Title: | Functions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions |
Description: | Replacement for nls() tools for working with nonlinear least squares problems. The calling structure is similar to, but much simpler than, that of the nls() function. Moreover, where nls() specifically does NOT deal with small or zero residual problems, nlmrt is quite happy to solve them. It also attempts to be more robust in finding solutions, thereby avoiding 'singular gradient' messages that arise in the Gauss-Newton method within nls(). The Marquardt-Nash approach in nlmrt generally works more reliably to get a solution, though this may be one of a set of possibilities, and may also be statistically unsatisfactory. Added print and summary as of August 28, 2012. |
Authors: | John C. Nash [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | John C. Nash <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 2016.3.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-14 02:39:23 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/nlmrt |
The package provides some tools related to using the Nash variant of Marquardt's algorithm for nonlinear least squares.
Package: | nlmrt |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.0 |
Date: | 2012-03-05 |
License: | GPL-2 |
This package includes methods for solving nonlinear least squares problems specified by a modeling expression and given a starting vector of named paramters. Note: You must provide an expression of the form lhs ~ rhsexpression so that the residual expression rhsexpression - lhs can be computed. The expression can be enclosed in quotes, and this seems to give fewer difficulties with R. Data variables must already be defined, either within the parent environment or else in the dot-arguments. Other symbolic elements in the modeling expression must be standard functions or else parameters that are named in the start vector.
The main functions in nlmrt
nlfb - Nash variant of the Marquardt procedure for nonlinear least squares, with bounds constraints, using a residual and optionally Jacobian described as \code{R} functions. 20120803: Todo: Make masks more consistent between nlfb and nlxb. nlxb - Nash variant of the Marquardt procedure for nonlinear least squares, with bounds constraints, using an expression to describe the residual via an \code{R} modeling expression. The Jacobian is computed via symbolic differentiation. wrapnls - Uses nlxb to solve nonlinear least squares then calls nls() to create an object of type nls. model2grfun.R - Generate a gradient vector function from a nonlinear model expression and a vector of named parameters. model2jacfun.R - Generate a Jacobian matrix function from a nonlinear model expression and a vector of named parameters. model2resfun.R - Generate a residual vector function from a nonlinear model expression and a vector of named parameters. model2ssfun.R - Generate a sum of squares objective function from a nonlinear model expression and a vector of named parameters. modgr.R - compute gradient of the sum of squares function using the Jacobian and residuals for a nonlinear least squares problem modss.R - computer the sum of squares function from the residuals of a nonlinear least squares problem myfn.R, mygr.R, myjac.R, myres.R, myss.R - dummy functions that seem to be needed so there is an available handle for output of functions that generate various functions from expressions.
For testing purposes, there are also some experimental codes using different internal computations for the linear algebraic sub-problems in the inst/dev-codes/ sub-folder.
John C Nash
Maintainer: <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
rm(list=ls()) # library(nlmrt) # traceval set TRUE to debug or give full history traceval <- FALSE ## Problem in 1 parameter to ensure methods work in trivial case cat("Problem in 1 parameter to ensure methods work in trivial case\n") nobs<-8 tt <- seq(1,nobs) dd <- 1.23*tt + 4*runif(nobs) df <- data.frame(tt, dd) a1par<-nlxb(dd ~ a*tt, start=c(a=1), data=df) a1par # Data for Hobbs problem cat("Hobbs weed problem -- unscaled\n") ydat <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing y <- ydat # for testing tdat <- seq_along(ydat) # for testing eunsc <- y ~ b1/(1+b2*exp(-b3*tt)) cat("Hobbs unscaled with data in data frames\n") weeddata1 <- data.frame(y=ydat, tt=tdat) # scale the data weeddata2 <- data.frame(y=1.5*ydat, tt=tdat) start1 <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) anlxb1 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlxb1) anlxb2 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata2)) print(anlxb2) # Problem 2 - Gabor Grothendieck 2016-3-2 cat("Gabor G problem with zero residuals\n") DF <- data.frame(x = c(5, 4, 3, 2, 1), y = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) library(nlmrt) nlxb1 <- nlxb(y ~ A * x + B, data = DF, start = c(A = 1, B = 6), trace=TRUE) print(nlxb1) # tmp <- readline("continue with start at the minimum -- failed on 2014 version. ") nlxb0 <- nlxb(y ~ A * x + B, data = DF, start = c(A = -1, B = 6), trace=TRUE) print(nlxb0) ## Not run: # WARNING -- using T can get confusion with TRUE tt <- tdat # A simple starting vector -- must have named parameters for nlxb, nls, wrapnls. cat("GLOBAL DATA\n") anls1g <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval)) print(anls1g) cat("GLOBAL DATA AND EXPRESSION -- SHOULD FAIL\n") anlxb1g <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval)) print(anlxb1g) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun rm(y) rm(tt) startf1 <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=.1) ## Not run: ## With BOUNDS anlxb1 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=startf1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=5), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlxb1) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun # Check nls too ## Not run: cat("check nls result\n") anlsb1 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=5), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, algorithm='port')) print(anlsb1) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: