounds constraints, the step(s) taken to calculate the approximation to the derivative are NOT checked to see if they are out of bounds, and the function may be undefined at the evaluation point. There is also the option of using the routines gr="grfwd" to use the standard forward difference numerical approximation. Note that all but the |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. |
control |
An optional list of control settings. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to |
Note that nvm
is to be called from optimr
and does
NOT allow dot arguments. It is intended to use the internal functions
and egr
generated inside optimr()
along with
bounds information from bmchk()
available there.
The source codes Rvmmin
and nvm
for R are still a work
in progress, so users should watch the console output. The routine
attempts to use minimal checking and works only with a
bounds constrained version of the algorithm, which may work as fast
as a specific routine for unconstrained problems. This is an open
question, and the author welcomes feedback.
Function fn
must return a numeric value.
The control
argument is a list.
The control
argument is a list.
A limit on the number of iterations (default 500 + 2*n where n is the number of parameters). This is the maximum number of gradient evaluations allowed.
A limit on the number of function evaluations allowed (default 3000 + 10*n).
Set 0 (default) for no output, > 0 for diagnostic output (larger values imply more output).
= TRUE if we want warnings generated by optimx. Default is TRUE.
= TRUE if we wish analytic gradient code checked against the
approximations computed by numDeriv
. Default is FALSE.
= TRUE if we wish parameters and bounds to be checked for an admissible and feasible start. Default is TRUE.
= TRUE if we want bounds check to stop program when parameters are out of bounds. Else when FALSE, moves parameter values to nearest bound. Default is FALSE.
To maximize user_function, supply a function that computes (-1)*user_function. An alternative is to call Rvmmin via the package optimx.
a tolerance used for judging small gradient norm (default = 1e-07). a gradient norm smaller than (1 + abs(fmin))*eps*eps is considered small enough that a local optimum has been found, where fmin is the current estimate of the minimal function value.
To adjust the acceptable point tolerance (default 0.0001) in the test ( f <= fmin + gradproj * steplength * acctol ). This test is used to ensure progress is made at each iteration.
Step reduction factor for backtrack line search (default 0.2)
Additive shift for equality test (default 100.0)
A logical flag that if set TRUE will halt the optimization if the Hessian inverse cannot be updated after a steepest descent search. This indicates an ill-conditioned Hessian. A settign of FALSE causes Rvmmin methods to be aggressive in trying to optimize the function, but may waste effort. Default TRUE.
As of 2011-11-21 the following controls have been REMOVED
There is now a choice of numerical gradient routines.
See argument gr
A list with components:
par |
The best set of parameters found. |
value |
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found. |
counts |
A vector of two integers giving the number of function and gradient evaluations. |
convergence |
An integer indicating the situation on termination of the function.
message |
A description of the situation on termination of the function. |
bdmsk |
Returned index describing the status of bounds and masks at the proposed solution. Parameters for which bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or "free", those with bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed. For historical reasons, we indicate a parameter is at a lower bound using -3 or upper bound using -1. |
Fletcher, R (1970) A New Approach to Variable Metric Algorithms, Computer Journal, 13(3), pp. 317-322.
Nash, J C (1979, 1990) Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation, Bristol: Adam Hilger. Second Edition, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publications.
