Title: | Tools to Support Optimization Possibly with Bounds and Masks |
Description: | Tools to assist in safely applying user generated objective and derivative function to optimization programs. These are primarily function minimization methods with at most bounds and masks on the parameters. Provides a way to check the basic computation of objective functions that the user provides, along with proposed gradient and Hessian functions, as well as to wrap such functions to avoid failures when inadmissible parameters are provided. Check bounds and masks. Check scaling or optimality conditions. Perform an axial search to seek lower points on the objective function surface. Includes forward, central and backward gradient approximation codes. |
Authors: | John C Nash [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | John C Nash <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 2019-12.4 |
Built: | 2025-02-16 05:01:00 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/optextras |
Provides tools that work with extensions of the optim() function to unify and streamline optimization capabilities in R for smooth, possibly box constrained functions of several or many parameters
There are three test functions, fnchk, grchk, and hesschk, to allow the user
function to be tested for validity and correctness. However, no set of tests is
exhaustive, and extensions and improvements are welcome. The package
is used for generation of numerical approximations to
Package: | optextras |
Version: | 2012-6.18 |
Date: | 2012-06-18 |
License: | GPL-2 |
Lazyload: | Yes |
Depends: | numDeriv |
Suggests: | BB, ucminf, Rcgmin, Rvmmin, minqa, setRNG, dfoptim |
Repository: | R-Forge |
Repository/R-Forge/Project: | optimizer |
axsearch Perform an axial search optimality check bmchk Check bounds and masks for parameter constraints bmstep Compute the maximum step along a search direction. fnchk Test validity of user function gHgen Compute gradient and Hessian as a given set of parameters gHgenb Compute gradient and Hessian as a given set of parameters appying bounds and masks grback Backward numerical gradient approximation grcentral Central numerical gradient approximation grchk Check that gradient function evaluation matches numerical gradient grfwd Forward numerical gradient approximation grnd Gradient approximation using \code{numDeriv} hesschk Check that Hessian function evaluation matches numerical approximation kktchk Check the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions optsp An environment to hold some globally useful items used by optimization programs scalechk Check scale of initial parameters and bounds
John C Nash <[email protected]> and Ravi Varadhan <[email protected]>
Maintainer: John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, John C. and Varadhan, Ravi (2011) Unifying Optimization Algorithms to Aid Software System Users: optimx for R, Journal of Statistical Software, publication pending.
Nonlinear optimization problems often terminate at points in the
parameter space that are not satisfactory optima. This routine conducts an axial
search, stepping forward and backward along each parameter and computing the objective
function. This allows us to compute the tilt
and radius of curvature
along that parameter axis.
assumes that one is MINIMIZING the function fn
. While we believe
that it will work using the wrapper ufn
from this package with the 'maximize=TRUE'
setting, we believe it is much safer to write your own function that is to be minimized.
That is minimize (-1)*(function to be maximized). All discussion here is in
terms of minimization.
Axial search may find parameters with a function value lower than that at the
supposed minimum, i.e., lower than fmin
In this case axsearch
exits immediately with the new function value and
parameters. This can be used to restart an optimizer, as in the optimx wrapper.
axsearch(par, fn=NULL, fmin=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0, ...)
axsearch(par, fn=NULL, fmin=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0, ...)
par |
A numeric vector of values of the optimization function parameters that are at a supposed minimum. |
fn |
The user objective function |
fmin |
The value of the objective function at the parameters |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. Partly for historical reasons, we use the same array during the progress of optimization as an indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (bdmsk element set to -3) or upper bound (-1). |
trace |
If trace>0, then local output is enabled. |
... |
Extra arguments for the user function. |
The axial search MAY give a lower function value, in which case, one can restart. Its primary use is in presenting some features of the function surface in the tilt and radius of curvature measures returned. However, better measures should be possible, and this function should be regarded as largely experimental.