anlxb2 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=.25), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlxb2) anlsb2 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=.25), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, algorithm='port')) print(anlsb2) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("UNCONSTRAINED\n") an1q <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(an1q) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("TEST MASKS\n") anlsmnqm <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=5), masked=c("b2"), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlsmnqm) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("MASKED\n") an1qm3 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b3"))) print(an1qm3) # tmp <- readline("next") # Note that the parameters are put in out of order to test code. an1qm123 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b2","b1","b3"))) print(an1qm123) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun cat("BOUNDS test problem for Hobbs") start2 <- c(b1=100, b2=10, b3=0.1) an1qb1 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start2, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(200, 60, .3))) print(an1qb1) ## tmp <- readline("next") cat("BOUNDS and MASK") ## Not run: an1qbm2 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start2, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(200, 60, .3), masked=c("b2"))) print(an1qbm2) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun escal <- y ~ 100*b1/(1+10*b2*exp(-0.1*b3*tt)) suneasy <- c(b1=200, b2=50, b3=0.3) ssceasy <- c(b1=2, b2=5, b3=3) st1scal <- c(b1=100, b2=10, b3=0.1) cat("EASY start -- unscaled") anls01 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=suneasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls01) anlmrt01 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=ssceasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlmrt01) ## Not run: cat("All 1s start -- unscaled") anls02 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) if (class(anls02) == "try-error") { cat("FAILED:") print(anls02) } else { print(anls02) } anlmrt02 <- nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt02) cat("ones start -- scaled") anls03 <- try(nls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls03) anlmrt03 <- nlxb(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt03) cat("HARD start -- scaled") anls04 <- try(nls(escal, start=st1scal, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls04) anlmrt04 <- nlxb(escal, start=st1scal, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt04) cat("EASY start -- scaled") anls05 <- try(nls(escal, start=ssceasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls05) anlmrt05 <- nlxb(escal, start=ssceasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt03) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: shobbs.res <- function(x){ # scaled Hobbs weeds problem -- residual # This variant uses looping if(length(x) != 3) stop("hobbs.res -- parameter vector n!=3") y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) tt <- 1:12 res <- 100.0*x[1]/(1+x[2]*10.*exp(-0.1*x[3]*tt)) - y } shobbs.jac <- function(x) { # scaled Hobbs weeds problem -- Jacobian jj <- matrix(0.0, 12, 3) tt <- 1:12 yy <- exp(-0.1*x[3]*tt) zz <- 100.0/(1+10.*x[2]*yy) jj[tt,1] <- zz jj[tt,2] <- -0.1*x[1]*zz*zz*yy jj[tt,3] <- 0.01*x[1]*zz*zz*yy*x[2]*tt return(jj) } cat("try nlfb\n") st <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) low <- -Inf up <- Inf ans1 <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, trace=traceval) ans1 cat("No jacobian function -- use internal approximation\n") ans1n <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res, trace=TRUE, control=list(watch=TRUE)) # NO jacfn ans1n # tmp <- readline("Try with bounds at 2") time2 <- system.time(ans2 <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, upper=c(2,2,2), trace=traceval)) ans2 time2 ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("BOUNDS") st2s <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) an1qb1 <- try(nlxb(escal, start=st2s, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2, 6, 3), control=list(watch=FALSE))) print(an1qb1) # tmp <- readline("next") ans2 <- nlfb(st2s,shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2, 6, 3), trace=traceval, control=list(watch=FALSE)) print(ans2) cat("BUT ... nls() seems to do better from the TRACE information\n") anlsb <- nls(escal, start=st2s, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2,6,3), algorithm='port') cat("However, let us check the answer\n") print(anlsb) cat("BUT...crossprod(resid(anlsb))=",crossprod(resid(anlsb)),"\n") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun # tmp <- readline("next") cat("Try wrapnls\n") traceval <- FALSE # Data for Hobbs problem ydat <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tdat <- seq_along(ydat) # for testing start1 <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) escal <- y ~ 100*b1/(1+10*b2*exp(-0.1*b3*tt)) up1 <- c(2,6,3) up2 <- c(1, 5, 9) weeddata1 <- data.frame(y=ydat, tt=tdat) an1w <- try(wrapnls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(an1w) ## Not run: cat("BOUNDED wrapnls\n") an1wb <- try(wrapnls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, upper=up1)) print(an1wb) cat("BOUNDED wrapnls\n") an2wb <- try(wrapnls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, upper=up2)) print(an2wb) cat("TRY MASKS ONLY\n") an1xm3 <- try(nlxb(escal, start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b3"))) printsum(an1xm3) an1fm3 <- try(nlfb(start1, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, maskidx=c(3))) printsum(an1fm3) an1xm1 <- try(nlxb(escal, start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b1"))) printsum(an1xm1) an1fm1 <- try(nlfb(start1, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, maskidx=c(1))) printsum(an1fm1) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun # Need to check when all parameters masked.?? ## Not run: cat("\n\n Now check conversion of expression to function\n\n") cat("K Vandepoel function\n") x <- c(1,3,5,7) # data y <- c(37.98,11.68,3.65,3.93) penetrationks28 <- data.frame(x=x,y=y) cat("Try nls() -- note the try() function!