##################### ## All examples for the Rvmmin package are in this .Rd file ## ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } ansrosenbrock <- Rvmmin(fn=fr,gr="grfwd", par=c(1,2)) print(ansrosenbrock) cat("\n") cat("No gr specified as a test\n") ansrosenbrock0 <- Rvmmin(fn=fr, par=c(1,2)) print(ansrosenbrock0) # use print to allow copy to separate file that can be called using source() ##################### # Simple bounds and masks test # # The function is a sum of squares, but we impose the # constraints so that there are lower and upper bounds # away from zero, and parameter 6 is fixed at the initial # value bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-10 xx<-rep(0,n) lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) cat("Initial parameters:") print(xx) cat("Lower bounds:") print(lower) cat("upper bounds:") print(upper) cat("Masked (fixed) parameters:") print(which(bdmsk == 0)) ansbt<-Rvmmin(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower, upper, bdmsk, control=list(trace=1)) print(ansbt) ##################### # A version of a generalized Rosenbrock problem genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 gg } # analytic gradient test xx<-rep(pi,10) lower<-NULL upper<-NULL bdmsk<-NULL genrosea<-Rvmmin(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, gs=10) genrosenf<-Rvmmin(xx,genrose.f, gr="grfwd", gs=10) # use local numerical gradient genrosenullgr<-Rvmmin(xx,genrose.f, gs=10) # no gradient specified cat("genrosea uses analytic gradient\n") print(genrosea) cat("genrosenf uses grfwd standard numerical gradient\n") print(genrosenf) cat("genrosenullgr has no gradient specified\n") print(genrosenullgr) cat("Other numerical gradients can be used.\n") cat("timings B vs U\n") lo<-rep(-100,10) up<-rep(100,10) bdmsk<-rep(1,10) tb<-system.time(ab<-Rvmminb(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo, upper=up, bdmsk=bdmsk))[1] tu<-system.time(au<-Rvmminu(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g))[1] cat("times U=",tu," B=",tb,"\n") cat("solution Rvmminu\n") print(au) cat("solution Rvmminb\n") print(ab) cat("diff fu-fb=",au$value-ab$value,"\n") cat("max abs parameter diff = ", max(abs(au$par-ab$par)),"\n") # Test that Rvmmin will maximize as well as minimize maxfn<-function(x) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-10-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } cat("test that maximize=TRUE works correctly\n") n<-6 xx<-rep(1,n) ansmax<-Rvmmin(xx,maxfn, gr="grfwd", control=list(maximize=TRUE,trace=1)) print(ansmax) cat("using the negmax function should give same parameters\n") ansnegmax<-Rvmmin(xx,negmaxfn, gr="grfwd", control=list(trace=1)) print(ansnegmax) ##################### cat("test bounds and masks\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds1<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo,upper=up) print(grbds1) cat("test lower bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) grbds2<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo) print(grbds2) cat("test lower bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-2 up<-rep(10,nn) grbds3<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo) print(grbds3) cat("test upper bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds4<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, upper=up) print(grbds4) cat("test upper bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds5<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, upper=10) print(grbds5) cat("test masks only\n") nn<-6 bd<-c(1,1,0,0,1,1) startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds6<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, bdmsk=bd) print(grbds6) cat("test upper bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) upper<-c(10,8, Inf, Inf) grbds7<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, upper=upper) print(grbds7) cat("test lower bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(0,nn) lower<-c(0,1.1, -Inf, -Inf) grbds8<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f,genrose.g,lower=lower, control=list(maxit=2000)) print(grbds8) cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-Rvmmin(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar) cat("Suppress warnings\n") oneparnw<-Rvmmin(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", control=list(dowarn=FALSE,trace=1)) print(oneparnw)
