Specifying and Using Fixed Parameters in Nonlinear Estimation


In finding optimal parameters in nonlinear optimization and nonlinear least squares problems, we frequently wish to fix one or more parameters while allowing the rest to be adjusted to explore or optimize an objective function.

This vignette discusses some ideas about specifying the fixed parameters. A lot of the material is drawn from Nash J C (2014) Nonlinear parameter optimization using R tools Chichester UK: Wiley, in particular chapters 11 and 12. There is, however, additional material concerning ways to manage extensible models, as well as some update to the package nlsr. The algorithm has been marginally altered to allow for different sub-variants to be used, and mechanisms for specifying parameter constraints and providing Jacobian approximations have been changed.


Here are some of the ways fixed parameters may be specified in R packages.

Function nlxb() in package nlsr has argument masked:

  Character vector of quoted parameter names. These parameters will NOT be
  altered by the algorithm.

This approach has a simplicity that is attractive, but introduces an extra argument to calling sequences. (This approach was previously in defunct package nlmrt.)

Simlarly, function nlfb() in nlsr has argument maskidx:

  Vector of indices of the parameters to be masked. These parameters will NOT
  be altered by the algorithm. Note that the mechanism here is different from
  that in nlxb which uses the names of the parameters.

From Rvmmin and Rcgmin in package optimx the argument bdmsk:

  An indicator vector, having 1 for each parameter that is “free” or
  unconstrained, and 0 for any parameter that is fixed or MASKED for the
  duration of the optimization.

Note that the function bmchk() in package optimx contains a much more extensive examination of the bounds on parameters. In particular, it considers the issues of inadmissible bounds (lower > upper), when to convert a pair of bounds where upper[“parameter”] - lower[“parameter”] < tol to a fixed or masked parameter (maskadded) and whether parameters outside of bounds should be moved to the nearest bound (parchanged). It may be useful to use inadmissible to refer to situations where a lower bound is higher than an upper bound and infeasible where a parameter value, especially in a given starting vector, is outside the bounds.

Further in package optimx, the function optimr() can call many different “optimizers” (actually function minimization methods that may include bounds and possibly masks). These may be specified by setting the lower and upper bounds equal for the parameters to be fixed. This seems a simple method for specifying masks, but does pose some issues. For example, what happens when the upper bound is only very slightly greater than the lower bound? Also should we stop or declare an error if starting values are NOT on the fixed value?

Of these methods, my preference is now to use the last one – setting lower and upper bounds equal, and furthermore requiring the starting value of such a parameter to this fixed value, otherwise declaring an error. The approach does not add any special argument for masking, and is relatively obvious to novice users. However, such users may be tempted to put in narrow bounds rather than explicit equalities, and this could have deleterious consequences.

In the revision to package nlsr, package nlsr, I have stopped using masked in nlxb() and maskidx in nlfb() (though the latter is a returned value). This is because I feel the use of equal lower and upper bounds is a better approach. Moreover, though it is not documented, it appears to “mostly work” for the base R function nls() with the algorithm="port" option and with minpack.lm::nlsLM().

Internal structures

bdmsk is the internal structure used in Rcgmin, Rvmmin and nlfb to handle bounds constraints as well as masks. There is one element of bdmsk for each parameter, and in Rcgmin and Rvmmin, this is used on input to specify parameter i as fixed or masked by setting bdmsk[i] <- 0. Free parameters have their bdmsk element 1, but during optimization in the presence of bounds, we can set other values. The full set is as follows

  • 1 for a free or unconstrained parameter
  • 0 for a masked or fixed parameter
  • -0.5 for a parameter that is out of bounds high (> upper bound)
  • -1 for a parameter at its upper bound
  • -3 for a parameter at its lower bound
  • -3.5 for a parameter that is out of bounds low (< lower bound)

Not all these possibilities will be used by all methods that use bdmsk.

The -1 and -3 are historical, and arose in the development of BASIC codes for Nash and Walker-Smith (1987) (This is now available for free download from archive.org. (https://archive.org/details/NLPE87plus). In particular, adding 2 to the bdmsk element gives 1 for an upper bound and -1 for a lower bound, simplifying the expression to decide if an optimization trial step will move away from a bound.

Proposed algorithmic approaches

Because masks (fixed parameters) reduce the dimensionality of the optimization problem, we can consider modifying the problem to the lower dimension space. This is Duncan Murdoch’s suggestion, using

  • fn0(par0) to be the initial user function of the full dimension parameter vector par0
  • fn1(par1) to be the reduced or internal functin of the reduced dimension vector par1
  • par1 <- forward(par0)
  • par0 <- inverse(par1)

The major advantage of this approach is explicit dimension reduction. The main disadvantage is the effort of transformation at every step of an optimization.

An alternative is to use the bdmsk vector to mask the optimization search or adjustment vector, including gradients and (approximate) Hessian or Jacobian matrices. A 0 element of bdmsk “multiplies” any adjustment. The principal difficulty is to ensure we do not essentially divide by zero in applying any inverse Hessian. This approach avoids forward, inverse and fn1. However, it may hide the reduction in dimension, and caution is necessary in using the function and its derived gradient, Hessian and derived information.