\n") fit0 <- try(nls(y ~ (a+b*exp(1)^(-c * x)), data = penetrationks28, start = c(a=0,b = 1,c=1), trace = TRUE)) print(fit0) cat("\n\n") fit1 <- nlxb(y ~ (a+b*exp(-c*x)), data = penetrationks28, start = c(a=0,b=1,c=1), trace = TRUE) printsum(fit1) mexprn <- "y ~ (a+b*exp(-c*x))" pvec <- c(a=0,b=1,c=1) bnew <- c(a=10,b=3,c=4) k.r <- model2resfun(mexprn , pvec) k.j <- model2jacfun(mexprn , pvec) k.f <- model2ssfun(mexprn , pvec) k.g <- model2grfun(mexprn , pvec) cat("At pvec:") print(pvec) rp <- k.r(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rp=") print(rp) rf <- k.f(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rf=") print(rf) rj <- k.j(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rj=") print(rj) rg <- k.g(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rg=") print(rg) cat("modss at pvec gives ") print(modss(pvec, k.r, x=x, y=y)) cat("modgr at pvec gives ") print(modgr(pvec, k.r, k.j, x=x, y=y)) cat("\n\n") cat("At bnew:") print(bnew) rb <- k.r(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rb=") print(rb) rf <- k.f(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rf=") print(rf) rj <- k.j(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rj=") print(rj) rg <- k.g(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rg=") print(rg) cat("modss at bnew gives ") print(modss(bnew, k.r, x=x, y=y)) cat("modgr at bnew gives ") print(modgr(bnew, k.r, k.j, x=x, y=y)) cat("\n\n") ## End(Not run) ## end of dontrun
rm(list=ls()) # library(nlmrt) # traceval set TRUE to debug or give full history traceval <- FALSE ## Problem in 1 parameter to ensure methods work in trivial case cat("Problem in 1 parameter to ensure methods work in trivial case\n") nobs<-8 tt <- seq(1,nobs) dd <- 1.23*tt + 4*runif(nobs) df <- data.frame(tt, dd) a1par<-nlxb(dd ~ a*tt, start=c(a=1), data=df) a1par # Data for Hobbs problem cat("Hobbs weed problem -- unscaled\n") ydat <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing y <- ydat # for testing tdat <- seq_along(ydat) # for testing eunsc <- y ~ b1/(1+b2*exp(-b3*tt)) cat("Hobbs unscaled with data in data frames\n") weeddata1 <- data.frame(y=ydat, tt=tdat) # scale the data weeddata2 <- data.frame(y=1.5*ydat, tt=tdat) start1 <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) anlxb1 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlxb1) anlxb2 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata2)) print(anlxb2) # Problem 2 - Gabor Grothendieck 2016-3-2 cat("Gabor G problem with zero residuals\n") DF <- data.frame(x = c(5, 4, 3, 2, 1), y = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) library(nlmrt) nlxb1 <- nlxb(y ~ A * x + B, data = DF, start = c(A = 1, B = 6), trace=TRUE) print(nlxb1) # tmp <- readline("continue with start at the minimum -- failed on 2014 version. ") nlxb0 <- nlxb(y ~ A * x + B, data = DF, start = c(A = -1, B = 6), trace=TRUE) print(nlxb0) ## Not run: # WARNING -- using T can get confusion with TRUE tt <- tdat # A simple starting vector -- must have named parameters for nlxb, nls, wrapnls. cat("GLOBAL DATA\n") anls1g <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval)) print(anls1g) cat("GLOBAL DATA AND EXPRESSION -- SHOULD FAIL\n") anlxb1g <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval)) print(anlxb1g) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun rm(y) rm(tt) startf1 <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=.1) ## Not run: ## With BOUNDS anlxb1 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=startf1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=5), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlxb1) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun # Check nls too ## Not run: cat("check nls result\n") anlsb1 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=5), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, algorithm='port')) print(anlsb1) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: anlxb2 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=.25), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlxb2) anlsb2 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=.25), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, algorithm='port')) print(anlsb2) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("UNCONSTRAINED\n") an1q <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(an1q) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("TEST MASKS\n") anlsmnqm <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, lower=c(b1=0, b2=0, b3=0), upper=c(b1=500, b2=100, b3=5), masked=c("b2"), trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlsmnqm) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("MASKED\n") an1qm3 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b3"))) print(an1qm3) # tmp <- readline("next") # Note that the parameters are put in out of order to test code. an1qm123 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b2","b1","b3"))) print(an1qm123) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun cat("BOUNDS test problem for Hobbs") start2 <- c(b1=100, b2=10, b3=0.1) an1qb1 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start2, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(200, 60, .3))) print(an1qb1) ## tmp <- readline("next") cat("BOUNDS and MASK") ## Not run: an1qbm2 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=start2, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(200, 60, .3), masked=c("b2"))) print(an1qbm2) # tmp <- readline("next") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun escal <- y ~ 100*b1/(1+10*b2*exp(-0.1*b3*tt)) suneasy <- c(b1=200, b2=50, b3=0.3) ssceasy <- c(b1=2, b2=5, b3=3) st1scal <- c(b1=100, b2=10, b3=0.1) cat("EASY start -- unscaled") anls01 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=suneasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls01) anlmrt01 <- try(nlxb(eunsc, start=ssceasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anlmrt01) ## Not run: cat("All 1s start -- unscaled") anls02 <- try(nls(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) if (class(anls02) == "try-error") { cat("FAILED:") print(anls02) } else { print(anls02) } anlmrt02 <- nlxb(eunsc, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt02) cat("ones start -- scaled") anls03 <- try(nls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls03) anlmrt03 <- nlxb(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt03) cat("HARD start -- scaled") anls04 <- try(nls(escal, start=st1scal, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls04) anlmrt04 <- nlxb(escal, start=st1scal, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt04) cat("EASY start -- scaled") anls05 <- try(nls(escal, start=ssceasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(anls05) anlmrt05 <- nlxb(escal, start=ssceasy, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1) print(anlmrt03) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: shobbs.res <- function(x){ # scaled Hobbs weeds problem -- residual # This variant uses looping if(length(x) != 3) stop("hobbs.res -- parameter vector n!=3") y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) tt <- 1:12 res <- 100.0*x[1]/(1+x[2]*10.*exp(-0.1*x[3]*tt)) - y } shobbs.jac <- function(x) { # scaled Hobbs weeds problem -- Jacobian jj <- matrix(0.0, 12, 3) tt <- 1:12 yy <- exp(-0.1*x[3]*tt) zz <- 100.0/(1+10.*x[2]*yy) jj[tt,1] <- zz jj[tt,2] <- -0.1*x[1]*zz*zz*yy jj[tt,3] <- 0.01*x[1]*zz*zz*yy*x[2]*tt return(jj) } cat("try nlfb\n") st <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) low <- -Inf up <- Inf ans1 <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, trace=traceval) ans1 cat("No jacobian function -- use internal approximation\n") ans1n <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res, trace=TRUE, control=list(watch=TRUE)) # NO jacfn ans1n # tmp <- readline("Try with bounds at 2") time2 <- system.time(ans2 <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, upper=c(2,2,2), trace=traceval)) ans2 time2 ## End(Not run) # end dontrun ## Not run: cat("BOUNDS") st2s <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) an1qb1 <- try(nlxb(escal, start=st2s, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2, 6, 3), control=list(watch=FALSE))) print(an1qb1) # tmp <- readline("next") ans2 <- nlfb(st2s,shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2, 6, 3), trace=traceval, control=list(watch=FALSE)) print(ans2) cat("BUT ... nls() seems to do better from the TRACE information\n") anlsb <- nls(escal, start=st2s, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, lower=c(0,0,0), upper=c(2,6,3), algorithm='port') cat("However, let us check the answer\n") print(anlsb) cat("BUT...crossprod(resid(anlsb))=",crossprod(resid(anlsb)),"\n") ## End(Not run) # end dontrun # tmp <- readline("next") cat("Try wrapnls\n") traceval <- FALSE # Data for Hobbs problem ydat <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tdat <- seq_along(ydat) # for testing start1 <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) escal <- y ~ 100*b1/(1+10*b2*exp(-0.1*b3*tt)) up1 <- c(2,6,3) up2 <- c(1, 5, 9) weeddata1 <- data.frame(y=ydat, tt=tdat) an1w <- try(wrapnls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1)) print(an1w) ## Not run: cat("BOUNDED wrapnls\n") an1wb <- try(wrapnls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, upper=up1)) print(an1wb) cat("BOUNDED wrapnls\n") an2wb <- try(wrapnls(escal, start=start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, upper=up2)) print(an2wb) cat("TRY MASKS ONLY\n") an1xm3 <- try(nlxb(escal, start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b3"))) printsum(an1xm3) an1fm3 <- try(nlfb(start1, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, maskidx=c(3))) printsum(an1fm3) an1xm1 <- try(nlxb(escal, start1, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, masked=c("b1"))) printsum(an1xm1) an1fm1 <- try(nlfb(start1, shobbs.res, shobbs.jac, trace=traceval, data=weeddata1, maskidx=c(1))) printsum(an1fm1) ## End(Not run) # end dontrun # Need to check when all parameters masked.?? ## Not run: cat("\n\n Now check conversion of expression to function\n\n") cat("K Vandepoel function\n") x <- c(1,3,5,7) # data y <- c(37.98,11.68,3.65,3.93) penetrationks28 <- data.frame(x=x,y=y) cat("Try nls() -- note the try() function!\n") fit0 <- try(nls(y ~ (a+b*exp(1)^(-c * x)), data = penetrationks28, start = c(a=0,b = 1,c=1), trace = TRUE)) print(fit0) cat("\n\n") fit1 <- nlxb(y ~ (a+b*exp(-c*x)), data = penetrationks28, start = c(a=0,b=1,c=1), trace = TRUE) printsum(fit1) mexprn <- "y ~ (a+b*exp(-c*x))" pvec <- c(a=0,b=1,c=1) bnew <- c(a=10,b=3,c=4) k.r <- model2resfun(mexprn , pvec) k.j <- model2jacfun(mexprn , pvec) k.f <- model2ssfun(mexprn , pvec) k.g <- model2grfun(mexprn , pvec) cat("At pvec:") print(pvec) rp <- k.r(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rp=") print(rp) rf <- k.f(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rf=") print(rf) rj <- k.j(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rj=") print(rj) rg <- k.g(pvec, x=x, y=y) cat(" rg=") print(rg) cat("modss at pvec gives ") print(modss(pvec, k.r, x=x, y=y)) cat("modgr at pvec gives ") print(modgr(pvec, k.r, k.j, x=x, y=y)) cat("\n\n") cat("At bnew:") print(bnew) rb <- k.r(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rb=") print(rb) rf <- k.f(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rf=") print(rf) rj <- k.j(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rj=") print(rj) rg <- k.g(bnew, x=x, y=y) cat(" rg=") print(rg) cat("modss at bnew gives ") print(modss(bnew, k.r, x=x, y=y)) cat("modgr at bnew gives ") print(modgr(bnew, k.r, k.j, x=x, y=y)) cat("\n\n") ## End(Not run) ## end of dontrun
extracts and displays the coefficients for a model
estimated by nlxb
or nlfb
in the nlmrt
## S3 method for class 'nlmrt' coef(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'nlmrt' coef(object, ...)
object |
An object of class 'nlmrt' |
... |
Any data needed for the function. We do not know of any! |
extracts and displays the coefficients for a model
estimated by nlxb
or nlfb
returns the coefficients from the nlmrt object.