##################### ## All examples for the Rvmmin package are in this .Rd file ## ## Rosenbrock Banana function fr <- function(x) { x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } ansrosenbrock <- Rvmmin(fn=fr,gr="grfwd", par=c(1,2)) print(ansrosenbrock) cat("\n") cat("No gr specified as a test\n") ansrosenbrock0 <- Rvmmin(fn=fr, par=c(1,2)) print(ansrosenbrock0) # use print to allow copy to separate file that can be called using source() ##################### # Simple bounds and masks test # # The function is a sum of squares, but we impose the # constraints so that there are lower and upper bounds # away from zero, and parameter 6 is fixed at the initial # value bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-10 xx<-rep(0,n) lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) cat("Initial parameters:") print(xx) cat("Lower bounds:") print(lower) cat("upper bounds:") print(upper) cat("Masked (fixed) parameters:") print(which(bdmsk == 0)) ansbt<-Rvmmin(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower, upper, bdmsk, control=list(trace=1)) print(ansbt) ##################### # A version of a generalized Rosenbrock problem genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 gg } # analytic gradient test xx<-rep(pi,10) lower<-NULL upper<-NULL bdmsk<-NULL genrosea<-Rvmmin(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, gs=10) genrosenf<-Rvmmin(xx,genrose.f, gr="grfwd", gs=10) # use local numerical gradient genrosenullgr<-Rvmmin(xx,genrose.f, gs=10) # no gradient specified cat("genrosea uses analytic gradient\n") print(genrosea) cat("genrosenf uses grfwd standard numerical gradient\n") print(genrosenf) cat("genrosenullgr has no gradient specified\n") print(genrosenullgr) cat("Other numerical gradients can be used.\n") cat("timings B vs U\n") lo<-rep(-100,10) up<-rep(100,10) bdmsk<-rep(1,10) tb<-system.time(ab<-Rvmminb(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo, upper=up, bdmsk=bdmsk))[1] tu<-system.time(au<-Rvmminu(xx,genrose.f, genrose.g))[1] cat("times U=",tu," B=",tb,"\n") cat("solution Rvmminu\n") print(au) cat("solution Rvmminb\n") print(ab) cat("diff fu-fb=",au$value-ab$value,"\n") cat("max abs parameter diff = ", max(abs(au$par-ab$par)),"\n") # Test that Rvmmin will maximize as well as minimize maxfn<-function(x) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-10-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } cat("test that maximize=TRUE works correctly\n") n<-6 xx<-rep(1,n) ansmax<-Rvmmin(xx,maxfn, gr="grfwd", control=list(maximize=TRUE,trace=1)) print(ansmax) cat("using the negmax function should give same parameters\n") ansnegmax<-Rvmmin(xx,negmaxfn, gr="grfwd", control=list(trace=1)) print(ansnegmax) ##################### cat("test bounds and masks\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds1<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo,upper=up) print(grbds1) cat("test lower bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) grbds2<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo) print(grbds2) cat("test lower bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-2 up<-rep(10,nn) grbds3<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, lower=lo) print(grbds3) cat("test upper bound only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) lo<-rep(2,nn) up<-rep(10,nn) grbds4<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, upper=up) print(grbds4) cat("test upper bound single value only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds5<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, upper=10) print(grbds5) cat("test masks only\n") nn<-6 bd<-c(1,1,0,0,1,1) startx<-rep(pi,nn) grbds6<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, bdmsk=bd) print(grbds6) cat("test upper bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(pi,nn) upper<-c(10,8, Inf, Inf) grbds7<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f, genrose.g, upper=upper) print(grbds7) cat("test lower bound on first two elements only\n") nn<-4 startx<-rep(0,nn) lower<-c(0,1.1, -Inf, -Inf) grbds8<-Rvmmin(startx,genrose.f,genrose.g,lower=lower, control=list(maxit=2000)) print(grbds8) cat("test n=1 problem using simple squares of parameter\n") sqtst<-function(xx) { res<-sum((xx-2)*(xx-2)) } nn<-1 startx<-rep(0,nn) onepar<-Rvmmin(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", control=list(trace=1)) print(onepar) cat("Suppress warnings\n") oneparnw<-Rvmmin(startx,sqtst, gr="grfwd", control=list(dowarn=FALSE,trace=1)) print(oneparnw)
Nonlinear optimization problems often have different scale for different parameters. This function is intended to explore the differences in scale. It is, however, an imperfect and heuristic tool, and could be improved.