Examples of use

For optimx

## Loading required package: optimx
sq.g <- function(x){
   gg<- 2*(x - yy)
xx <- c(.3, 4)
uncans <- Rvmmin(xx, sq, sq.g)
## Result  uncans (  ->  ) calc. min. = 0  at 
## 1     2     NA NA   NA NA   NA NA   
## After  4  fn evals, and  3  gr evals and  NA  hessian evals
## Termination code is  2 : Rvmminu appears to have converged 
## -------------------------------------------------
mybm <- c(0,1) # fix parameter 1
cans <- Rvmmin(xx, sq, sq.g, bdmsk=mybm)
## Result  cans (  ->  ) calc. min. = 0.49  at 
## 0.3     2     NA NA   NA NA   NA NA   
## After  6  fn evals, and  4  gr evals and  NA  hessian evals
## Termination code is  2 : Rvmminb appears to have converged 
## -------------------------------------------------
## Loading required package: nlsr
weed <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443,
   38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
ii <- 1:12
wdf <- data.frame(weed, ii)
weedux <- nlxb(weed~b1/(1+b2*exp(-b3*ii)), start=c(b1=200, b2=50, b3=0.3)) 
## $resid
##  [1]  0.01189993 -0.03275547  0.09202995  0.20878182  0.39263404 -0.05759436
##  [7] -1.10572842  0.71578576 -0.10764762 -0.34839635  0.65259251 -0.28756791
## attr(,"gradient")
##               b1         b2         b3
##  [1,] 0.02711658 -0.1054282   5.175642
##  [2,] 0.03673674 -0.1414187  13.884948
##  [3,] 0.04959588 -0.1883714  27.742382
##  [4,] 0.06664474 -0.2485844  48.813666
##  [5,] 0.08900539 -0.3240359  79.537273
##  [6,] 0.11792062 -0.4156794 122.438293
##  [7,] 0.15463505 -0.5224121 179.522463
##  [8,] 0.20018622 -0.6398588 251.293721
##  [9,] 0.25510631 -0.7594104 335.526319
## [10,] 0.31908250 -0.8682775 426.251654
## [11,] 0.39068787 -0.9513292 513.725387
## [12,] 0.46733360 -0.9948174 586.046595
## $jacobian
##               b1         b2         b3
##  [1,] 0.02711658 -0.1054282   5.175642
##  [2,] 0.03673674 -0.1414187  13.884948
##  [3,] 0.04959588 -0.1883714  27.742382
##  [4,] 0.06664474 -0.2485844  48.813666
##  [5,] 0.08900539 -0.3240359  79.537273
##  [6,] 0.11792062 -0.4156794 122.438293
##  [7,] 0.15463505 -0.5224121 179.522463
##  [8,] 0.20018622 -0.6398588 251.293721
##  [9,] 0.25510631 -0.7594104 335.526319
## [10,] 0.31908250 -0.8682775 426.251654
## [11,] 0.39068787 -0.9513292 513.725387
## [12,] 0.46733360 -0.9948174 586.046595
## $feval
## [1] 6
## $jeval
## [1] 6
## $coefficients
##          b1          b2          b3 
## 196.1862616  49.0916394   0.3135697 
## $ssquares
## [1] 2.587277
## $lower
## [1] -Inf -Inf -Inf
## $upper
## [1] Inf Inf Inf
## $maskidx
## integer(0)
## $weights
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $formula
## weed ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-b3 * ii))
## $resfn
## function (prm) 
## {
##     if (is.null(names(prm))) 
##         names(prm) <- names(pvec)
##     localdata <- list2env(as.list(prm), parent = data)
##     eval(residexpr, envir = localdata)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x5581e0f3e468>
## <environment: 0x5581e0edcf00>
## $data
## parent.frame()
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "nlsr"
weedcx <- nlxb(weed~b1/(1+b2*exp(-b3*ii)), start=c(b1=200, b2=50, b3=0.3), masked=c("b1")) 
## $resid
##  [1]  0.01189993 -0.03275547  0.09202995  0.20878182  0.39263404 -0.05759436
##  [7] -1.10572842  0.71578576 -0.10764762 -0.34839635  0.65259251 -0.28756791
## attr(,"gradient")
##               b1         b2         b3
##  [1,] 0.02711658 -0.1054282   5.175642
##  [2,] 0.03673674 -0.1414187  13.884948
##  [3,] 0.04959588 -0.1883714  27.742382
##  [4,] 0.06664474 -0.2485844  48.813666
##  [5,] 0.08900539 -0.3240359  79.537273
##  [6,] 0.11792062 -0.4156794 122.438293
##  [7,] 0.15463505 -0.5224121 179.522463
##  [8,] 0.20018622 -0.6398588 251.293721
##  [9,] 0.25510631 -0.7594104 335.526319
## [10,] 0.31908250 -0.8682775 426.251654
## [11,] 0.39068787 -0.9513292 513.725387
## [12,] 0.46733360 -0.9948174 586.046595
## $jacobian
##               b1         b2         b3
##  [1,] 0.02711658 -0.1054282   5.175642
##  [2,] 0.03673674 -0.1414187  13.884948
##  [3,] 0.04959588 -0.1883714  27.742382
##  [4,] 0.06664474 -0.2485844  48.813666
##  [5,] 0.08900539 -0.3240359  79.537273
##  [6,] 0.11792062 -0.4156794 122.438293
##  [7,] 0.15463505 -0.5224121 179.522463
##  [8,] 0.20018622 -0.6398588 251.293721
##  [9,] 0.25510631 -0.7594104 335.526319
## [10,] 0.31908250 -0.8682775 426.251654
## [11,] 0.39068787 -0.9513292 513.725387
## [12,] 0.46733360 -0.9948174 586.046595
## $feval
## [1] 6
## $jeval
## [1] 6
## $coefficients
##          b1          b2          b3 
## 196.1862616  49.0916394   0.3135697 
## $ssquares
## [1] 2.587277
## $lower
## [1] -Inf -Inf -Inf
## $upper
## [1] Inf Inf Inf
## $maskidx
## integer(0)
## $weights
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $formula