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
Given a nonlinear model expressed as an expression of the form
lhs ~ formula_for_rhs
and a start vector where parameters used in the model formula are named,
attempts to build the the R
function for the gradient of the
residual sum of squares.
As a side effect, a text file with the program code is generated.
model2grfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="mygr", filename=NULL)
model2grfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="mygr", filename=NULL)
modelformula |
This is a modeling formula of the form (as in |
pvec |
A named parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) WARNING: the parameters in the output function will be used in the order presented in this vector. Names are NOT respected in the output function. |
funname |
The (optional) name for the function that is generated in the file named in the next argument. The default name is 'mygr'. |
filename |
The (optional) name of a file that is written containing the (text) program code for the function. If NULL, no file is written. |
An R
function object that computes the gradient of the sum of
squared residuals of a nonlinear model at a set of parameters.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See also examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") require(numDeriv) y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) mygr <- model2grfun(f, p) myss <- model2ssfun(f, p) # for check cat("mygr:\n") print(mygr) ans <- mygr(p, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) gnum <- grad(myss, p, tt = tt, y = y) cat("Max(abs(ans-gnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-gnum)),"\n") bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) ans <- mygr(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) gnum <- grad(myss, bnew, tt = tt, y = y) cat("Max(abs(ans-gnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-gnum)),"\n") cat("Test with un-named vector\n") # At 20120424 should fail bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) ans <- mygr(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) gnum <- grad(myss, bthree, tt = tt, y = y) cat("Max(abs(ans-gnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-gnum)),"\n")
cat("See also examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") require(numDeriv) y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) mygr <- model2grfun(f, p) myss <- model2ssfun(f, p) # for check cat("mygr:\n") print(mygr) ans <- mygr(p, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) gnum <- grad(myss, p, tt = tt, y = y) cat("Max(abs(ans-gnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-gnum)),"\n") bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) ans <- mygr(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) gnum <- grad(myss, bnew, tt = tt, y = y) cat("Max(abs(ans-gnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-gnum)),"\n") cat("Test with un-named vector\n") # At 20120424 should fail bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) ans <- mygr(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) gnum <- grad(myss, bthree, tt = tt, y = y) cat("Max(abs(ans-gnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-gnum)),"\n")
Given a nonlinear model expressed as an expression of the form
lhs ~ formula_for_rhs
and a start vector where parameters used in the model formula are named,
attempts to build the the R
function for the Jacobian of the residuals.
As a side effect, a text file with the program code is generated.
model2jacfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="myjac", filename=NULL)
model2jacfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="myjac", filename=NULL)
modelformula |
This is a modeling formula of the form (as in |
pvec |
A named parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) WARNING: the parameters in the output function will be used in the order presented in this vector. Names are NOT respected in the output function. |
funname |
The (optional) name for the function that is generated in the file named in the next argument. The default name is 'myjac'. |
filename |
The (optional) name of a file that is written containing the (text) program code for the function. If NULL, no file is written. |
An R
function object that computes the Jacobian of the nonlinear
model at a set of parameters.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See also examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") require(numDeriv) y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myfn <- model2jacfun(f, p) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) cat("myfn:\n") print(myfn) ans <- myfn(p, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) Jnum<-jacobian(myres, p, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(ans-Jnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-Jnum)),"\n") bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) ans <- myfn(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) Jnum<-jacobian(myres, bnew, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(ans-Jnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-Jnum)),"\n") cat("Test with un-named vector\n") # At 20120424 should fail bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) ans <- try(myfn(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y)) print(ans) Jnum<-jacobian(myres, bthree, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(ans-Jnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-Jnum)),"\n")
cat("See also examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") require(numDeriv) y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myfn <- model2jacfun(f, p) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) cat("myfn:\n") print(myfn) ans <- myfn(p, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) Jnum<-jacobian(myres, p, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(ans-Jnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-Jnum)),"\n") bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) ans <- myfn(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) Jnum<-jacobian(myres, bnew, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(ans-Jnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-Jnum)),"\n") cat("Test with un-named vector\n") # At 20120424 should fail bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) ans <- try(myfn(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y)) print(ans) Jnum<-jacobian(myres, bthree, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(ans-Jnum)) = ",max(abs(ans-Jnum)),"\n")
Given a nonlinear model expressed as an expression of the form
lhs ~ formula_for_rhs
and a start vector where parameters used in the model formula are named,
attempts to build the the R
function for the residuals of the model.