At this time scalechk ignores parameters and bounds for fixed (masked) parameters for calculations of scaling measures. The rationale for this is that such parameters are outside the optimization process.
scalechk(par, lower = lower, upper = upper, bdmsk=NULL, dowarn = TRUE)
scalechk(par, lower = lower, upper = upper, bdmsk=NULL, dowarn = TRUE)
par |
A numeric vector of starting values of the optimization function parameters. |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. May be NULL. |
dowarn |
Set TRUE to issue warnings. Othwerwise this is a silent routine. Default TRUE. |
The scalechk function will check that the bounds exist and are admissible, that is, that there are no lower bounds that exceed upper bounds.
NOTE: Free paramters outside bounds are adjusted to the nearest bound. We then set parchanged = TRUE which implies the original parameters were infeasible.
A list with components:
# Returns: # list(lpratio, lbratio) – the log of the ratio of largest to smallest parameters # and bounds intervals (upper-lower) in absolute value (ignoring Inf, NULL, NA)
lpratio |
The log of the ratio of largest to smallest parameters in absolute value (ignoring Inf, NULL, NA) |
lbratio |
The log of the ratio of largest to smallest bounds intervals (upper-lower) in absolute value (ignoring Inf, NULL, NA) |
##################### par <- c(-1.2, 1) lower <- c(-2, 0) upper <- c(100000, 10) srat<-scalechk(par, lower, upper,dowarn=TRUE) print(srat) sratv<-c(srat$lpratio, srat$lbratio) if (max(sratv,na.rm=TRUE) > 3) { # scaletol from ctrldefault in optimx warnstr<-"Parameters or bounds appear to have different scalings.\n This can cause poor performance in optimization. \n It is important for derivative free methods like BOBYQA, UOBYQA, NEWUOA." cat(warnstr,"\n") }
##################### par <- c(-1.2, 1) lower <- c(-2, 0) upper <- c(100000, 10) srat<-scalechk(par, lower, upper,dowarn=TRUE) print(srat) sratv<-c(srat$lpratio, srat$lbratio) if (max(sratv,na.rm=TRUE) > 3) { # scaletol from ctrldefault in optimx warnstr<-"Parameters or bounds appear to have different scalings.\n This can cause poor performance in optimization. \n It is important for derivative free methods like BOBYQA, UOBYQA, NEWUOA." cat(warnstr,"\n") }
These versions of the safeguarded Newton solve the Newton equations with
the R function solve(). In snewton
a backtracking line search is used,
while in snewtonm
we rely on a Marquardt stabilization.
snewton(par, fn, gr, hess, control = list(trace=0, maxit=500), ...) snewtm(par, fn, gr, hess, bds, control = list(trace=0, maxit=500))
snewton(par, fn, gr, hess, control = list(trace=0, maxit=500), ...) snewtm(par, fn, gr, hess, bds, control = list(trace=0, maxit=500))
par |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fn |
A function that returns the value of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
gr |
A function that returns the gradient of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
hess |
A function to compute the Hessian matrix. This should be provided as a square, symmetric matrix. |
bds |
Result of |
control |
An optional list of control settings. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to |
is intended to be called from optimr()
Functions fn
must return a numeric value. gr
must return a vector.
must return a matrix.
The control
argument is a list. See the code for snewton.R
for completeness.
Some of the values that may be important for users are:
Set 0 (default) for no output, > 0 for diagnostic output (larger values imply more output).
Set TRUE if the routine is to stop for user input (e.g., Enter) after each iteration. Default is FALSE.
A limit on the number of iterations (default 500 + 2*n where n is the number of parameters). This is the maximum number of gradient evaluations allowed.
A limit on the number of function evaluations allowed (default 3000 + 10*n).
a tolerance used for judging small gradient norm (default = 1e-07). a gradient norm smaller than (1 + abs(fmin))*eps*eps is considered small enough that a local optimum has been found, where fmin is the current estimate of the minimal function value.
To adjust the acceptable point tolerance (default 0.0001) in the test ( f <= fmin + gradproj * steplength * acctol ). This test is used to ensure progress is made at each iteration.