A list with components:
bestfn |
The lowest (best) function value found (??maximize??) during the axial search, else the original fmin value. (This is actively set in that case.) |
par |
The vector of parameters at the best function value. |
details |
A data frame reporting the original parameters, the forward step and backward step function values, the size of the step taken for a particular parameter, the tilt and the roc (radius of curvature). Some elements will be NA if we find a lower function value during the axial search. |
##################### # require(optimx) require(optextras) # Simple bounds test for n=4 bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-4 lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) # bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) cat("lower bounds:") print(lower) cat("start: ") print(xx) cat("upper bounds:") print(upper) abtrvm <- list() # ensure we have the structure cat("Rvmmin \n\n") # Note: trace set to 0 below. Change as needed to view progress. # Following can be executed if package optimx available # abtrvm <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", # control=list(trace=0)) # Note: use lower=lower etc. because there is a missing hess= argument # print(abtrvm) abtrvm$par <- c(0.00, 0.75, 1.50, 2.25) abtrvm$value <- 7.875 cat("Axial search") axabtrvm <- axsearch(abtrvm$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0) print(axabtrvm) abtrvm1 <- list() # set up structure # Following can be executed if package optimx available # cat("Now force an early stop\n") # abtrvm1 <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", # control=list(maxit=1, trace=0)) # print(abtrvm1) abtrvm1$value <- 8.884958 abtrvm1$par <- c(0.625, 1.625, 2.625, 3.625) cat("Axial search") axabtrvm1 <- axsearch(abtrvm1$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm1$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0) print(axabtrvm1) cat("Do NOT try axsearch() with maximize\n")
##################### # require(optimx) require(optextras) # Simple bounds test for n=4 bt.f<-function(x){ sum(x*x) } bt.g<-function(x){ gg<-2.0*x } n<-4 lower<-rep(0,n) upper<-lower # to get arrays set bdmsk<-rep(1,n) # bdmsk[(trunc(n/2)+1)]<-0 for (i in 1:n) { lower[i]<-1.0*(i-1)*(n-1)/n upper[i]<-1.0*i*(n+1)/n } xx<-0.5*(lower+upper) cat("lower bounds:") print(lower) cat("start: ") print(xx) cat("upper bounds:") print(upper) abtrvm <- list() # ensure we have the structure cat("Rvmmin \n\n") # Note: trace set to 0 below. Change as needed to view progress. # Following can be executed if package optimx available # abtrvm <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", # control=list(trace=0)) # Note: use lower=lower etc. because there is a missing hess= argument # print(abtrvm) abtrvm$par <- c(0.00, 0.75, 1.50, 2.25) abtrvm$value <- 7.875 cat("Axial search") axabtrvm <- axsearch(abtrvm$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0) print(axabtrvm) abtrvm1 <- list() # set up structure # Following can be executed if package optimx available # cat("Now force an early stop\n") # abtrvm1 <- optimr(xx, bt.f, bt.g, lower=lower, upper=upper, method="Rvmmin", # control=list(maxit=1, trace=0)) # print(abtrvm1) abtrvm1$value <- 8.884958 abtrvm1$par <- c(0.625, 1.625, 2.625, 3.625) cat("Axial search") axabtrvm1 <- axsearch(abtrvm1$par, fn=bt.f, fmin=abtrvm1$value, lower, upper, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0) print(axabtrvm1) cat("Do NOT try axsearch() with maximize\n")
Nonlinear optimization problems often have explicit or implicit upper and lower bounds on the parameters of the function to be miminized or maximized. These are called bounds or box constraints. Some of the parameters may be fixed for a given problem or for a temporary trial. These fixed, or masked, paramters are held at one value during a specific 'run' of the optimization.
It is possible that the bounds are inadmissible, that is, that at least one lower bound
exceeds an upper bound. In this case we set the flag admissible
Parameters that are outside the bounds are moved to the nearest bound and the flag
is set TRUE. However, we DO NOT change masked parameters, and they
may be outside the bounds. This is an implementation choice, since it may be useful
to test objective functions at point outside the bounds.
The package bmchk is essentially a test of the R function bmchk(), which is likely to be incorporated within optimization codes.
bmchk(par, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0, tol=NULL, shift2bound=TRUE)
bmchk(par, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0, tol=NULL, shift2bound=TRUE)
par |
A numeric vector of starting values of the optimization function parameters. |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. Partly for historical reasons, we use the same array during the progress of optimization as an indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (bdmsk element set to -3) or upper bound (-1). |
trace |
An integer that controls whether diagnostic information is displayed. A positive value displays information, 0 (default) does not. |
tol |
If provided, is used to detect a MASK, that is, lower=upper for some parameter. |
shift2bound |
If TRUE, non-masked paramters outside bounds are adjusted to the nearest bound. We then set parchanged = TRUE which implies the original parameters were infeasible. |
The bmchk function will check that the bounds exist and are admissible, that is, that there are no lower bounds that exceed upper bounds.
There is a check if lower and upper bounds are very close together, in which case a mask is imposed and maskadded is set TRUE. NOTE: it is generally a VERY BAD IDEA to have bounds close together in optimization, but here we use a tolerance based on the double precision machine epsilon. Thus it is not a good idea to rely on bmchk() to test if bounds constraints are well-posed.