As a side effect, a text file with the program code is generated.
model2resfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="myres", filename=NULL)
model2resfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="myres", filename=NULL)
modelformula |
This is a modeling formula of the form (as in |
pvec |
A named parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) WARNING: the parameters in the output function will be used in the order presented in this vector. Names are NOT respected in the output function. |
funname |
The (optional) name for the function that is generated in the file named in the next argument. The default name is 'myres'. |
filename |
The (optional) name of a file that is written containing the (text) program code for the function. If NULL, no file is written. |
An R
function object that computes the gradient of the sum of
squared residuals of a nonlinear model at a set of parameters.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See also examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") # a test y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing # NOTE: use of t gives confusion with t() in R CMD check, # but not in direct use with source() 120429 f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) cat("myres:\n") print(myres) ans <- myres(p, tt = tt, y = y) cat("ans:") print(ans) cat("ss ( =? 23520.58):", as.numeric(crossprod(ans)),"\n") bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) # anew<-myres(prm=bnew, t=t, y=y) # Note issue with t vs # t() anew <- eval(myres(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y)) cat("anew:") print(anew) cat("ss ( =? 158.2324):", as.numeric(crossprod(anew)),"\n") cat("Test with vector of un-named parameters\n") bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) athree <- try(myres(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y)) print(athree) cat("ss ( =? 19536.65):", as.numeric(crossprod(athree)),"\n")
cat("See also examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") # a test y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing # NOTE: use of t gives confusion with t() in R CMD check, # but not in direct use with source() 120429 f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) cat("myres:\n") print(myres) ans <- myres(p, tt = tt, y = y) cat("ans:") print(ans) cat("ss ( =? 23520.58):", as.numeric(crossprod(ans)),"\n") bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) # anew<-myres(prm=bnew, t=t, y=y) # Note issue with t vs # t() anew <- eval(myres(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y)) cat("anew:") print(anew) cat("ss ( =? 158.2324):", as.numeric(crossprod(anew)),"\n") cat("Test with vector of un-named parameters\n") bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) athree <- try(myres(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y)) print(athree) cat("ss ( =? 19536.65):", as.numeric(crossprod(athree)),"\n")
Given a nonlinear model expressed as an expression of the form
lhs ~ formula_for_rhs
and a start vector where parameters used in the model formula are named,
attempts to build the the R
function for the residual sum of squares.
As a side effect, a text file with the program code is generated.
model2ssfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="myss", filename=NULL)
model2ssfun(modelformula, pvec, funname="myss", filename=NULL)
modelformula |
This is a modeling formula of the form (as in |
pvec |
A named parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) WARNING: the parameters in the output function will be used in the order presented in this vector. Names are NOT respected in the output function. |
funname |
The (optional) name for the function that is generated in the file named in the next argument. The default name is 'myss'. |
filename |
The (optional) name of a file that is written containing the (text) program code for the function. If NULL, no file is written. |
An R
function object that computes the sum of squares of the
residuals of the nonlinear model at a set of parameters.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
# a test y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myfn <- model2ssfun(f, p) cat("myfn: \n") print(myfn) # list the function cat("Compute the function at several points\n") ans <- myfn(p, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) # should be 23520.58 bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) anew <- myfn(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y) print(anew)# should be 158.2324 cat("Test with vector of un-named parameters \n") bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) athree <- try(myfn(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y)) print(athree) # should be 19536.65
# a test y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myfn <- model2ssfun(f, p) cat("myfn: \n") print(myfn) # list the function cat("Compute the function at several points\n") ans <- myfn(p, tt = tt, y = y) print(ans) # should be 23520.58 bnew <- c(b1 = 200, b2 = 50, b3 = 0.3) anew <- myfn(prm = bnew, tt = tt, y = y) print(anew)# should be 158.2324 cat("Test with vector of un-named parameters \n") bthree <- c(100, 40, 0.1) athree <- try(myfn(prm = bthree, tt = tt, y = y)) print(athree) # should be 19536.65
For a nonlinear model originally expressed as an expression of the form lhs ~ formula_for_rhs assume we have a resfn and jacfn that compute the residuals and the Jacobian at a set of parameters. This routine computes the gradient, that is, t(Jacobian) . residuals.
modgr(prm, resfn, jacfn, ...)
modgr(prm, resfn, jacfn, ...)
prm |
A parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) However, the names are NOT used, only positions in the vector. |
resfn |
A function to compute the residuals of our model at a parameter vector. |
jacfn |
A function to compute the Jacobian of the residuals at a paramter vector. |
... |
Any data needed for computation of the residual vector from the expression rhsexpression - lhsvar. Note that this is the negative of the usual residual, but the sum of squares is the same. |
calls resfn to compute residuals and jacfn to compute the
Jacobian at the parameters prm
using external data in the dot arguments.
It then computes the gradient using t(Jacobian) . residuals.
Note that it appears awkward to use this function in calls to optimization routines. The author would like to learn why.
The numeric vector with the gradient of the sum of squares at the paramters.
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) myjac <- model2jacfun(f, p) mygr <- model2grfun(f, p) gr <- mygr(p, tt = tt, y = y) grm <- modgr(p, myres, myjac, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(grm - gr)) =",max(abs(grm-gr)),"\n")
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) myjac <- model2jacfun(f, p) mygr <- model2grfun(f, p) gr <- mygr(p, tt = tt, y = y) grm <- modgr(p, myres, myjac, tt = tt, y = y) cat("max(abs(grm - gr)) =",max(abs(grm-gr)),"\n")
For a nonlinear model originally expressed as an expression of the form lhs ~ formula_for_rhs assume we have a resfn and jacfn that compute the residuals and the Jacobian at a set of parameters. This routine computes the gradient, that is, t(Jacobian)
modss(prm, resfn, ...)
modss(prm, resfn, ...)
prm |
A parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) However, the names are NOT used, only positions in the vector. |
resfn |
A function to compute the residuals of our model at a parameter vector. |
... |
Any data needed for computation of the residual vector from the expression rhsexpression - lhsvar. Note that this is the negative of the usual residual, but the sum of squares is the same. |
calls resfn to compute residuals and then uses crossprod
to compute the sum of squares.