## weed ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-b3 * ii))
## $resfn
## function (prm) 
## {
##     if (is.null(names(prm))) 
##         names(prm) <- names(pvec)
##     localdata <- list2env(as.list(prm), parent = data)
##     eval(residexpr, envir = localdata)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x5581e0f3e468>
## <environment: 0x5581dfdfb388>
## $data
## parent.frame()
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "nlsr"
rfn <- function(bvec, weed=weed, ii=ii){
  res <- rep(NA, length(ii))
  for (i in ii){
    res[i]<- bvec[1]/(1+bvec[2]*exp(-bvec[3]*i))-weed[i]
weeduf <- nlfb(start=c(200, 50, 0.3),resfn=rfn,weed=weed, ii=ii,
## $resid
##  [1]  0.01189992 -0.03275548  0.09202995  0.20878181  0.39263404 -0.05759436
##  [7] -1.10572842  0.71578576 -0.10764762 -0.34839635  0.65259251 -0.28756791
## $jacobian
##             [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
##  [1,] 0.02711658 -0.1054282   5.175642
##  [2,] 0.03673674 -0.1414187  13.884948
##  [3,] 0.04959588 -0.1883714  27.742382
##  [4,] 0.06664474 -0.2485844  48.813666
##  [5,] 0.08900539 -0.3240359  79.537273
##  [6,] 0.11792062 -0.4156794 122.438293
##  [7,] 0.15463505 -0.5224121 179.522463
##  [8,] 0.20018622 -0.6398588 251.293721
##  [9,] 0.25510631 -0.7594104 335.526319
## [10,] 0.31908250 -0.8682775 426.251654
## [11,] 0.39068787 -0.9513292 513.725387
## [12,] 0.46733360 -0.9948174 586.046595
## attr(,"gradient")
##             [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
##  [1,] 0.02711658 -0.1054282   5.175642
##  [2,] 0.03673674 -0.1414187  13.884948
##  [3,] 0.04959588 -0.1883714  27.742382
##  [4,] 0.06664474 -0.2485844  48.813666
##  [5,] 0.08900539 -0.3240359  79.537273
##  [6,] 0.11792062 -0.4156794 122.438293
##  [7,] 0.15463505 -0.5224121 179.522463
##  [8,] 0.20018622 -0.6398588 251.293721
##  [9,] 0.25510631 -0.7594104 335.526319
## [10,] 0.31908250 -0.8682775 426.251654
## [11,] 0.39068787 -0.9513292 513.725387
## [12,] 0.46733360 -0.9948174 586.046595
## $feval
## [1] 6
## $jeval
## [1] 6
## $coefficients
##          p1          p2          p3 
## 196.1862616  49.0916394   0.3135697 
## $ssquares
## [1] 2.587277
## $lower
## [1] -Inf -Inf -Inf
## $upper
## [1] Inf Inf Inf
## $maskidx
## integer(0)
## $weights0
## $weights
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $formula
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "nlsr"
weedcf <- nlfb(start=c(200, 50, 0.3),resfn=rfn,weed=weed, ii=ii, lower=c(200, 0, 0),
               upper=c(200, 100,100), control=list(japprox="jacentral"))
## $resid
##  [1]  0.05960669  0.01784926  0.14230513  0.25376273  0.42559950 -0.04444931
##  [7] -1.11938060  0.67287349 -0.17220893 -0.41045953  0.63860337 -0.18656556
## $jacobian
##       [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
##  [1,]    0 -0.1055032   5.223551
##  [2,]    0 -0.1412715  13.988935
##  [3,]    0 -0.1878788  27.906100
##  [4,]    0 -0.2476049  49.036487
##  [5,]    0 -0.3224405  79.821472
##  [6,]    0 -0.4134148 122.811031
##  [7,]    0 -0.5196038 180.082070
##  [8,]    0 -0.6369429 252.284531
##  [9,]    0 -0.7572465 337.427048
## [10,]    0 -0.8681500 429.828206
## [11,]    0 -0.9547420 519.970633
## [12,]    0 -1.0030657 595.951255
## attr(,"gradient")
##       [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
##  [1,]    0 -0.1055032   5.223551
##  [2,]    0 -0.1412715  13.988935
##  [3,]    0 -0.1878788  27.906100
##  [4,]    0 -0.2476049  49.036487
##  [5,]    0 -0.3224405  79.821472
##  [6,]    0 -0.4134148 122.811031
##  [7,]    0 -0.5196038 180.082070
##  [8,]    0 -0.6369429 252.284531
##  [9,]    0 -0.7572465 337.427048
## [10,]    0 -0.8681500 429.828206
## [11,]    0 -0.9547420 519.970633
## [12,]    0 -1.0030657 595.951255
## $feval
## [1] 4
## $jeval
## [1] 4
## $coefficients
##          p1          p2          p3 
## 200.0000000  49.5108198   0.3114607 
## $ssquares
## [1] 2.618154
## $lower
## [1] 200   0   0
## $upper
## [1] 200 100 100
## $maskidx
## [1] 1
## $weights0
## $weights
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $formula
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "nlsr"