A list with components:
bvec |
The vector of parameters, possibly adjusted for bounds. Parameters outside bounds are adjusted to the nearest bound. |
bdmsk |
adjusted input masks |
bchar |
indicator for humans – "-","L","F","U","+","M" for out-of-bounds-low, lower bound, free, upper bound, out-of-bounds-high, masked (fixed) |
lower |
(adjusted) lower bounds. If upper-lower<tol, we create a mask
rather than leave bounds. In this case we could eliminate the bounds.
At the moment, this change is NOT made, but a commented line of code
is present in the file |
upper |
(adjusted) upper bounds |
nolower |
TRUE if no lower bounds, FALSE otherwise |
noupper |
TRUE if no upper bounds, FALSE otherwise |
bounds |
TRUE if there are any bounds, FALSE otherwise |
admissible |
TRUE if bounds are admissible, FALSE otherwise This means no lower bound exceeds an upper bound. That is the bounds themselves are sensible. This condition has nothing to do with the starting parameters. |
maskadded |
TRUE when a mask has been added because bounds are very close or equal, FALSE otherwise. See the code for the implementation. |
parchanged |
TRUE if parameters are changed by bounds, FALSE otherswise. Note that parchanged = TRUE implies the input parameter values were infeasible, that is, violated the bounds constraints. |
feasible |
TRUE if parameters are within or on bounds, FALSE otherswise. |
onbound |
TRUE if any parameter is on a bound, FALSE otherswise.
Note that parchanged = TRUE implies onbound = TRUE, but this is not used inside
the function. This output value may be important, for example, in using the
optimization function |
##################### cat("25-dimensional box constrained function\n") flb <- function(x) { p <- length(x); sum(c(1, rep(4, p-1)) * (x - c(1, x[-p])^2)^2) } start<-rep(2, 25) cat("\n start:") print(start) lo<-rep(2,25) cat("\n lo:") print(lo) hi<-rep(4,25) cat("\n hi:") print(hi) bt<-bmchk(start, lower=lo, upper=hi, trace=1) print(bt)
##################### cat("25-dimensional box constrained function\n") flb <- function(x) { p <- length(x); sum(c(1, rep(4, p-1)) * (x - c(1, x[-p])^2)^2) } start<-rep(2, 25) cat("\n start:") print(start) lo<-rep(2,25) cat("\n lo:") print(lo) hi<-rep(4,25) cat("\n hi:") print(hi) bt<-bmchk(start, lower=lo, upper=hi, trace=1) print(bt)
Nonlinear optimization problems often have explicit or implicit upper and lower bounds on the parameters of the function to be miminized or maximized. These are called bounds or box constraints. Some of the parameters may be fixed for a given problem or for a temporary trial. These fixed, or masked, paramters are held at one value during a specific 'run' of the optimization.
The bmstep() function computes the maximum step possible (which could be infinite) along a particular search direction from current parameters to bounds.
bmstep(par, srchdirn, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0)
bmstep(par, srchdirn, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, trace=0)
par |
A numeric vector of starting values of the optimization function parameters. |
srchdirn |
A numeric vector giving the search direction. |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. Partly for historical reasons, we use the same array during the progress of optimization as an indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (bdmsk element set to -3) or upper bound (-1). |
trace |
An integer that controls whether diagnostic information is displayed. A positive value displays information, 0 (default) does not. |
The bmstep function will compute and return (as a double or Inf) the maximum step to the bounds.
A double precision value or Inf giving the maximum step to the bounds.
##################### xx <- c(1, 1) lo <- c(0, 0) up <- c(100, 40) sdir <- c(4,1) bm <- c(1,1) # both free ans <- bmstep(xx, sdir, lo, up, bm, trace=1) # stepsize print(ans) # distance print(ans*sdir) # New parameters print(xx+ans*sdir)
##################### xx <- c(1, 1) lo <- c(0, 0) up <- c(100, 40) sdir <- c(4,1) bm <- c(1,1) # both free ans <- bmstep(xx, sdir, lo, up, bm, trace=1) # stepsize print(ans) # distance print(ans*sdir) # New parameters print(xx+ans*sdir)
Set control defaults.
ctrldefault(npar) dispdefault(ctrl)
ctrldefault(npar) dispdefault(ctrl)
npar |
Number of parameters to optimize. |
ctrl |
A list (likely generated by 'ctrldefault') of default settings to 'optimx'. |
returns the default control settings for optimization tools.
provides a compact display of the contents of a control settings list.
checks a user-provided R function, ffn
fnchk(xpar, ffn, trace=0, ... )
fnchk(xpar, ffn, trace=0, ... )
xpar |
the (double) vector of parameters to the objective funcion |
ffn |
a user-provided function to compute the objective function |
trace |
set >0 to provide output from fnchk to the console, 0 otherwise |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
attempts to discover various errors in function setup in user-supplied
functions primarily intended for use in optimization calculations. There are always
more conditions that could be tested!