Step reduction factor for backtrack line search (default 0.2)
Initial stepsize default (default 1)
Additive shift for equality test (default 100.0)
The (unconstrained) solver snewtonmu
proved to be slower than the bounded solver
called without bounds, so has been withdrawn.
The snewton
safeguarded Newton uses a simple line search but no linear solution
stabilization and has demonstrated POOR performance and reliability. NOT recommended.
A list with components:
The best set of parameters found.
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found.
The value of the gradient at the best set of parameters found. A vector.
The value of the Hessian at the best set of parameters found. A matrix.
A vector of 4 integers giving number of Newton equation solutions, the number of function evaluations, the number of gradient evaluations and the number of hessian evaluations.
A message giving some information on the status of the solution.
Nash, J C (1979, 1990) Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation, Bristol: Adam Hilger. Second Edition, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publications.
#Rosenbrock banana valley function f <- function(x){ return(100*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1])^2 + (1-x[1])^2) } #gradient gr <- function(x){ return(c(-400*x[1]*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1]) - 2*(1-x[1]), 200*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1]))) } #Hessian h <- function(x) { a11 <- 2 - 400*x[2] + 1200*x[1]*x[1]; a21 <- -400*x[1] return(matrix(c(a11, a21, a21, 200), 2, 2)) } fg <- function(x){ #function and gradient val <- f(x) attr(val,"gradient") <- gr(x) val } fgh <- function(x){ #function and gradient val <- f(x) attr(val,"gradient") <- gr(x) attr(val,"hessian") <- h(x) val } x0 <- c(-1.2, 1) sr <- snewton(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, control=list(trace=1)) print(sr) # Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds srm <- optimr(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, control=list(trace=1)) print(srm) # bounds constrained example lo <- rep((min(x0)-0.1), 2) up <- rep((max(x0)+0.1), 2) # Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds srmb <- optimr(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, lower=lo, upper=up, control=list(trace=1)) proptimr(srmb) #Example 2: Wood function # wood.f <- function(x){ res <- 100*(x[1]^2-x[2])^2+(1-x[1])^2+90*(x[3]^2-x[4])^2+(1-x[3])^2+ 10.1*((1-x[2])^2+(1-x[4])^2)+19.8*(1-x[2])*(1-x[4]) return(res) } #gradient: wood.g <- function(x){ g1 <- 400*x[1]^3-400*x[1]*x[2]+2*x[1]-2 g2 <- -200*x[1]^2+220.2*x[2]+19.8*x[4]-40 g3 <- 360*x[3]^3-360*x[3]*x[4]+2*x[3]-2 g4 <- -180*x[3]^2+200.2*x[4]+19.8*x[2]-40 return(c(g1,g2,g3,g4)) } #hessian: wood.h <- function(x){ h11 <- 1200*x[1]^2-400*x[2]+2; h12 <- -400*x[1]; h13 <- h14 <- 0 h22 <- 220.2; h23 <- 0; h24 <- 19.8 h33 <- 1080*x[3]^2-360*x[4]+2; h34 <- -360*x[3] h44 <- 200.2 H <- matrix(c(h11,h12,h13,h14,h12,h22,h23,h24, h13,h23,h33,h34,h14,h24,h34,h44),ncol=4) return(H) } ################################################# w0 <- c(-3, -1, -3, -1) wd <- snewton(w0, fn=wood.f, gr=wood.g, hess=wood.h, control=list(trace=1)) print(wd) # Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds wdm <- optimr(w0, fn=wood.f, gr=wood.g, hess=wood.h, control=list(trace=1)) print(wdm)