An extensible bell-curve model

Package nlraa has a selfStart model SSbell (Archontoulis and Miguez (2013)) of which the formula is

y ≈ ymax * exp(a * (x − xc)2 + b * (x − xc)3)

This is essentially the Gaussian bell curve with an additional cubic element in the exponential function. If we fix b = 0, then we have the usual Gaussian, and we can use the standard deviation sigma of the variable x with xc equal to its mean and our parameters will be given approximately by

ymax = max(y) a = −0.5/sigma2 xc = mean(y)

We illustrate this in the following example.

# BellX.R
## Loading required package: ggplot2
x <- 1:20
y <- bell(x, 8, -0.0314, 0.000317, 13) + rnorm(length(x), 0, 0.5)
dat <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
fit <- nls(y ~ SSbell(x, ymax, a, b, xc), data = dat)
## Nonlinear regression model
##   model: y ~ SSbell(x, ymax, a, b, xc)
##    data: dat
##       ymax          a          b         xc 
##  7.7601430 -0.0311315  0.0005088 13.0872979 
##  residual sum-of-squares: 4.517
## Number of iterations to convergence: 6 
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 5.664e-06
gfrm<- y ~ ymax * exp(a *(x - xc)^2)
gfrmx<- y ~ ymax * exp(a *(x - xc)^2 + b*(x - xc)^3)
stgauss<-c(ymax=max(y), a=-0.5/(sd(x)^2), xc=mean(x))
cat("stgauss:"); print(stgauss)
## stgauss:
##        ymax           a          xc 
##  7.78739029 -0.01428571 10.50000000
st2<-c(ymax=8, a= 0.03, xc= 13)
st3<-c(ymax=8, a= 0.03, b=0, xc= 13)
fit2 <- nls(gfrm, start=st2, data=dat, trace=TRUE)
## 493716.4    (4.02e+01): par = (8 0.03 13)
## 6154.601    (4.38e+00): par = (0.9881319 0.0300116 12.82135)
## 1234.014    (1.98e+00): par = (0.9909919 0.02862245 11.63345)
## 311.0878    (1.50e+00): par = (1.748681 0.01208336 11.58072)
## 101.1911    (3.03e+00): par = (4.421808 -0.01330662 10.76144)
## 66.60083    (3.15e+00): par = (6.385106 -0.02233438 15.9676)
## 20.36513    (1.83e+00): par = (6.317481 -0.02153419 12.63178)
## 5.558036    (4.18e-01): par = (7.606842 -0.03007893 13.50289)
## 4.716550    (2.95e-02): par = (7.765594 -0.03131867 13.25154)
## 4.712500    (8.56e-04): par = (7.789061 -0.03157114 13.25752)
## 4.712497    (2.95e-05): par = (7.789119 -0.03157216 13.257)
## 4.712497    (1.13e-06): par = (7.789137 -0.03157246 13.257)
## Formula: y ~ ymax * exp(a * (x - xc)^2)
## Parameters:
##       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## ymax  7.789137   0.246937   31.54  < 2e-16 ***
## a    -0.031572   0.002471  -12.78 3.84e-10 ***
## xc   13.256996   0.146867   90.27  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.5265 on 17 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 11 
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.133e-06
# Use the selfStart model
xfrm <- y ~ SSbell(x, ymax, a, b, xc)
fx2mx <- nlxb(xfrm, start=st3, data=dat, lower=c(0, -1e5, 0, 0),
             upper=c(1e5, 1e5, 0, 1e5), trace=TRUE, control=list(japprox="jacentral"))
## The following parameters are masked:[1] "b"
## Using approximation  jacentral  
##       is.character(ctrl$japprox)= TRUE 
## No backtrack
## The following parameters are masked:[1] "b"
## 00lamda: 1e-04  SS= 493716.4 ( NA ) at  ymax = 8  a = 0.03  b = 0  xc = 13 f/j  1 / 0
## <<lamda: 4e-05  SS= 6154.66 ( 0.9995642 ) at  ymax = 0.9881376  a = 0.0300116  b = 0  xc = 12.82135 f/j  2 / 1
## <<lamda: 1.6e-05  SS= 1234.022 ( 0.9644597 ) at  ymax = 0.9909919  a = 0.02862244  b = 0  xc = 11.63346 f/j  3 / 2
## <<lamda: 6.4e-06  SS= 311.0898 ( 0.8142677 ) at  ymax = 1.748675  a = 0.01208346  b = 0  xc = 11.58072 f/j  4 / 3
## <<lamda: 2.56e-06  SS= 101.1908 ( 0.8091139 ) at  ymax = 4.42179  a = -0.01330648  b = 0  xc = 10.76147 f/j  5 / 4
## <<lamda: 1.024e-06  SS= 66.60145 ( 0.7980163 ) at  ymax = 6.385122  a = -0.02233452  b = 0  xc = 15.96761 f/j  6 / 5
## <<lamda: 4.096e-07  SS= 20.36515 ( 0.760554 ) at  ymax = 6.317463  a = -0.02153393  b = 0  xc = 12.63181 f/j  7 / 6
## <<lamda: 1.6384e-07  SS= 5.558011 ( 0.5599207 ) at  ymax = 7.606844  a = -0.03007892  b = 0  xc = 13.50289 f/j  8 / 7
## <<lamda: 6.5536e-08  SS= 4.71655 ( 0.3355534 ) at  ymax = 7.765595  a = -0.03131868  b = 0  xc = 13.25154 f/j  9 / 8
## <<lamda: 2.62144e-08  SS= 4.7125 ( 0.02349175 ) at  ymax = 7.789061  a = -0.03157114  b = 0  xc = 13.25752 f/j  10 / 9
## <<lamda: 1.048576e-08  SS= 4.712497 ( 0.0007767177 ) at  ymax = 7.789119  a = -0.03157216  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  11 / 10
## <<lamda: 4.194304e-09  SS= 4.712497 ( 2.632395e-05 ) at  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157246  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  12 / 11
## <<lamda: 1.677722e-09  SS= 4.712497 ( 9.104232e-07 ) at  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157247  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  13 / 12
## $resid
##  [1]  0.62108737 -0.11360768 -0.51326828  1.19439823 -0.22124270 -0.31655543
##  [7]  0.13804413  0.02112411 -0.06570564  0.03814849 -0.16732284  0.15905068
## [13]  0.16103846 -0.13283967 -0.47668090  0.11489604  0.32048064  0.48764713
## [19]  0.40173622 -1.26892833
## attr(,"gradient")
##              ymax          a            b          xc
##  [1,] 0.008710237 10.1926565 -124.9313480 -0.05250998
##  [2,] 0.018299866 18.0626827 -203.3315430 -0.10132072
##  [3,] 0.036094609 29.5782199 -303.3836774 -0.18209179
##  [4,] 0.066836434 44.6110812 -412.9645916 -0.30430647
##  [5,] 0.116187850 61.7012815 -509.4672230 -0.47185725
##  [6,] 0.189620226 77.7835474 -564.4748776 -0.67681408
##  [7,] 0.290526070 88.5943811 -554.3346709 -0.89408503
##  [8,] 0.417890080 89.9552810 -472.8945351 -1.08050690
##  [9,] 0.564307105 79.6546814 -339.0896446 -1.18153501
## [10,] 0.715394305 59.1111242 -192.5246837 -1.14601560
## [11,] 0.851435870 33.7833559  -76.2488927 -0.94517135
## [12,] 0.951338145 11.7082479  -14.7172186 -0.58816150
## [13,] 0.997916911  0.5133763   -0.1319356 -0.12613868
## [14,] 0.982721274  4.2257347    3.1397386  0.35912817
## [15,] 0.908537457 21.4995338   37.4737775  0.77887743
## [16,] 0.788554692 46.2140579  126.7653547  1.06386408
## [17,] 0.642535765 70.1176376  262.4506116  1.18289303
## [18,] 0.491517853 86.1262734  408.4972757  1.14662302
## [19,] 0.352986252 90.6828999  520.7922744  0.99706800
## [20,] 0.237986756 84.2847476  568.3324065  0.78928540
## $jacobian
##              [,1]       [,2] [,3]        [,4]
##  [1,] 0.008710237 10.1926565    0 -0.05250998
##  [2,] 0.018299866 18.0626827    0 -0.10132072
##  [3,] 0.036094609 29.5782199    0 -0.18209179
##  [4,] 0.066836434 44.6110812    0 -0.30430647
##  [5,] 0.116187850 61.7012815    0 -0.47185725
##  [6,] 0.189620226 77.7835473    0 -0.67681408
##  [7,] 0.290526070 88.5943811    0 -0.89408503
##  [8,] 0.417890080 89.9552810    0 -1.08050690
##  [9,] 0.564307105 79.6546814    0 -1.18153501
## [10,] 0.715394305 59.1111241    0 -1.14601560
## [11,] 0.851435871 33.7833559    0 -0.94517135
## [12,] 0.951338146 11.7082478    0 -0.58816150
## [13,] 0.997916912  0.5133763    0 -0.12613868
## [14,] 0.982721275  4.2257347    0  0.35912817
## [15,] 0.908537458 21.4995337    0  0.77887743
## [16,] 0.788554692 46.2140579    0  1.06386408
## [17,] 0.642535765 70.1176376    0  1.18289303
## [18,] 0.491517854 86.1262733    0  1.14662302
## [19,] 0.352986253 90.6828998    0  0.99706800
## [20,] 0.237986756 84.2847476    0  0.78928540
## attr(,"gradient")
##              [,1]       [,2] [,3]        [,4]
##  [1,] 0.008710237 10.1926565    0 -0.05250998
##  [2,] 0.018299866 18.0626827    0 -0.10132072
##  [3,] 0.036094609 29.5782199    0 -0.18209179
##  [4,] 0.066836434 44.6110812    0 -0.30430647
##  [5,] 0.116187850 61.7012815    0 -0.47185725
##  [6,] 0.189620226 77.7835473    0 -0.67681408
##  [7,] 0.290526070 88.5943811    0 -0.89408503
##  [8,] 0.417890080 89.9552810    0 -1.08050690
##  [9,] 0.564307105 79.6546814    0 -1.18153501
## [10,] 0.715394305 59.1111241    0 -1.14601560
## [11,] 0.851435871 33.7833559    0 -0.94517135
## [12,] 0.951338146 11.7082478    0 -0.58816150
## [13,] 0.997916912  0.5133763    0 -0.12613868
## [14,] 0.982721275  4.2257347    0  0.35912817
## [15,] 0.908537458 21.4995337    0  0.77887743
## [16,] 0.788554692 46.2140579    0  1.06386408
## [17,] 0.642535765 70.1176376    0  1.18289303
## [18,] 0.491517854 86.1262733    0  1.14662302
## [19,] 0.352986253 90.6828998    0  0.99706800
## [20,] 0.237986756 84.2847476    0  0.78928540
## $feval
## [1] 13
## $jeval
## [1] 13
## $coefficients
##        ymax           a           b          xc 
##  7.78913698 -0.03157247  0.00000000 13.25699581 
## $ssquares
## [1] 4.712497
## $lower
## [1]  0e+00 -1e+05  0e+00  0e+00
## $upper
## [1] 1e+05 1e+05 0e+00 1e+05
## $maskidx
## [1] 3
## $weights
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $formula