The output is a list consisting of list(fval=fval, infeasible=infeasible, excode=excode, msg=msg)
fval |
The calculated value of the function at parameters |
infeasible |
FALSE if the function can be evaluated, TRUE if not. |
excode |
An exit code, which has a relationship to |
msg |
A text string giving information about the result of the function check: Messages and
the corresponding values of
John C. Nash <[email protected]>
# Want to illustrate each case. # Ben Bolker idea for a function that is NOT scalar # rm(list=ls()) # library(optimx) sessionInfo() benbad<-function(x, y){ # y may be provided with different structures f<-(x-y)^2 } # very simple, but ... y<-1:10 x<-c(1) cat("fc01: test benbad() with y=1:10, x=c(1)\n") fc01<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=4, y) print(fc01) y<-as.vector(y) cat("fc02: test benbad() with y=as.vector(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc02<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc02) y<-as.matrix(y) cat("fc03: test benbad() with y=as.matrix(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc03<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc03) y<-as.array(y) cat("fc04: test benbad() with y=as.array(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc04<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc04) y<-"This is a string" cat("test benbad() with y a string, x=c(1)\n") fc05<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc05) cat("fnchk with Rosenbrock\n") fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } xtrad<-c(-1.2,1) ros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(ros1) npar<-2 opros<-list2env(list(fn=fr, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, MAXIMIZE=FALSE, PARSCALE=rep(1,npar), FNSCALE=1, KFN=0, KGR=0, KHESS=0, dots=NULL)) uros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(uros1)
# Want to illustrate each case. # Ben Bolker idea for a function that is NOT scalar # rm(list=ls()) # library(optimx) sessionInfo() benbad<-function(x, y){ # y may be provided with different structures f<-(x-y)^2 } # very simple, but ... y<-1:10 x<-c(1) cat("fc01: test benbad() with y=1:10, x=c(1)\n") fc01<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=4, y) print(fc01) y<-as.vector(y) cat("fc02: test benbad() with y=as.vector(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc02<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc02) y<-as.matrix(y) cat("fc03: test benbad() with y=as.matrix(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc03<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc03) y<-as.array(y) cat("fc04: test benbad() with y=as.array(1:10), x=c(1)\n") fc04<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc04) y<-"This is a string" cat("test benbad() with y a string, x=c(1)\n") fc05<-fnchk(x, benbad, trace=1, y) print(fc05) cat("fnchk with Rosenbrock\n") fr <- function(x) { ## Rosenbrock Banana function x1 <- x[1] x2 <- x[2] 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2 } xtrad<-c(-1.2,1) ros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(ros1) npar<-2 opros<-list2env(list(fn=fr, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, MAXIMIZE=FALSE, PARSCALE=rep(1,npar), FNSCALE=1, KFN=0, KGR=0, KHESS=0, dots=NULL)) uros1<-fnchk(xtrad, fr, trace=1) print(uros1)
is used to generate the gradient and Hessian of an objective
function used for optimization. If a user-provided gradient function
is available it is used to compute the gradient, otherwise
package numDeriv
is used. If a user-provided Hessian function
is available, it is used to compute a Hessian. Otherwise, if
is available, we use the function jacobian()
package numDeriv
to compute the Hessian. In both these cases we
check for symmetry of the Hessian. Computational Hessians are commonly
NOT symmetric. If only the objective function fn
is provided, then
the Hessian is approximated with the function hessian
package numDeriv
which guarantees a symmetric matrix.
gHgen(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
gHgen(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
par |
Set of parameters, assumed to be at a minimum of the function |
fn |
Name of the objective function. |
gr |
(Optional) function to compute the gradient of the objective function. If present, we use the Jacobian of the gradient as the Hessian and avoid one layer of numerical approximation to the Hessian. |
hess |
(Optional) function to compute the Hessian of the objective function. This is rarely available, but is included for completeness. |
control |
A list of controls to the function. Currently asymptol (default of 1.0e-7 which tests for asymmetry of Hessian approximation (see code for details of the test); ktrace, a logical flag which, if TRUE, monitors the progress of gHgen (default FALSE), and stoponerror, defaulting to FALSE to NOT stop when there is an error or asymmetry of Hessian. Set TRUE to stop. |
... |
Extra data needed to compute the function, gradient and Hessian. |
a list of four items,
The approximation to the gradient vector.
The approximation to the Hessian matrix.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably. FALSE otherwise.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably and passes the
symmetry test. FALSE otherwise.
Always 0. The number of active bounds and masks.