At 2012-4-26 there is no checking for errors.
Note that it appears awkward to use this function in calls to optimization routines. The author would like to learn why.
The numeric value of the sum of squares at the paramters.
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) myssval <- modss(p, myres, tt = tt, y = y) cat("ss at (1,1,1) (should be 23520.58) = ",myssval,"\n")
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) # for testing tt <- seq_along(y) # for testing f <- y ~ b1/(1 + b2 * exp(-1 * b3 * tt)) p <- c(b1 = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1) myres <- model2resfun(f, p) myssval <- modss(p, myres, tt = tt, y = y) cat("ss at (1,1,1) (should be 23520.58) = ",myssval,"\n")
Given a nonlinear model expressed as an expression of the form lhs ~ formula_for_rhs and a start vector where parameters used in the model formula are named, attempts to find the minimum of the residual sum of squares using the Nash variant (Nash, 1979) of the Marquardt algorithm, where the linear sub-problem is solved by a qr method.
nlfb(start, resfn, jacfn=NULL, trace=FALSE, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, maskidx=NULL, control, ...)
nlfb(start, resfn, jacfn=NULL, trace=FALSE, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, maskidx=NULL, control, ...)
resfn |
A function that evaluates the residual vector for computing the elements of
the sum of squares function at the set of parameters |
jacfn |
A function that evaluates the Jacobian of the sum of squares function, that is, the matrix of partial derivatives of the residuals with respect to each of the parameters. If NULL (default), uses an approximation. ?? put in character form as in optimx?? |
start |
A named parameter vector. For our example, we could use
start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123)
trace |
Logical TRUE if we want intermediate progress to be reported. Default is FALSE. |
lower |
Lower bounds on the parameters. If a single number, this will be applied to all parameters. Default -Inf. |
upper |
Upper bounds on the parameters. If a single number, this will be applied to all parameters. Default Inf. |
maskidx |
Vector if indices of the parameters to be masked. These parameters will NOT be altered
by the algorithm. Note that the mechanism here is different from that in |
control |
A list of controls for the algorithm. These are:
... |
Any data needed for computation of the residual vector from the expression rhsexpression - lhsvar. Note that this is the negative of the usual residual, but the sum of squares is the same. It is not clear how the dot variables should be used, since data should be in 'data'. |
attempts to solve the nonlinear sum of squares problem by using
a variant of Marquardt's approach to stabilizing the Gauss-Newton method using
the Levenberg-Marquardt adjustment. This is explained in Nash (1979 or 1990) in
the sections that discuss Algorithm 23.
In this code, we solve the (adjusted) Marquardt equations by use of the
. Rather than forming the J'J + lambda*D matrix, we augment
the J matrix with extra rows and the y vector with null elements.
A list of the following items
coefficients |
A named vector giving the parameter values at the supposed solution. |
ssquares |
The sum of squared residuals at this set of parameters. |
resid |
The residual vector at the returned parameters. |
jacobian |
The jacobian matrix (partial derivatives of residuals w.r.t. the parameters) at the returned parameters. |
feval |
The number of residual evaluations (sum of squares computations) used. |
jeval |
The number of Jacobian evaluations used. |
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n")
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n")
Given a nonlinear model expressed as an expression of the form lhs ~ formula_for_rhs and a start vector where parameters used in the model formula are named, attempts to find the minimum of the residual sum of squares using the Nash variant (Nash, 1979) of the Marquardt algorithm, where the linear sub-problem is solved by a qr method.
nlxb(formula, start, trace=FALSE, data, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, masked=NULL, control, ...)
nlxb(formula, start, trace=FALSE, data, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, masked=NULL, control, ...)
formula |
This is a modeling formula of the form (as in |
start |
A named parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) |
trace |
Logical TRUE if we want intermediate progress to be reported. Default is FALSE. |
data |
A data frame containing the data of the variables in the formula. This data may, however, be supplied directly in the parent frame. |
lower |
Lower bounds on the parameters. If a single number, this will be applied to all parameters. Default -Inf. |
upper |
Upper bounds on the parameters. If a single number, this will be applied to all parameters. Default Inf. |
masked |
Character vector of quoted parameter names. These parameters will NOT be altered by the algorithm. |
control |
A list of controls for the algorithm. These are:
... |
Any data needed for computation of the residual vector from the expression rhsexpression - lhsvar. Note that this is the negative of the usual residual, but the sum of squares is the same. |
attempts to solve the nonlinear sum of squares problem by using
a variant of Marquardt's approach to stabilizing the Gauss-Newton method using
the Levenberg-Marquardt adjustment. This is explained in Nash (1979 or 1990) in
the sections that discuss Algorithm 23. (?? do we want a vignette. Yes, because
folk don't have access to book easily, but finding time.)