## y ~ SSbell(x, ymax, a, b, xc)
## $resfn
## function (prm) 
## {
##     if (is.null(names(prm))) 
##         names(prm) <- names(pvec)
##     localdata <- list2env(as.list(prm), parent = data)
##     eval(residexpr, envir = localdata)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x5581e0f3e468>
## <environment: 0x5581ebe35ae8>
## $data
## dat
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "nlsr"
# Or the formula for the same model with Jacobian approximation
fx2mgc <- nlxb(gfrmx, start=st3, data=dat, lower=c(0, -1e5, 0, 0),
              upper=c(1e5, 1e5, 0, 1e5), trace=TRUE, control=list(japprox="jacentral"))
## The following parameters are masked:[1] "b"
## Using approximation  jacentral  
##       is.character(ctrl$japprox)= TRUE 
## No backtrack
## The following parameters are masked:[1] "b"
## 00lamda: 1e-04  SS= 493716.4 ( NA ) at  ymax = 8  a = 0.03  b = 0  xc = 13 f/j  1 / 0
## <<lamda: 4e-05  SS= 6154.66 ( 0.9995642 ) at  ymax = 0.9881376  a = 0.0300116  b = 0  xc = 12.82135 f/j  2 / 1
## <<lamda: 1.6e-05  SS= 1234.022 ( 0.9644597 ) at  ymax = 0.9909919  a = 0.02862244  b = 0  xc = 11.63346 f/j  3 / 2
## <<lamda: 6.4e-06  SS= 311.0898 ( 0.8142677 ) at  ymax = 1.748675  a = 0.01208346  b = 0  xc = 11.58072 f/j  4 / 3
## <<lamda: 2.56e-06  SS= 101.1908 ( 0.8091139 ) at  ymax = 4.42179  a = -0.01330648  b = 0  xc = 10.76147 f/j  5 / 4
## <<lamda: 1.024e-06  SS= 66.60145 ( 0.7980163 ) at  ymax = 6.385122  a = -0.02233452  b = 0  xc = 15.96761 f/j  6 / 5
## <<lamda: 4.096e-07  SS= 20.36515 ( 0.760554 ) at  ymax = 6.317463  a = -0.02153393  b = 0  xc = 12.63181 f/j  7 / 6
## <<lamda: 1.6384e-07  SS= 5.558011 ( 0.5599207 ) at  ymax = 7.606844  a = -0.03007892  b = 0  xc = 13.50289 f/j  8 / 7
## <<lamda: 6.5536e-08  SS= 4.71655 ( 0.3355534 ) at  ymax = 7.765595  a = -0.03131868  b = 0  xc = 13.25154 f/j  9 / 8
## <<lamda: 2.62144e-08  SS= 4.7125 ( 0.02349175 ) at  ymax = 7.789061  a = -0.03157114  b = 0  xc = 13.25752 f/j  10 / 9
## <<lamda: 1.048576e-08  SS= 4.712497 ( 0.0007767177 ) at  ymax = 7.789119  a = -0.03157216  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  11 / 10
## <<lamda: 4.194304e-09  SS= 4.712497 ( 2.632395e-05 ) at  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157246  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  12 / 11
## <<lamda: 1.677722e-09  SS= 4.712497 ( 9.104232e-07 ) at  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157247  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  13 / 12
## $resid
##  [1]  0.62108737 -0.11360768 -0.51326828  1.19439823 -0.22124270 -0.31655543
##  [7]  0.13804413  0.02112411 -0.06570564  0.03814849 -0.16732284  0.15905068
## [13]  0.16103846 -0.13283967 -0.47668090  0.11489604  0.32048064  0.48764713
## [19]  0.40173622 -1.26892833
## $jacobian
##              [,1]       [,2] [,3]        [,4]
##  [1,] 0.008710237 10.1926565    0 -0.05250998
##  [2,] 0.018299866 18.0626827    0 -0.10132072
##  [3,] 0.036094609 29.5782199    0 -0.18209179
##  [4,] 0.066836434 44.6110812    0 -0.30430647
##  [5,] 0.116187850 61.7012815    0 -0.47185725
##  [6,] 0.189620226 77.7835473    0 -0.67681408
##  [7,] 0.290526070 88.5943811    0 -0.89408503
##  [8,] 0.417890080 89.9552810    0 -1.08050690
##  [9,] 0.564307105 79.6546814    0 -1.18153501
## [10,] 0.715394305 59.1111241    0 -1.14601560
## [11,] 0.851435871 33.7833559    0 -0.94517135
## [12,] 0.951338146 11.7082478    0 -0.58816150
## [13,] 0.997916912  0.5133763    0 -0.12613868
## [14,] 0.982721275  4.2257347    0  0.35912817
## [15,] 0.908537458 21.4995337    0  0.77887743
## [16,] 0.788554692 46.2140579    0  1.06386408
## [17,] 0.642535765 70.1176376    0  1.18289303
## [18,] 0.491517854 86.1262733    0  1.14662302
## [19,] 0.352986253 90.6828998    0  0.99706800
## [20,] 0.237986756 84.2847476    0  0.78928540
## attr(,"gradient")
##              [,1]       [,2] [,3]        [,4]
##  [1,] 0.008710237 10.1926565    0 -0.05250998
##  [2,] 0.018299866 18.0626827    0 -0.10132072
##  [3,] 0.036094609 29.5782199    0 -0.18209179
##  [4,] 0.066836434 44.6110812    0 -0.30430647
##  [5,] 0.116187850 61.7012815    0 -0.47185725
##  [6,] 0.189620226 77.7835473    0 -0.67681408
##  [7,] 0.290526070 88.5943811    0 -0.89408503
##  [8,] 0.417890080 89.9552810    0 -1.08050690
##  [9,] 0.564307105 79.6546814    0 -1.18153501
## [10,] 0.715394305 59.1111241    0 -1.14601560
## [11,] 0.851435871 33.7833559    0 -0.94517135
## [12,] 0.951338146 11.7082478    0 -0.58816150
## [13,] 0.997916912  0.5133763    0 -0.12613868
## [14,] 0.982721275  4.2257347    0  0.35912817
## [15,] 0.908537458 21.4995337    0  0.77887743
## [16,] 0.788554692 46.2140579    0  1.06386408
## [17,] 0.642535765 70.1176376    0  1.18289303
## [18,] 0.491517854 86.1262733    0  1.14662302
## [19,] 0.352986253 90.6828998    0  0.99706800
## [20,] 0.237986756 84.2847476    0  0.78928540
## $feval
## [1] 13
## $jeval
## [1] 13
## $coefficients
##        ymax           a           b          xc 
##  7.78913698 -0.03157247  0.00000000 13.25699581 
## $ssquares
## [1] 4.712497
## $lower
## [1]  0e+00 -1e+05  0e+00  0e+00
## $upper
## [1] 1e+05 1e+05 0e+00 1e+05
## $maskidx
## [1] 3
## $weights
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $formula
## y ~ ymax * exp(a * (x - xc)^2 + b * (x - xc)^3)
## $resfn
## function (prm) 
## {
##     if (is.null(names(prm))) 
##         names(prm) <- names(pvec)
##     localdata <- list2env(as.list(prm), parent = data)
##     eval(residexpr, envir = localdata)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x5581e0f3e468>
## <environment: 0x5581ec2c3c50>
## $data
## dat
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "nlsr"
# Or the formula and analytic derivatives
fx2mg <- nlxb(gfrmx, start=st3, data=dat, lower=c(0, -1e5, 0, 0),
               upper=c(1e5, 1e5, 0, 1e5), trace=TRUE)
## The following parameters are masked:[1] "b"
## No backtrack
## The following parameters are masked:[1] "b"
## 00lamda: 1e-04  SS= 493716.4 ( NA ) at  ymax = 8  a = 0.03  b = 0  xc = 13 f/j  1 / 0
## <<lamda: 4e-05  SS= 6154.66 ( 0.9995642 ) at  ymax = 0.9881376  a = 0.0300116  b = 0  xc = 12.82135 f/j  2 / 1
## <<lamda: 1.6e-05  SS= 1234.022 ( 0.9644597 ) at  ymax = 0.9909919  a = 0.02862244  b = 0  xc = 11.63346 f/j  3 / 2
## <<lamda: 6.4e-06  SS= 311.0898 ( 0.8142677 ) at  ymax = 1.748675  a = 0.01208346  b = 0  xc = 11.58072 f/j  4 / 3
## <<lamda: 2.56e-06  SS= 101.1908 ( 0.8091139 ) at  ymax = 4.42179  a = -0.01330648  b = 0  xc = 10.76147 f/j  5 / 4
## <<lamda: 1.024e-06  SS= 66.60145 ( 0.7980163 ) at  ymax = 6.385122  a = -0.02233452  b = 0  xc = 15.96761 f/j  6 / 5
## <<lamda: 4.096e-07  SS= 20.36515 ( 0.760554 ) at  ymax = 6.317463  a = -0.02153393  b = 0  xc = 12.63181 f/j  7 / 6
## <<lamda: 1.6384e-07  SS= 5.558011 ( 0.5599207 ) at  ymax = 7.606844  a = -0.03007892  b = 0  xc = 13.50289 f/j  8 / 7
## <<lamda: 6.5536e-08  SS= 4.71655 ( 0.3355534 ) at  ymax = 7.765595  a = -0.03131868  b = 0  xc = 13.25154 f/j  9 / 8
## <<lamda: 2.62144e-08  SS= 4.7125 ( 0.02349175 ) at  ymax = 7.789061  a = -0.03157114  b = 0  xc = 13.25752 f/j  10 / 9
## <<lamda: 1.048576e-08  SS= 4.712497 ( 0.0007767176 ) at  ymax = 7.789119  a = -0.03157216  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  11 / 10
## <<lamda: 4.194304e-09  SS= 4.712497 ( 2.632404e-05 ) at  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157246  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  12 / 11
## <<lamda: 1.677722e-09  SS= 4.712497 ( 9.104065e-07 ) at  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157247  