Present to make function consistent with gHgenb
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fgh) ans100fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fg) ans100f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100f) ans10fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fgh) ans10fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fg) ans10f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10f)
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fgh) ans100fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100fg) ans100f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1)) print(ans100f) ans10fgh<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, hess=genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fgh) ans10fg<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, gr=genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10fg) ans10f<- gHgen(trad, genrose.f, control=list(ktrace=1), gs=10) print(ans10f)
is used to generate the gradient and Hessian of an objective
function used for optimization. If a user-provided gradient function
is available it is used to compute the gradient, otherwise
package numDeriv
is used. If a user-provided Hessian function
is available, it is used to compute a Hessian. Otherwise, if
is available, we use the function jacobian()
package numDeriv
to compute the Hessian. In both these cases we
check for symmetry of the Hessian. Computational Hessians are commonly
NOT symmetric. If only the objective function fn
is provided, then
the Hessian is approximated with the function hessian
package numDeriv
which guarantees a symmetric matrix.
gHgenb(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
gHgenb(par, fn, gr=NULL, hess=NULL, bdmsk=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, control=list(ktrace=0), ...)
par |
Set of parameters, assumed to be at a minimum of the function |
fn |
Name of the objective function. |
gr |
(Optional) function to compute the gradient of the objective function. If present, we use the Jacobian of the gradient as the Hessian and avoid one layer of numerical approximation to the Hessian. |
hess |
(Optional) function to compute the Hessian of the objective function. This is rarely available, but is included for completeness. |
bdmsk |
An integer vector of the same length as |
lower |
Lower bounds for parameters in |
upper |
Upper bounds for parameters in |
control |
A list of controls to the function. Currently asymptol (default of 1.0e-7 which tests for asymmetry of Hessian approximation (see code for details of the test); ktrace, a logical flag which, if TRUE, monitors the progress of gHgenb (default FALSE), and stoponerror, defaulting to FALSE to NOT stop when there is an error or asymmetry of Hessian. Set TRUE to stop. |
... |
Extra data needed to compute the function, gradient and Hessian. |
a list of four items,
The approximation to the gradient vector.
The approximation to the Hessian matrix.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably. FALSE otherwise.
TRUE if the gradient has been computed acceptably and passes the
symmetry test. FALSE otherwise.
The number of active bounds and masks.
require(numDeriv) # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } maxfn<-function(x, top=10) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-top-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } parx<-rep(1,4) lower<-rep(-10,4) upper<-rep(10,4) bdmsk<-c(1,1,0,1) # masked parameter 3 fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("*****************************************\n") parx<-rep(0.9,4) fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,control=list(ktrace=TRUE), gs=9.4) cat("results of gHgenb with gs=",9.4," for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=TRUE)) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) gst<-5 cat("\n\nTest with full calling sequence and gs=",gst,"\n") gengall<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g,genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=TRUE),gs=gst) print(gengall) top<-25 x0<-rep(2,4) cat("\n\nTest for maximization and top=",top,"\n") cat("Gradient and Hessian will have sign inverted") maxt<-gHgen(x0, maxfn, control=list(ktrace=TRUE), top=top) print(maxt) cat("test against negmaxfn\n") gneg <- grad(negmaxfn, x0) Hneg<-hessian(negmaxfn, x0) # gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) # Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) # explicitly change sign gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-(-1)*maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-(-1)*maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) cat("gdiff = ",gdiff," Hdiff=",Hdiff,"\n")
require(numDeriv) # genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } maxfn<-function(x, top=10) { n<-length(x) ss<-seq(1,n) f<-top-(crossprod(x-ss))^2 f<-as.numeric(f) return(f) } negmaxfn<-function(x) { f<-(-1)*maxfn(x) return(f) } parx<-rep(1,4) lower<-rep(-10,4) upper<-rep(10,4) bdmsk<-c(1,1,0,1) # masked parameter 3 fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("*****************************************\n") parx<-rep(0.9,4) fval<-genrose.f(parx) gval<-genrose.g(parx) Ahess<-genrose.h(parx) gennog<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,control=list(ktrace=TRUE), gs=9.4) cat("results of gHgenb with gs=",9.4," for genrose without gradient code at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) cat("\n\n") geng<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g, control=list(ktrace=TRUE)) cat("results of gHgenb for genrose at ") print(parx) print(gennog) cat("compare to g =") print(gval) cat("and Hess\n") print(Ahess) gst<-5 cat("\n\nTest with full calling sequence and gs=",gst,"\n") gengall<-gHgenb(parx,genrose.f,genrose.g,genrose.h, control=list(ktrace=TRUE),gs=gst) print(gengall) top<-25 x0<-rep(2,4) cat("\n\nTest for maximization and top=",top,"\n") cat("Gradient and Hessian will have sign inverted") maxt<-gHgen(x0, maxfn, control=list(ktrace=TRUE), top=top) print(maxt) cat("test against negmaxfn\n") gneg <- grad(negmaxfn, x0) Hneg<-hessian(negmaxfn, x0) # gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) # Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) # explicitly change sign gdiff<-max(abs(gneg-(-1)*maxt$gn))/max(abs(maxt$gn)) Hdiff<-max(abs(Hneg-(-1)*maxt$Hn))/max(abs(maxt$Hn)) cat("gdiff = ",gdiff," Hdiff=",Hdiff,"\n")
computes the backward difference approximation to the gradient of
user function userfn
grback(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
grback(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
par |
parameters to the user objective function userfn |
userfn |
User-supplied objective function |
fbase |
The value of the function at the parameters, else NULL. This is to save recomputing the function at this point. |
env |
Environment for scratchpad items (like |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grback |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
returns a single vector object df
which approximates the
gradient of userfn at the parameters par. The approximation is controlled by a
global value optderiveps
that is set when the package is attached.