#Rosenbrock banana valley function f <- function(x){ return(100*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1])^2 + (1-x[1])^2) } #gradient gr <- function(x){ return(c(-400*x[1]*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1]) - 2*(1-x[1]), 200*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1]))) } #Hessian h <- function(x) { a11 <- 2 - 400*x[2] + 1200*x[1]*x[1]; a21 <- -400*x[1] return(matrix(c(a11, a21, a21, 200), 2, 2)) } fg <- function(x){ #function and gradient val <- f(x) attr(val,"gradient") <- gr(x) val } fgh <- function(x){ #function and gradient val <- f(x) attr(val,"gradient") <- gr(x) attr(val,"hessian") <- h(x) val } x0 <- c(-1.2, 1) sr <- snewton(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, control=list(trace=1)) print(sr) # Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds srm <- optimr(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, control=list(trace=1)) print(srm) # bounds constrained example lo <- rep((min(x0)-0.1), 2) up <- rep((max(x0)+0.1), 2) # Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds srmb <- optimr(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, lower=lo, upper=up, control=list(trace=1)) proptimr(srmb) #Example 2: Wood function # wood.f <- function(x){ res <- 100*(x[1]^2-x[2])^2+(1-x[1])^2+90*(x[3]^2-x[4])^2+(1-x[3])^2+ 10.1*((1-x[2])^2+(1-x[4])^2)+19.8*(1-x[2])*(1-x[4]) return(res) } #gradient: wood.g <- function(x){ g1 <- 400*x[1]^3-400*x[1]*x[2]+2*x[1]-2 g2 <- -200*x[1]^2+220.2*x[2]+19.8*x[4]-40 g3 <- 360*x[3]^3-360*x[3]*x[4]+2*x[3]-2 g4 <- -180*x[3]^2+200.2*x[4]+19.8*x[2]-40 return(c(g1,g2,g3,g4)) } #hessian: wood.h <- function(x){ h11 <- 1200*x[1]^2-400*x[2]+2; h12 <- -400*x[1]; h13 <- h14 <- 0 h22 <- 220.2; h23 <- 0; h24 <- 19.8 h33 <- 1080*x[3]^2-360*x[4]+2; h34 <- -360*x[3] h44 <- 200.2 H <- matrix(c(h11,h12,h13,h14,h12,h22,h23,h24, h13,h23,h33,h34,h14,h24,h34,h44),ncol=4) return(H) } ################################################# w0 <- c(-3, -1, -3, -1) wd <- snewton(w0, fn=wood.f, gr=wood.g, hess=wood.h, control=list(trace=1)) print(wd) # Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds wdm <- optimr(w0, fn=wood.f, gr=wood.g, hess=wood.h, control=list(trace=1)) print(wdm)
Summarize an "optimx"
## S3 method for class 'optimx' summary(object, order = NULL, par.select = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'optimx' summary(object, order = NULL, par.select = TRUE, ...)
object |
Object returned by |
order |
A column name, character vector of columns names, R
expression in terms of column names or a list of R expressions in terms of
column names. |
par.select |
a numeric, character or logical vector selecting
those |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to the function. Currently not used. |
If order
is specified then the result is reordered by the specified
columns, each in ascending order (except possibly for the
column which is re-ordered in descending order for
maximization problems).
returns object
with the rows ordered according
to order
and with those parameters selected by par.select
ans <- optimx(fn = function(x) sum(x*x), par = 1:2) # order by method name. summary(ans, order = rownames) # order by objective value. Do not show parameter values. summary(ans, order = value, par.select = FALSE) # order by objective value and then number of function evaluations # such that objectives that are the same to 3 decimals are # considered the same. Show only first parameter. summary(ans, order = list(round(value, 3), fevals), par.select = 1)
ans <- optimx(fn = function(x) sum(x*x), par = 1:2) # order by method name. summary(ans, order = rownames) # order by objective value. Do not show parameter values. summary(ans, order = value, par.select = FALSE) # order by objective value and then number of function evaluations # such that objectives that are the same to 3 decimals are # considered the same. Show only first parameter. summary(ans, order = list(round(value, 3), fevals), par.select = 1)