b = 0  xc = 13.257 f/j  13 / 12
## $resid
##  [1]  0.62108737 -0.11360768 -0.51326828  1.19439823 -0.22124270 -0.31655543
##  [7]  0.13804413  0.02112411 -0.06570564  0.03814849 -0.16732284  0.15905068
## [13]  0.16103846 -0.13283967 -0.47668090  0.11489604  0.32048064  0.48764713
## [19]  0.40173622 -1.26892834
## attr(,"gradient")
##              ymax          a            b          xc
##  [1,] 0.008710237 10.1926565 -124.9313479 -0.05250998
##  [2,] 0.018299866 18.0626827 -203.3315430 -0.10132072
##  [3,] 0.036094609 29.5782199 -303.3836773 -0.18209179
##  [4,] 0.066836434 44.6110812 -412.9645915 -0.30430647
##  [5,] 0.116187850 61.7012815 -509.4672230 -0.47185725
##  [6,] 0.189620226 77.7835474 -564.4748775 -0.67681408
##  [7,] 0.290526070 88.5943811 -554.3346709 -0.89408503
##  [8,] 0.417890080 89.9552810 -472.8945351 -1.08050690
##  [9,] 0.564307105 79.6546814 -339.0896446 -1.18153501
## [10,] 0.715394305 59.1111242 -192.5246837 -1.14601560
## [11,] 0.851435870 33.7833559  -76.2488927 -0.94517135
## [12,] 0.951338145 11.7082479  -14.7172186 -0.58816150
## [13,] 0.997916911  0.5133763   -0.1319356 -0.12613868
## [14,] 0.982721274  4.2257347    3.1397386  0.35912817
## [15,] 0.908537457 21.4995338   37.4737775  0.77887743
## [16,] 0.788554692 46.2140579  126.7653547  1.06386408
## [17,] 0.642535765 70.1176376  262.4506116  1.18289303
## [18,] 0.491517853 86.1262734  408.4972757  1.14662302
## [19,] 0.352986252 90.6828999  520.7922744  0.99706800
## [20,] 0.237986756 84.2847476  568.3324065  0.78928540
## $jacobian
##              ymax          a b          xc
##  [1,] 0.008710237 10.1926565 0 -0.05250998
##  [2,] 0.018299866 18.0626827 0 -0.10132072
##  [3,] 0.036094609 29.5782199 0 -0.18209179
##  [4,] 0.066836434 44.6110812 0 -0.30430647
##  [5,] 0.116187850 61.7012815 0 -0.47185725
##  [6,] 0.189620226 77.7835474 0 -0.67681408
##  [7,] 0.290526070 88.5943811 0 -0.89408503
##  [8,] 0.417890080 89.9552810 0 -1.08050690
##  [9,] 0.564307105 79.6546814 0 -1.18153501
## [10,] 0.715394305 59.1111242 0 -1.14601560
## [11,] 0.851435870 33.7833559 0 -0.94517135
## [12,] 0.951338145 11.7082479 0 -0.58816150
## [13,] 0.997916911  0.5133763 0 -0.12613868
## [14,] 0.982721274  4.2257347 0  0.35912817
## [15,] 0.908537457 21.4995338 0  0.77887743
## [16,] 0.788554692 46.2140579 0  1.06386408
## [17,] 0.642535765 70.1176376 0  1.18289303
## [18,] 0.491517853 86.1262734 0  1.14662302
## [19,] 0.352986252 90.6828999 0  0.99706800
## [20,] 0.237986756 84.2847476 0  0.78928540
## $feval
## [1] 13
## $jeval
## [1] 13
## $coefficients
##        ymax           a           b          xc 
##  7.78913698 -0.03157247  0.00000000 13.25699581 
## $ssquares
## [1] 4.712497
## $lower
## [1]  0e+00 -1e+05  0e+00  0e+00
## $upper
## [1] 1e+05 1e+05 0e+00 1e+05
## $maskidx
## [1] 3
## $weights
##  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## $formula
## y ~ ymax * exp(a * (x - xc)^2 + b * (x - xc)^3)
## $resfn
## function (prm) 
## {
##     if (is.null(names(prm))) 
##         names(prm) <- names(pvec)
##     localdata <- list2env(as.list(prm), parent = data)
##     eval(residexpr, envir = localdata)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x5581e0f3e468>
## <environment: 0x5581ec5a89b0>
## $data
## dat
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "nlsr"
# Display results together
## fx2mx  -- ss= 4.712497 :  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157247  b = 0  xc = 13.257; 13 res/ 13 jac
## fx2mgc  -- ss= 4.712497 :  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157247  b = 0  xc = 13.257; 13 res/ 13 jac
## fx2mg  -- ss= 4.712497 :  ymax = 7.789137  a = -0.03157247  b = 0  xc = 13.257; 13 res/ 13 jac


Archontoulis, S. V., and Fernando Miguez. 2013. “Nonlinear Regression Models and Applications in Agricultural Research.” Agronomy Journal 105 (January): 1. https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2012.0506.
Nash, John C., and Mary Walker-Smith. 1987. Nonlinear Parameter Estimation: An Integrated System in BASIC. Book. New York: Marcel Dekker.