John C. Nash
cat("Example of use of grback\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to analytic gradient:\n") print(ga) cat("change the step parameter to 1e-4\n") optsp$deps <- 1e-4 gn2<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn2)
cat("Example of use of grback\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to analytic gradient:\n") print(ga) cat("change the step parameter to 1e-4\n") optsp$deps <- 1e-4 gn2<-grback(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn2)
computes the central difference approximation to the gradient of
user function userfn
grcentral(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
grcentral(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
par |
parameters to the user objective function userfn |
userfn |
User-supplied objective function |
fbase |
The value of the function at the parameters, else NULL. This is to save recomputing the function at this point. |
env |
Environment for scratchpad items (like |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grcentral |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
returns a single vector object df
which approximates the
gradient of userfn at the parameters par. The approximation is controlled by a
global value optderiveps
that is set when the package is attached.
John C. Nash
cat("Example of use of grcentral\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grcentral(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
cat("Example of use of grcentral\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grcentral(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
checks a user-provided R function, ffn
grchk(xpar, ffn, ggr, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
grchk(xpar, ffn, ggr, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
xpar |
parameters to the user objective and gradient functions ffn and ggr |
ffn |
User-supplied objective function |
ggr |
User-supplied gradient function |
trace |
set >0 to provide output from grchk to the console, 0 otherwise |
testtol |
tolerance for equality tests |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grchk |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
is used to numerically approximate the gradient of function ffn
and compare this to the result of function ggr
returns a single object gradOK
which is true if the differences
between analytic and approximated gradient are small as measured by the tolerance
This has attributes "ga" and "gn" for the analytic and numerically approximated gradients.
At the time of preparation, there are no checks for validity of the gradient code in
as in the function fnchk
John C. Nash
# Would like examples of success and failure. What about "near misses"?? cat("Show how grchk works\n") require(optextras) require(numDeriv) # require(optimx) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } jonesg2 <- function(xx) { gx <- 1 gy <- 2 gg <- - c(gx, gy) } xx <- c(1, 2) gcans <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans gcans2 <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg2, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans2
# Would like examples of success and failure. What about "near misses"?? cat("Show how grchk works\n") require(optextras) require(numDeriv) # require(optimx) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } jonesg2 <- function(xx) { gx <- 1 gy <- 2 gg <- - c(gx, gy) } xx <- c(1, 2) gcans <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans gcans2 <- grchk(xx, jones, jonesg2, trace=1, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3)) gcans2
computes the forward difference approximation to the gradient of
user function userfn
grfwd(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
grfwd(par, userfn, fbase=NULL, env=optsp, ...)
par |
parameters to the user objective function userfn |
userfn |
User-supplied objective function |
fbase |
The value of the function at the parameters, else NULL. This is to save recomputing the function at this point. |
env |
Environment for scratchpad items (like |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | grfwd |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
returns a single vector object df
which approximates the
gradient of userfn at the parameters par. The approximation is controlled by a
global value optderiveps
that is set when the package is attached.
John C. Nash
cat("Example of use of grfwd\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grfwd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
cat("Example of use of grfwd\n") myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grfwd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
Provides a wrapper for the numDeriv approximation to the
gradient of a user supplied objective function userfn
grnd(par, userfn, ...)
grnd(par, userfn, ...)
par |
A vector of parameters to the user-supplied function |
userfn |
A user-supplied function |
... |
Other data needed to evaluate the user function. |
The Richardson method is used in this routine.