In this code, we solve the (adjusted) Marquardt equations by use of the
. Rather than forming the J'J + lambda*D matrix, we augment
the J matrix with extra rows and the y vector with null elements.
A list of the following items
coefficients |
A named vector giving the parameter values at the supposed solution. |
ssquares |
The sum of squared residuals at this set of parameters. |
resid |
The residual vector at the returned parameters. |
jacobian |
The jacobian matrix (partial derivatives of residuals w.r.t. the parameters) at the returned parameters. |
feval |
The number of residual evaluations (sum of squares computations) used. |
jeval |
The number of Jacobian evaluations used. |
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Nash, J. C. (1979, 1990) _Compact Numerical Methods for Computers. Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation._ Adam Hilger./Institute of Physics Publications
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n")
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n")
Print summary output (but involving some serious computations!) of
an object of class nlmrt from nlxb
or nlfb
from package
## S3 method for class 'nlmrt' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'nlmrt' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class 'nlmrt' |
... |
Any data needed for the function. We do not know of any! |
performs a print method for an object of class 'nlmrt' that
has been created by a routine such as nlfb
or nlxb
for nonlinear
least squares problems.
Invisibly returns the input object.
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
Provide a summary output (but involving some serious computations!) of
an object of class nlmrt from nlxb
or nlfb
from package
## S3 method for class 'nlmrt' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'nlmrt' summary(object, ...)
object |
An object of class 'nlmrt' |
... |
Any data needed for the function. We do not know of any! |
performs a summary method for an object of class 'nlmrt' that
has been created by a routine such as nlfb
or nlxb
for nonlinear
least squares problems.
Issue: When there are bounded parameters, nls
returns a Standard Error for each of
the parameters. However, this summary does NOT have a Jacobian value (it is set to 0)
for columns where a parameter is masked or at (or very close to) a bound. See the
code for the determination of whether we are at a bound. In this case,
users may wish to look in the inst/dev-codes
directory of this package,
where there is a script seboundsnlmrtx.R
that computes the nls()
standard errors for comparison on a simple problem.
Issue: The printsum() of this object includes the singular values of the Jacobian. These are displayed, one per coefficient row, with the coefficients. However, the Jacobian singular values do NOT have a direct correspondence to the coefficients on whose display row they appear. It simply happens that there are as many Jacobian singular values as coefficients, and this is a convenient place to display them. The same issue applies to the gradient components.
returns an invisible copy of the nlmrt object.
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
Given a nonlinear model expressed as an expression of the form lhs ~ formula_for_rhs and a start vector where parameters used in the model formula are named, attempts to find the minimum of the residual sum of squares using the Nash variant (Nash, 1979) of the Marquardt algorithm, where the linear sub-problem is solved by a qr method.
wrapnls(formula, start, trace=FALSE, data, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(), ...)
wrapnls(formula, start, trace=FALSE, data, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(), ...)
formula |
This is a modeling formula of the form (as in |
start |
A named parameter vector. For our example, we could use start=c(b1=1, b2=2.345, b3=0.123) |
trace |
Logical TRUE if we want intermediate progress to be reported. Default is FALSE. |
data |
A data frame containing the data of the variables in the formula. This data may, however, be supplied directly in the parent frame. |
lower |
Lower bounds on the parameters. If a single number, this will be applied to all parameters. Default -Inf. |
upper |
Upper bounds on the parameters. If a single number, this will be applied to all parameters. Default Inf. |
control |
A list of controls for the algorithm. These are as for |
... |
Any data needed for computation of the residual vector from the expression rhsexpression - lhsvar. Note that this is the negative of the usual residual, but the sum of squares is the same. |
first attempts to solve the nonlinear sum of squares problem by using
, then takes the parameters from that method to call nls
An object of type nls.
Special notes, if any, will appear here.
John C Nash <[email protected]>
Function nls()
, packages optim
and optimx
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") ## Not run: cat("kvanderpoel.R test\n") # require(nlmrt) x<-c(1,3,5,7) y<-c(37.98,11.68,3.65,3.93) pks28<-data.frame(x=x,y=y) fit0<-try(nls(y~(a+b*exp(1)^(-c*x)), data=pks28, start=c(a=0,b=1,c=1), trace=TRUE)) print(fit0) cat("\n\n") fit1<-nlxb(y~(a+b*exp(-c*x)), data=pks28, start=c(a=0,b=1,c=1), trace = TRUE) print(fit1) cat("\n\nor better\n") fit2<-wrapnls(y~(a+b*exp(-c*x)), data=pks28, start=c(a=0,b=1,c=1), lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, trace = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
cat("See examples in nlmrt-package.Rd\n") ## Not run: cat("kvanderpoel.R test\n") # require(nlmrt) x<-c(1,3,5,7) y<-c(37.98,11.68,3.65,3.93) pks28<-data.frame(x=x,y=y) fit0<-try(nls(y~(a+b*exp(1)^(-c*x)), data=pks28, start=c(a=0,b=1,c=1), trace=TRUE)) print(fit0) cat("\n\n") fit1<-nlxb(y~(a+b*exp(-c*x)), data=pks28, start=c(a=0,b=1,c=1), trace = TRUE) print(fit1) cat("\n\nor better\n") fit2<-wrapnls(y~(a+b*exp(-c*x)), data=pks28, start=c(a=0,b=1,c=1), lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, trace = TRUE) ## End(Not run)