returns an approximation to the gradient of the function userfn
cat("Example of use of grnd\n") require(numDeriv) myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grnd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
cat("Example of use of grnd\n") require(numDeriv) myfn<-function(xx, shift=100){ ii<-1:length(xx) result<-shift+sum(xx^ii) } xx<-c(1,2,3,4) ii<-1:length(xx) print(xx) gn<-grnd(xx,myfn, shift=0) print(gn) ga<-ii*xx^(ii-1) cat("compare to\n") print(ga)
checks a user-provided R function, ffn
hesschk(xpar, ffn, ggr, hhess, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
hesschk(xpar, ffn, ggr, hhess, trace=0, testtol=(.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3), ...)
xpar |
parameters to the user objective and gradient functions ffn and ggr |
ffn |
User-supplied objective function |
ggr |
User-supplied gradient function |
hhess |
User-supplied Hessian function |
trace |
set >0 to provide output from hesschk to the console, 0 otherwise |
testtol |
tolerance for equality tests |
... |
optional arguments passed to the objective function. |
Package: | hesschk |
Depends: | R (>= 2.6.1) |
License: | GPL Version 2. |
is used to compute a numerical approximation to the Hessian
matrix. If there is no analytic gradient, then the hessian()
from numDeriv
is applied to the user function ffn
. Otherwise,
the jacobian()
function of numDeriv
is applied to the ggr
function so that only one level of differencing is used.
The function returns a single object hessOK
which is TRUE if the
analytic Hessian code returns a Hessian matrix that is "close" to the
numerical approximation obtained via numDeriv
; FALSE otherwise.
is returned with the following attributes:
"nullhess"Set TRUE if the user does not supply a function to compute the Hessian.
"asym"Set TRUE if the Hessian does not satisfy symmetry conditions to
within a tolerance. See the hesschk
for details.
"ha"The analytic Hessian computed at paramters xpar
using hhess
"hn"The numerical approximation to the Hessian computed at paramters xpar
"msg"A text comment on the outcome of the tests.
John C. Nash
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1) print(ans100) ans10<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1, gs=10) print(ans10)
# genrose function code genrose.f<- function(x, gs=NULL){ # objective function ## One generalization of the Rosenbrock banana valley function (n parameters) n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } fval<-1.0 + sum (gs*(x[1:(n-1)]^2 - x[2:n])^2 + (x[2:n] - 1)^2) return(fval) } genrose.g <- function(x, gs=NULL){ # vectorized gradient for genrose.f # Ravi Varadhan 2009-04-03 n <- length(x) if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } gg <- as.vector(rep(0, n)) tn <- 2:n tn1 <- tn - 1 z1 <- x[tn] - x[tn1]^2 z2 <- 1 - x[tn] gg[tn] <- 2 * (gs * z1 - z2) gg[tn1] <- gg[tn1] - 4 * gs * x[tn1] * z1 return(gg) } genrose.h <- function(x, gs=NULL) { ## compute Hessian if(is.null(gs)) { gs=100.0 } n <- length(x) hh<-matrix(rep(0, n*n),n,n) for (i in 2:n) { z1<-x[i]-x[i-1]*x[i-1] # z2<-1.0-x[i] hh[i,i]<-hh[i,i]+2.0*(gs+1.0) hh[i-1,i-1]<-hh[i-1,i-1]-4.0*gs*z1-4.0*gs*x[i-1]*(-2.0*x[i-1]) hh[i,i-1]<-hh[i,i-1]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] hh[i-1,i]<-hh[i-1,i]-4.0*gs*x[i-1] } return(hh) } trad<-c(-1.2,1) ans100<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1) print(ans100) ans10<-hesschk(trad, genrose.f, genrose.g, genrose.h, trace=1, gs=10) print(ans10)
Provide a check on Kuhn-Karush-Tucker conditions based on quantities already computed. Some of these used only for reporting.
kktchk(par, fn, gr, hess=NULL, upper=NULL, lower=NULL, maximize=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
kktchk(par, fn, gr, hess=NULL, upper=NULL, lower=NULL, maximize=FALSE, control=list(), ...)
par |
A vector of values for the parameters which are supposedly optimal. |
fn |
The objective function |
gr |
The gradient function |
hess |
The Hessian function |
upper |
Upper bounds on the parameters |
lower |
Lower bounds on the parameters |
maximize |
Logical TRUE if function is being maximized. Default FALSE. |
control |
A list of controls for the function |
... |
The dot arguments needed for evaluating the function and gradient and hessian |
kktchk computes the gradient and Hessian measures for BOTH unconstrained and bounds (and masks) constrained parameters, but the kkt measures are evaluated only for the constrained case.
The output is a list consisting of
gmax |
The absolute value of the largest gradient component in magnitude. |
evratio |
The ratio of the smallest to largest Hessian eigenvalue. Note that this may be negative. |
kkt1 |
A logical value that is TRUE if we consider the first (i.e., gradient) KKT condition to be satisfied. WARNING: The decision is dependent on tolerances and scaling that may be inappropriate for some problems. |
kkt2 |
A logical value that is TRUE if we consider the second (i.e., positive definite Hessian) KKT condition to be satisfied. WARNING: The decision is dependent on tolerances and scaling that may be inappropriate for some problems. |
hev |
The calculated hessian eigenvalues, sorted largest to smallest?? |
ngatend |
The computed (unconstrained) gradient at the solution parameters. |
nnatend |
The computed (unconstrained) hessian at the solution parameters. |
cat("Show how kktc works\n") # require(optimx) require(optextras) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } ans <- list() # to ensure structure available # If optimx package available, the following can be run. # xx<-0.5*c(pi,pi) # ans <- optimr(xx, jones, jonesg, method="Rvmmin") # ans ans$par <- c(3.154083, -3.689620) kkans <- kktchk(ans$par, jones, jonesg) kkans
cat("Show how kktc works\n") # require(optimx) require(optextras) jones<-function(xx){ x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] ff<-sin(x*x/2 - y*y/4)*cos(2*x-exp(y)) ff<- -ff } jonesg <- function(xx) { x<-xx[1] y<-xx[2] gx <- cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((x + x)/2) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) - sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * 2) gy <- sin(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * (sin(2 * x - exp(y)) * exp(y)) - cos(x * x/2 - y * y/4) * ((y + y)/4) * cos(2 * x - exp(y)) gg <- - c(gx, gy) } ans <- list() # to ensure structure available # If optimx package available, the following can be run. # xx<-0.5*c(pi,pi) # ans <- optimr(xx, jones, jonesg, method="Rvmmin") # ans ans$par <- c(3.154083, -3.689620) kkans <- kktchk(ans$par, jones, jonesg) kkans
Nonlinear optimization problems often have different scale for different parameters. This function is intended to explore the differences in scale. It is, however, an imperfect and heuristic tool, and could be improved.
At this time scalechk does NOT take account of masks. (?? should 110702)
scalechk(par, lower = lower, upper = upper, bdmsk=NULL, dowarn = TRUE)
scalechk(par, lower = lower, upper = upper, bdmsk=NULL, dowarn = TRUE)
par |
A numeric vector of starting values of the optimization function parameters. |
lower |
A vector of lower bounds on the parameters. |
upper |
A vector of upper bounds on the parameters. |
bdmsk |
An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is "free" or unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the duration of the optimization. |
dowarn |
Set TRUE to issue warnings. Othwerwise this is a silent routine. Default TRUE. |
The scalechk function will check that the bounds exist and are admissible, that is, that there are no lower bounds that exceed upper bounds.
NOTE: Free paramters outside bounds are adjusted to the nearest bound. We then set parchanged = TRUE which implies the original parameters were infeasible.
There is a check if lower and upper bounds are very close together, in which case a mask is imposed and maskadded is set TRUE. NOTE: it is generally a VERY BAD IDEA to have bounds close together in optimization, but here we use a tolerance based on the double precision machine epsilon. Thus it is not a good idea to rely on scalechk() to test if bounds constraints are well-posed.
A list with components:
# Returns: # list(lpratio, lbratio) – the log of the ratio of largest to smallest parameters # and bounds intervals (upper-lower) in absolute value (ignoring Inf, NULL, NA)
lpratio |
The log of the ratio of largest to smallest parameters in absolute value (ignoring Inf, NULL, NA) |
lbration |
The log of the ratio of largest to smallest bounds intervals (upper-lower) in absolute value (ignoring Inf, NULL, NA) |
##################### par <- c(-1.2, 1) lower <- c(-2, 0) upper <- c(100000, 10) srat<-scalechk(par, lower, upper,dowarn=TRUE) print(srat) sratv<-c(srat$lpratio, srat$lbratio) if (max(sratv,na.rm=TRUE) > 3) { # scaletol from ctrldefault in optimx warnstr<-"Parameters or bounds appear to have different scalings.\n This can cause poor performance in optimization. \n It is important for derivative free methods like BOBYQA, UOBYQA, NEWUOA." cat(warnstr,"\n") }
##################### par <- c(-1.2, 1) lower <- c(-2, 0) upper <- c(100000, 10) srat<-scalechk(par, lower, upper,dowarn=TRUE) print(srat) sratv<-c(srat$lpratio, srat$lbratio) if (max(sratv,na.rm=TRUE) > 3) { # scaletol from ctrldefault in optimx warnstr<-"Parameters or bounds appear to have different scalings.\n This can cause poor performance in optimization. \n It is important for derivative free methods like BOBYQA, UOBYQA, NEWUOA." cat(warnstr,"\n") }